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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. shanenin


    samba, will allow simple fie sharing, similar to windows file sharing edit added later// sorry I did not read your whole post. Samba will not do what you need.
  2. thanks naraku9333 for giving it a try I made some last minute changes in haste. I used the word lame where i needed toolame. The following change will fix it. if you change this line 381 if 'lame' in v_installed_progs: to if 'toolame' in v_installed_progs: What happened when you ran it on your 64 bit system, did you get errors? As simple of a program as it is, I would not of thought it would make any difference
  3. I did one crappy job of explaining it. It rips music from cds and converts them to ogg, or mp3. To use mp3 you do need to have either lame or toolame installed. I changed the initial post a little to better state its purpose.
  4. I take pride in breaking my systems on a regular basis. That is how you learn. You can always reinstall. As to learing. I find it is best to start a project that is a little past your skill level. Then you are forced to learn if you want it to succeed. To back up what naraku9333 said, get used to using bash(the command line). Start copying files, looking around using the ls and cd command. Do everything thing possible using the command line, you will find it fun after a while. My main advice: just enjoy the ride(that goes for linux and life in general)
  5. just curious, what kind of business?
  6. I agree, I love exersizing my brain
  7. I have just finished my very crude version of pythonrip. It ripps music form audio cds and converts them to ogg or mp3. I would greatly appreciate any help with testing it. I realize there are other programs that do the same thing, like Grip. Since mine is command line only, it will run on any system that has python and cdparanoia installed, no gui needed. One of the features of my program is this. It looks up all of the somg data online and names the songs appropriatley. It makes the titles more *nix(bash) friendly, by removing all spaces and replacing them with underscores. It also makes
  8. this should work open up a terminal and enter the following su mkdir /mnt/samba mount -t smbfs //hostname/sharename /mnt/samba now you can just copy all of the files over to /mnt/samba
  9. sounds like the burning idea should work fine :-)
  10. The problem with burning a disc would be the need of two disc drives, one for the live cd and one for the cd to be burned. Maybe there are linux distros that will allow you to save enough of the os to memory to allow swapping, I am not sure though. My first choice would be to use a portable usb drive(harddrive or flash) that has been formatted fat32. then it would be an easy solution to copy the files over. My second choice would be to connect it to another windows computer and use samba filesharing to send the files over the network. Samba sometimes can be quirky, but it should work fine.
  11. shanenin


    nothing else really to worry about, just go for it. Remember, make sure you leave space as unallocated for the ubuntu installer to install in.
  12. shanenin


    just to clarify my last statement. Linux will have no problem playing music files that are on your windows NTFS drive. It can read(not write) NTFS great. The shared fat partition would come in handy if you say for example, wrote a document on linux. If you saved it to the fat32 partition, then you could also read it from windows. @your question partition magic should work fine. Just remember, do not use it to make your linux partition. Leave space as "unallocated", then the linux installer will automaically install in that space for you.
  13. shanenin


    I love coffee, or better yet the kick it gives me. About a third of my cup down, I can feel the caffeine changing my outlook on the day. It is scary how much coffee can alter my mood. This is coming from a hopeless(recovered) meth addict, who fully appresciates stimulates. Caffeine is the only mood altering drug I can enjoy to day, so I enjoy it to the fullest. AHH the cool rush of caffeine :-)
  14. shanenin


    That sounds like a good plan. I would reccomend the following: make about 3gbs for you pagefile, 10 gbs fat32, and leave the rest unallocated. When you goto install linux it will give you the option to install linux in unalocated space. The fat32 partition can be shared between linux and windows, with full write access from linux or winodws. Any files you create in linux can be shared with winodws.
  15. shanenin


    I think you can mix a harddrive and dvdrive, but the hard drive will run very slow, that might not be a good option. Maybe someone else would have a more sure opinion on this. I commend you for wanting to put linux on your fast system. All to oftem linux ends up on the persons 233mhz system, while windows runs on the 3.0 p4. Is it a possibilty to make 10 gbs of space on one of your currently installed drives?
  16. most distributions will allow you to make a boot floppy. After making the floppy, it will tell the computer to boot from the cd
  17. if the bios is letting you choose to boot from cdrom, it would leave me to beleive that maybe your disc is not burned correctly. Just for a test, do you have a windows cd, will it boot from that?
  18. I have pretty much gave up on making a nice looking desktop. I have the default grey background with one firefox icon on it. I have pretty much spent all of my computer time playing with code, python and bash. here is my desktop
  19. I started for the reason I posted first(wanting to learn), but stick with it becasue I can change it any way I want. No part of the os is hidden from me(unlike windows). Linux is the ultimate os for user choice.
  20. leo once said, "if you really wnat to learn how computers work, use linux". That is the reason I enjoy it.
  21. Just running it will not cause any changes to your harddrive. it does contain utilities that could alter your drive, but you specifically have to run them, and with root privledges. For example knoppix contains a program call qtparted, it is similar to partition magic. So long as you do not run it, it will not cause changes
  22. choose in your burning program, "burn as an image" .
  23. maybe it would be better to do this testvar = 5 def test(_testvar): print _testvar test(testvar)
  24. I would like to write good code, it is so east to start writing crap. Is the following bad. lets say I have the following code testvar = 5 def test(testvar): print testvar test(testvar) is it a bad practice to use the name of a variable or function in the definition of function, in particular for naming the parameter. This would seem useful to help document what is happening in your code(helps me remember). It does not seem to cause any problems