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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. you can also make a new shortcut uisng the wizzard xp has, it is really easy. just r-click on the desktop, choose "new", then choose "shortcut" . I wizard will give you a browsing window to browse to the original file. You will need to link to the executable(looks like the icon). these are usually located in C:\program files
  2. xp has something called desktop cleanup wizard, I think this will run randomly. If you want to run it now, r-click on the desktop, and choose "run desktop cleanup wizard". I think this will put all unused icons in a folder for you. edit added later// it is under "arrange desktop items"
  3. I googled for this first, but am haveing trouble sifting thru the correct info, I found this link I always slowdown at this point in putting together my computers. for example the internal motherboard speaker, is the red or black positive(home wiring black is positive). I would guess the speaker would work even if I reversed it(I just read in the tutorial it does not matter). also with the led connecters, are the colored wires positve, and the negative white(that is my hunch). According to the tutorial they say black is negative(opposite of
  4. you can also run it as regular user, but you will need to enter the full path to the command /sbin/ifconfig
  5. I found the reason why my method using command substitution and braces does not work. normally items in braces seperated by commas expand with spaces(like I needed) shane@mainbox ~ $ echo {dfg,jjk} dfg jjk but when I use command substitution in braces it does not behave the same way. I wonder if the maintainers of bash left out being able to use command substituion in braces for a specific reason? shane@mainbox ~ $ echo {`echo dfg,ghh`} dfg,ghh this code works whereis -B $(echo $PATH | tr ":" " ") -f kate
  6. you could use qtparted on the knoppix cd. It can resize ntfs, and do everything most everything Partition Magic can do(maybe more)
  7. I notice the whereis command does not use your $PATH variable. In particular it did not find the location of kate. So I decided to try and write an alisas that uses your $PATH variable. this code works shane@mainbox ~ $ whereis -B {/usr,/usr/bin,/usr/kde/3.4/bin} -f kate kate: /usr/kde/3.4/bin/kate I would think this would also work, but it does not shane@mainbox ~ $ whereis -B {`echo $PATH | tr ":" ","`} -f kate kate: I would think the above code would expand to this, which does work shane@mainbox ~ $ whereis -B {/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/bin,/usr/qt/3/bin,/usr/kde/3.4/bin,/usr/kde/3.3/bin}
  8. I was reading this post on an other forum here is my understaning of the boot process. The first program ran is init. Init first reads /etc/inittab to determine what runlevel to use. To make this script he wants to work, wouldn't you have to change the whole way the system boots, this seems like a tough thing to do. Wouldn't init have to ignore /etc/inittab, then instaed follow this "shell script" to tell it what runlevel to start. For this to work, would you have to rewrite the init program?
  9. both phone lines are working well . Thanks
  10. thanks for the link, I also found this color guide
  11. is disconected the two phonelines at the box(the part where where customes are allowed). I forgot which way they were on I have two lines, the first line is red and green, the second line is yellow and black. Which ones are the positives edit added later// after some googling it apears they are not positive and negative, something about a tip[ and a ringer. Hmm. I really am regretting not looking longer.
  12. I just found this one a few days ago. I have not used it much, but it looks really promising. The book gives lots of examples.
  13. It is becoming or already is a very popular, main stream language. I am sure you have heard of the program bittorrent, that was written in python. I know google, yahoo, nasa just to name a few, all use python.
  14. ya they confuse me, espessially c and c++. I personally like python, it is very high level and fairly easy to use. Unlike c, you do not have to do everything(memory allocation and whatnot). It seems like a good starter language. It is very flexible, you can even do nice gui stuff. I think I have read that a python program uses about 1/4 of the code of a similar c program. I like fast results. I find it best to figure out a small task you want done, and try and write it. Projects seem like the best way to learn.
  15. is their any way to get the podcast without itunes. Is a podcast a rss file?
  16. since yesterday it has been real bad for me. I am getting " could not be found" errors. Hopefully it clears up on its own.
  17. Turn it up a little bit at a time. there will come a point where it will start behaving erratic. Once you find the point where it is unstable, move it back a few notches. Watch the temp on the processor.
  18. are any of you still having problems with loading I have had about a 30-60% success rate today, while the first half of the day I was not able to log on at all. Just curious if this is just me or not.
  19. I have not been able to get on all day, until now, its about 3:30pm central time. Even now I have not been able to get it to load every time.
  20. the line above will probably work in most situations, but haveing it search for " / ", instaed of "/" is leaving room for a song to screw it up, below is a much better was to do it, I just removed the spaces os.rename(v_generic_song_list[i], new_name_list[i].replace('/','-')+ "." +extention)
  21. It is loading sometime, but not at all other times. it is now midnight
  22. I was ripping some discs and had one fail in the renaming process. If the CDDB data base returns a song with a '/' in the title it will cause the script to fail. if you change line 425 from os.rename(v_generic_song_list[i], new_name_list[i]+ "." +extention) to os.rename(v_generic_song_list[i], new_name_list[i].replace(' / ','-')+ "." +extention) this should fix it @naraku9333 I would bet money that is what caused the faliure on you disc here is a updated version with the corrected code
  23. fixing windows computers(and getting paid) would be great. fixing and setting up linux computers(and getting paid) would be a dream :-) As for commercial linux business, I can convert old units to video players. I have done 500mhz celeron systems with 65 mb of memory that will serve movies(mpegs 4s) directly to the tv(uses composite or svidio) and serve movies to two other computers in the house with out any jerkyness on any of the movies. The cpu load is only about 60%. I was thinking about showing people my freevo box, and offering to build them one. freevo as
  24. this is my old bsd desktop, I made an effort to make it look nice this is my current linux system, boring, but I like it