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Everything posted by blim

  1. 99 years old but could be 103 if I cut back on coffee--4 extra years ain't worth it! Coffee is a miracle drug--99 is good enough! LOL, Sultan--should we start calling you Casper? Liz
  2. Very cute! She even looks like she LIKES her outfit! Liz
  3. Charter took G4 out of the regular lineup and made it Digital only, which is fine with me as I quit watching it when the tech left. Seems their newest re-creation was a lot more like SpikeTV, which caters to "older men"...doesnt surprise me if they're promoting Adult Entertainment. Maybe they're plowing the path for their next "re-creation" Liz
  4. blim

    Hi Guys

    Marty, don't you DARE hide your Kiwi accent here! Even though I need an occasional translation, I love your way with words! And I learn so much from you--see, someday when I get to go down there, I might even be able to understand the language, thanks to you! OK, now what's Plum Duff? Liz
  5. Happy Birthday, Mychal! Have a great day Liz
  6. Adding another "you're not alone"! My "rig" (ha! I called it a rig! ) is a $299 Dell Celeron, not a gamer so OK by me! And Marty, I so admire you taking these older machines and getting them to work--keeps them outta the landfills and puts them in good hands. I salute you, sir! Bravo! We're not poor, we're THRIFTY! I've always said even if I win the Lottery, I'll have my maid hang the laundry outside; not only for the environment but because it smells so good, especially in Spring when the violets are scenting the air.... Liz
  7. blim

    Hi Guys

    "ime so full of puddy" What's Puddy??? (at the same time, almost afraid I'm asking ) Welcome to BTs Better! Glad to have you here and hope to hear a lot more from you! Just jump in! Liz
  8. Terrorist may suggest a Hot Toddy (hot water, lemon, honey, whiskey right before bedtime) but coughing up the stuff is the quickest way to get the cooties out of you! Keep drinking those liquids and take lots of vitamin C and remember, if you cold is at "cough stage", it's near the end! Feel better, Brian! Liz
  9. Gigaflop? I LOVE that word...just may retire "gigawatt" now. I remember so many Geeks telling me in 1999, when we bought the Possessed Gateway, "You will NEVER fill a 10 gigawatt, er gigaflop drive" Liz
  10. College is what caught my eye--you might want to find out if it makes a difference when it comes on College assignments as the kids have had to do a lot of online stuff for their classes. Liz
  11. Do consider Hitest's advice about how you plan on using the computer. I would LOVE to have a Mac as they're so much easier to use, but the kids' school district and now College uses Winders. Now, I know nowadays it's easier to use a Mac in a Windows World, but back when we started buying idiotboxes, it wasn't Liz
  12. Merry Christmas to everyone at Besttechies! Have a wonderful holiday and drive carefully Liz
  13. Okiedokey and thanks, Jsky--I'll install it! Liz
  14. Apparently there is a recent MS Update that doesn't play nice with IE. Today a "fix-it" update arrived. Now, if we haven't had any problems due to the original broken update, should I install the "fix it" update? Thanks! Liz
  15. Classics!!!! Thanks Sultan, sending that off Liz
  16. blim


    Ohhh, I could get in trouble with those..... I don't like any hard liquor except Cap'n Morgan's Coconut Rum but I LOVE chocolate! Thanks for the warning---now to forget Chocolate Martinis exist.... Liz
  17. Hi Jer and welcome to Besttechies!! Look here (click) for the gadget you want--folks recommend Codestuff Starter and Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel for ease of use. I must admit I've never used these gadgets (I have hardly anything on my's a "mommy computer" email and surfing...) but the experts here will chime in with any tips if needed. And another point for the experts to chime in on--I don't *think* 37 processes isn't in the realm of too many, from what I've read. But it never hurts to slim things down if you can. Liz
  18. Happy Birthday Young Lady! And hope you have a terrific day Liz
  19. Methinks Wayne is still on a sugarbuzz Chocolate cake is the only birthday cake to have!! Liz
  20. Happy Belated Birthday, Wayne! Glad you had a good day! Mmmmmm cake! Liz
  21. Happy Belated Birthday, Rock! Hope you had a terrific day Liz
  22. Happy Belated Birthdays, RJ and Chappy! Hope you had great days Liz
  23. After 98 boots up, you shouldn't have to choose shut-down and restart in DOS--when the kids played DOS games, they just inserted the game or double-clicked the icon on the desktop. But maybe XP plays naughty with 98 when it comes to DOS games?? Got out the 98 for Dummies book and it says there's "MS-DOS Prompt" and if I remember right, it's in the start/programs menu. "This remnant lets old-time computer users boss their computers around by tying in a command. It brings up an MS-DOS window, ready to run old DOS programs (and games!) In fact, it will even run Windows programs, if you're bor
  24. Ohhh, I LOVE that second tip, errrr, I mean joke! Liz
  25. groan groan Love the groaners! So I must copy/paste/email!! Liz