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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. I was looking into fax service before. I think efax looks pretty good(free). I just need to fax, send or receive, something on occasion. edit added later// as to scanners. I have used a cheap $100 HP scanjet 3970 with no problems. We don't use it a lot, but have had it several years.
  2. If you want to be able to fax stuff you will either need to install a fax-modem or pay an internet fax service.
  3. Is this what you need? These instuctions are for IE6, they may be similar for IE7 tools>>IEoptions>>content>>Autocomplete>>check both options username&password on forms/prompt me to save password.
  4. You just need to edit the hosts file using notepad. Enter the following command into the "run" box(in the start menu). This will open the file with notepad notepad C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts then delete everything in the file, then just add this line: localhost save and exit
  5. What power train are you going with?these hardrives by segate get close to the speeds of 10000 rpm raptors when benchmarked.
  6. Thats odd. I wonder why it is did that. It seems illogical. Did you by any chance mix up you ide0 and ide1 cables?
  7. You just changed the power supply, right? What new hardware was XP referring to? A lot of times when the power supply goes, it takes the motherboard with it. You got lucky.
  8. We get about 25 minutes of hot shower. That is plenty for my wife and I to both take one. If my daughter gets in first(she likes 20 minutes, I don't know what she does in there), she does not leave enough for anyone else to take a full shower. edit added later// not complaining, we all mange fine. Since we have gas, it seems to heat pretty quick.
  9. Thanks for the idea. I can now start offering my customers a new service, then again, that sounds like a liability nightmare.
  10. I had a harddrive catch fire on me a few days ago. I had the side of the case off when it happened, so i was able to catch it right away before it got out of hand. TT, sorry about the computer. Look at it this way, now you can upgrade :-) You can still salvage your MS licence, that is worth $100. Technically according to the eula, assuming you have oem or upgrade, the license to use windows burned with the computer.
  11. have you tried disconnecting the computers all together just to see if it helps? My hunch is vonage may still be garbled.
  12. I used to have that same wallpaper, as far as cartoon devils go, she is cute :-) edit added later// here is my old desktop
  13. Its not ready for everyday use. My understanding is it will be a few years before it is widely used. I think vista oems are also going to be just 32bit for the time being
  14. As to the fastness, i would think 98se would be much faster then XP on similar hardware. Xp needs more power and resources just to run its self. If you are content with 98se and it does everything you want it to, their is nothing wrong with it.
  15. Here is what I would like to do. I want to get a high speed sprint pcmia internet card for my laptop. I then want to be able to use my laptop as an access point for other computers when I do mobile computer jobs. Can my onboard ethernet port be used as a wan port for other computers to plug into it? Ideally I want my computer to act as a dhcp server.
  16. A clean install of XP should have fixed the problem. Do you know if you used restore disks or did you use a regular windows xp install disk to do the reinstall?
  17. You mentioned 5 minute bootup on another thread. If it was an option, I would recommend reloading your windows installation, that would make your computer run like new. If that is not an option, somebody may be able to help you fix this problem.
  18. I always have to remind myself of the same thing. I used to mess up my dads stuff horribly.
  19. Have you tried to manually change your paging file size? giving it 768mb is recommended how to change paging file size
  20. according to crucial the dv4000 has both a ddr and a ddr2 version dv4000 memory I am certain you have ddr2 memory, but I wonder why their seems to be two different dv4000 models available.
  21. Just curious, do you have a link to the memory that does not fit ? You must not have that style :-)
  22. I realize that more likely the corsair memory selector is correct, but I am having my doubts. I am probably going to put my foot in my mouth, but here goes. Isn't the original memory as quoted above ddr2 style? I also thought that pentium-m computers used ddr2. ddr 333 (pc2700) may not be the correct memory needed.
  23. Their is both 200 pin ddr and 200 pin ddr2. They are notched differently. edit added later// I just compared ddr to ddr2 memory. The notch is maybe just a 32th of an inch different.
  24. its still just x86 hardware. it should run xp just as well as something more modern. The only difference is speed. As to drivers, XP supports all of the older chipsets well. I personally don't see any problem with older hardware running xp.