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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. when I log onto my linux file server running samba, even from XP home, I have to enter a name and password. The only thing lacking(in xp home) is it will not remember my name and password. after every reboot I need to enter it again.
  2. I don't think chappy was mocking anyone, he was just trying to be funny
  3. I don't have an opinion on key loggers, I have never used one. But you got me curious, who did your sister swear at, I can't imagine an isp really caring, so long as you are not doing something criminal
  4. so is saving my password consisdered complex file sharing
  5. I noticed on my XP pro computer, there is an option to save name and password when accessing my linux samba server(I think windows just sees it as a windows computer). On my xp home computer , that option(a check box to save name and password) is not available. Is it possible to enable this feature in my xp home machine. I thought maybe this could be done witha registry setting. edit// I reposted this with a corrected title
  6. like an i/o error? that could be a cdrom that is misbehaving
  7. I am sure you already found this page, it seems to have some info. It seems only uncompressed avi video will work, or it has to be compressed in a special format. Sorry I do nto have anything more useful to tell you. edit added later// I must have posted the same time as you
  8. I think you would call .avi, more of a wrapper(probably a wrong term), not really a codec. I guess I am trying to say there is no "regular .avi". I did some quick googling, but could not find any specific info on which form of mpeg 4 ipod linux could handle, probably XvID
  9. you can't decompress it, but you can reencode it to a differnt format; you will lose quality doing this. What format does it need to be in?
  10. you could probably but windows on the slave spot also, it may even be easier. I would have suggested doing it the same way naraku9333 did it. I mainly based this desision on old habits of windows xp needing to boot from the master. You may get lucking placing ubunu on the master, xp on the slave, then just editing your /etc/fstab to point to xp. Then just add this to the bottom of your menu.lst file title Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition root (hd1,0) savedefault makeactive chainloader +1 if this does not work, the way naraku9333 posted will work for sure :-)
  11. Thanks everyone for your input :-) one last thought, will an XP home sp1 oem disk work with a computers key that came preinstalled with XP home sp2?
  12. I am just trying to figure out the most commonly used way the computer repair shops reinstall windows. I am assuming toms of people bring in computers who need windows xp reinstalled, but do not have restore disks. thanks for your sugggestion :-) **sarcasm**
  13. lets say a dell computer comes preinstalled with an XP sp2, I don't think I am able to use my OEM XP sp1 cd with the COA of a computer that says OEM sp2, or can I?
  14. A very nice explanation :-) I noticed this part, that does not seem right mkdir /mnt/hdb mount /dev/hdb /mnt/hdb you just have the generic listing of the drive, you need to specify a paritiion, assuming ubuntu is installed in the first partition, it would be like this mkdir /mnt/hdb mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb
  15. I know this has been asked in similar threads, but I do not feel it was fully answered. I own the following OEM versions of windows XP: sp1 home, sp2 home, sp1 professional, sp2 professional. Since computers that are sold with XP preinstalled are OEM versions, shouldn't the key that is on the COA of any of these computers(dells, emachines, etc..) work with the corresponding XP OEM disk to do a reinstall in most(all) instances?
  16. what partition is your / and /boot on, for example /dev/hda2, and /dev/hda1. they will be listed in your /etc/fstab file
  17. sure, you can do this. You can leave XP on the primary(first ide device) and ubuntu on your master(second ide device). You will have to reinstall grub on the mbr of your master(the one with xp). I will have some instructions later, have to run an errand.
  18. It sounds like you installed ubuntu on a different computer. So now you wnat to add that harddrive that already has ubuntu installed to you xp computer. does it actually need to be the primary drive, or do you just want ubuntu to boot by default, but have the option of booting XP. Is my understanding above correct, if so i can give you some instuctions :-)
  19. does Aron have a major yet, what year is he in?
  20. I will do just fine :-) To be honest, there is a lot I have not ever done, but am confident I can figure anything out. I have a brain and natural instinct to make things work. My customers will leave happy, because they got good service, and at a good price. I own a copy of xp sp1 and xp sp2 oems. I assumbed I can use these with the cd key on the coa of the computer I am working on. I have used this method in the past, but was wondering if there is a better way. your solution of buying multiple licences, does not make any sence. The people already own a licence, that one that came with there c
  21. I am going into business doing repair in febrauary, so I am sure I will be doing this alot. Are you saying to use the key that is on the COA of the computer you want to reformat, or the key that came with the cd(the one you said to borrow) you are using to install it?
  22. I had an hp computer that came preinstalled with windows XP. I later installed linux on that computer. I since built a new computer, and installed with an oem disk and the cd key from my hp computer. All I had to do was call microsoft and tell them what I did, and they activated it.