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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. We suspect we may have got infected by inserting a clients flash drive which was infected. We did have autorun enabled on the computer.
  2. All we can do is laugh at life sorry to hear that
  3. formatting would be wise. If they have been stealing my info, I am already screwed. I use paypal, and credit cards on this computer all the time. Even though I have no faith in AV, I should start using it as a little extra added protection. I think I may start running Vista. i ran it for abit when it came out, but since have been using XP at work and OS X(mini) at home. Everything I do is web based, any OS works fine for me. The crazy thing is we still sell almost all of our new computers with XP. we sold about 36 new computer in the last 12 months, 3 of which were Vista. I don't think Vista
  4. I always blame my clients(politely) when they get infected. I usually say it must have been something you accidentally installed.
  5. At my work, i use this computer for very minimal stuff. I mainly just use google docs, google mail, download drivers from reputable websites. I do not ever install anything on this computer. For what it worth, I use firefox for my browsing. I have no idea how I got infected. any insight to the vector of the infection? I am not looking for help on cleaning. Here is my mbam log file. One big negative, this computer is not fully up to date with microsoft updates(maybe an unpatched vulnerability) . I was not running any AV also. I have not looked at porn on this computer. I do not use any gaming
  6. the computer seems to be running well. I don't think any damage was done.
  7. All you can do is laugh and hope for the best. edit added// so far no errors in memtest86
  8. I pulled ram out of a hot laptop today. I thought it was shut down. It still posts, hope I did not fry anything :-) edit added later// the funny thing is, I normally pull the battery and unplug it before doing anything like that. Somedays I just get lazy. That would have been an expensive mistake.
  9. you have nice looking family. Wow, 95 pounds for a pure pit is huge.
  10. He's a nice looking dog :-) You can definitely see the Shar-Pei in him(pit too)
  11. TT, if you have time, post a few pictures of your dog Pete, I am curious to see your pit mix also. Is that your ridgeback/pit mix in your signature(looks like it with the head), or is that a pure Rhodesian Ridgeback?
  12. Just weighed him yesterday(put him on the scale at the recycling center), we was 82 pounds. We suspect he is mixed with some lab, so his hair is a bit more course. We brought him to the local dog park, which has a creek. He spent the entire time in the water. He definitely loves water.
  13. I love my new family member, he is a pitbull mix;l=8578c7b113
  14. I have a client who wants a new computer. He wants it soon with Vista, but he is concerned about getting a free Windows 7 upgrade. I have a new unopened oem Vista Premium disc to use, but what are the requirements for the upgrade?. I read somewhere after July first all computers purchased with Vista do qualify for the free upgrade. Does that mean I need to buy a new OEM copy after July First. Any insight on the procedure would be helpful.
  15. This was a nice referral my company got
  16. do you have another computer in the house to test with. I would be curious to see if the computer is the issue or some internet routing issue. If you have a live linux cd, that would also work. If you are able to download the standalone installer using that, then you can look at your computer as the issue. If that also fails, then you can look at a routing(internet) problem
  17. the nick_nolte tweeks are great. I have never twittered. I may someday
  18. have you tried this. this should be the full installer.