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Everything posted by blim

  1. No idea, but a guess.......I wonder if you could upload the photos to Photobucket and then retrieve them back?? If not, I'd be tempted to just print off the photos! Liz
  2. Well then, Happy Birthday to Mrs. Pat Novi!!!! How cool is that? You two must have been meant for eachother! Hubby's and my birthdays are exactly 6 months apart and we think there's "something there" Liz
  3. Happy Birthdays Pat and Ryan! Hope you both have a terrific day Liz
  4. Joe, I love it! In fact, just last week I sent something to the kids and forgot to stamp it--yup, it was returned. But I didn't know if it was just because I live in a postage stamp town. What I don't understand is the 1cent price increase--seems designing and printing up new stamps and destroying unsold stamps would cost more than the rate increase. Liz
  5. Good list, Jeff and thank you. Daughter recently bought a Mac and this is teaching me the differences between what I'm used to and her newfangled idiotbox. She has already learned her *free* College music streaming program isn't Mac compatable "at this time" A tweak for number 32, just in case....Best Buy advertises Apple and wondering if their overpriced Geek Squad will set up an Apple computer in home?? And of course, "gigawatt to gigawatt", Macs are almost twice as expensive as PCs, at least that's what we discovered when looking at Dell, HP and Apple's laptops. Liz
  6. Terrorist, if you haven't gotten it yet, you are gonna get it bad! We went from record breaking heat Sunday to record breaking one day snowfall Monday. Shovelled 12-15" out of the driveway. Snowbanks are right back to over six feet. (but better than the farmland by me, they're past 10 feet)And be careful shovelling--that layer of ice makes for easy scooping but slippery footing! @#$&% snow! Liz
  7. Bearskin, as far as the Ram goes, I am running XP just fine and dandy with 256gigawatts of Ram--I know, I know.....BUT, I'm not a gamer or super-surfer, but I don't think you are, either. My idiotbox runs just fine!!! Son "guns" his idiotbox and recently upgraded it to 1 G of Ram and he is thrilled with the results....try it out with the 256 and see how it behaves before investing money in more Ram. Liz
  8. :D Copy, Paste, Spread around and thanks, Marty! Still laughing about Mexifornia Liz
  9. Seeing as the computers could see eachother for a while, maybe rebooting everything will do the trick as I found out that has worked for me-- Now, wait for the experts to make sure I have the order right...I *think* I do but I'm not 100% sure. 1. Turn off computers 2. Unplug router 3. Unplug modem if you have one Wait at least one minute....have a cup of coffee 4. plug modem back in and wait for the light to quit flashing about 5. plug router back in and also wait for the lights to settle down 6. turn computer/computers back on And see if they all behave with eachother Liz
  10. Oh, definitely passing those on, Marty, thank you! I know an Irish-Canuck who will appreciate those Happy St Patricks Day.....a wee bit early. But this is GOOD--give us more than a month to glean a good collection! Liz
  11. What a terrific first post, Tux and welcome to Besttechie's! Passing that one on! Thanks! Liz
  12. Happy Birthday, Iccaros! Hope you have a terrific day Liz
  13. Still losing time....about a half hour now. Board clock needs a good winding?? Liz
  14. It's the big one, Happy 18, Matt! Oh, how quick they grow up......Hope you have a terrific day Liz
  15. Hello, Yardo!!! Now, just so ALL the experts see what's going on with your idiotbox, please copy and paste your original post HERE in the Malware section. That way, all the pros will see what's going on. And welcome!!! I'm Blim here. Check BTs out, good place, even better people. OK, you Experts--first of all, I didn't reply in the Malware section ask Jsky (Yardo, I'm not allowed to play over here, experts only!) Secondly, Yardo is a good friend of mine from another forum. Please work your magic and I'll owe you one! *thanks and hugs* Liz
  16. Happy Birthday, Stealth! Hope you have a wonderful day!! Liz
  17. Happy Birthday, Sn3ak! Hope you have a great day Liz
  18. Older than dirt, here! (what's a Packard, was that a car?) Cute, Jsky, passing those on Liz
  19. Happy Birthday, Robroy!! Have a wonderful day, Young Man! Liz
  20. blim

    Easy Test!

    Aw I thought I was doing so good and ended up with one right--Purple finches are NOT crimson, they're deep pink!! Right? Right? At least they are pink up here...maybe it's the lack of sun up here that make them pink. At any rate, I'm counting THAT one as "right"!! Liz
  21. Happy Birthday, XCannon! Hope you have a great day Liz
  22. Happy Birthday, Sultan! Hope you have a wonderful day Liz
  23. And IF for some chance you forget to retrieve the Office key-- When we reinstalled Windows on the Possessed Gateway, I didn't know I needed a key for Office until we reinstalled it.....luckily the folks from Microsoft supplied me with a "generic key" to get Office working. I just called their 800 number Also, because now I'm curious but too chicken to try it on this PC, when we were preparing to reinstall windows98 on the PG, I double checked my activation key by looking in the Registry. Just looking!! Seems it was under "user"??? Does XP's registry have it listed? Liz
  24. Doesn't bother me any..... Threw me for a loop until I found out it wasn't something on my end. Liz
  25. I was going to ask about that because I didn't know if it was only on my end.....glad to hear it isn't. Liz