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Everything posted by tg1911

  1. JSKY, I might not be understanding what you are saying, but with Firefox you could center click to open individual post in there own tab. When your through with it, close it. That way the main forum is always open in its own tab.
  2. Here's a couple of links that might help you out. I don't know if you've seen these or not. It looks like, depending on what variant you have; it could be easy to remove, or a real pain in the butt. Hopefully you've got the easy one.
  3. Thanks for the warning, macmarauder.
  4. Thanks for the heads-up, WiredMonkey.
  5. Nice machine. I want one, too. WOW! Just think, you could stay on the boards, without ever having to sleep. lol
  6. Thanks for the link. Been thinking about trying out Linux. Maybe this will help me make up my mind.
  7. tg1911

    Post About Tk

    Thanks for the link. Just checked it out. That's good news. Hopefully he'll be up, and about (and back on the boards) in no time.
  8. Coooll!! Thanks for the link, CurlingSteve. The Help file was telling me how to use it, but not what to do with it. Now it makes sense. Again, appreciate the link.
  9. Not exactly sure. I'm still reading the Help files, trying to figure it out. I just read an article mentioning it, and I thought I would check it out, and pass it on. If anybody has any ideas, or tips for using it, I would appreciate any input.
  10. tg1911

    Bad Mood Day

    Off to a good start. Keep it up.
  11. Did you know that the Windows XP Home Edition contains a program called the Private Character Editor? Microsoft says that with this program it is possible to create up to 6,400 unique characters for use in your font library. The Private Character Editor is not accessible from your Start Menu, which is why you might not have known that you had it; however, it can be started up through the "Run" option that is found in your Start Menu. Click START / RUN In the Run Window that appears, type in <eudcedit> (Without the brackets) / OK The Private Character Editor's Window opens and you're rea
  12. I agree. I got it when I got Spywareblaster a couple of years ago. Works great. Can't ever have too much protection.
  13. Cropping: Open Irfanview / FILE / OPEN Select the pic you want to use / OPEN Put your mouse in the top-left corner of the area you want to crop. Click, and hold the left mouse button, and drag to the bottom-right. Release the mouse button. Now you should have a box to work with. You can "grab" the sides of this box with the left mouse button, and adjust the box to the size you need it. In the toolbar at the top, click EDIT. there you can choose CROP SELECTION. Hope this helps.
  14. tg1911

    Bad Mood Day

    Good Luck, robroy. Wish you the best. Tried before, but it just didn't happen.
  15. There are also a lot of plug-ins available for Irfanview.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up, flatiron.
  17. Thanks for the post flatiron 2. I downloaded it to install, but I think I'll hold off on it, for now.
  18. That was a good one. Maybe B should pin it. lol
  19. Got another time waster for you: Zzzzzzzzzzz
  20. No prob. Happy to be of help. Was hoping there would be a couple of them there, that you didn't have.
  21. Here's a couple of tech related ones for you, Wiredmonkey: filext.coma detailed database of file extensions and programs that use them BIOS Optimization Guide common stop messages XP Command-line reference A-Z Internet Explorer - Search index Windowsstartup.commsconfig entries explained WinTasks Process Library Webopediacomputer and Internet technology definitions Acronyms Dictionary What Is.comgeneral info Doug KnoxWindows tweaks and tips BlackviperWindows Service Configurations Annoyances.orgtweaks and tips Henry LeboeufSupport to various types of errors of the Windows platforms
  22. Yeah, I like the Onion, too. Did a quick glance at The Infamous Looks interesting, unusual stories, going to have to check it out in more detail. Here's a couple of fun ones(Sorry, no tech, unless your in the space industry. lol): Stupid Criminal Vid Computer Stupidities Earth Impact Effects Program Dumb Laws SpaceWander__no need to click anything, auto starts, lasts 12 min. Heavens-Above___Low Earth Orbit Objects
  23. This would be a good part to add to the tutorial.