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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. shanenin

    C++ Or Python

    I would say python myself. It is a joy to use. You can make something useful with python without a whole lot of experience. that makes it very satisfying to use. I think I read you can make a similar parogram in python using 1/5 the code needed with c++ this guy wrote a much more elequent explanation on learning python first you will need to install python on your computer. There are ways to make executables using something called py2exe, for example, Bittorent is a python app that uses p2exe to mae it an executable.
  2. shanenin

    Any Way...

    you can't beat python for ease of use and fast results. to write to a file, this is as simple as it gets file = open("filesw.ini", "w") file.write("text to be written, gos here")
  3. thanks for the suggestions :-) As far as I can tell the first option does not seem to be supported with windows xp home. It just may be user(me) error, I will see if i can make it work.
  4. that works great for startup, but I need it to happen when I log out :-) I want to automate my backup procedure. At backing up at shutdown it will not slow my bootup times.
  5. Is there a way to execute a batch file or any other program automatically at logout or shutdown using xp home?
  6. I tried to do something different, it still seems quite faster. I searched for all files containing the string 'the' in the titile, and are more then 1mb in size. To keep it even I had windows search all hidden and system folders also. this python script did it in 18 seconds, the windows search feature did it in 48 seconds. import os def pysearch(word): for i in os.walk('c:/'): for j in i[2]: if j.rfind(word) != -1: base = os.path.abspath(i[0]) full_path = "%s\%s"%(base, j) if os.path.getsize(full_path) >= 1024000:
  7. when I post to multiple forums, I alway TRY to update my results to all of them. It just seems like good forum ettiquete. I am sure I for get plenty
  8. I have been messing around with searching for files on a computer(using python). I wanted to search for all files on my c drivce that end with '.avi'. this little script found them in 16 seconds. A similar search with windows search feature took 50 seconds. import os for i in os.walk('c:/'): for j in i[2]: if j.endswith('.avi'): base = os.path.abspath(i[0]) print "%s\%s"%(base, j) raw_input('enter retrun to exit')
  9. did you find a key, or did you use a method to retreive it, just curious?
  10. when you say you set it to 200mhz on the board, that might mean you set it to 400mhz. athlon use double data rate. most of the time setting it to 200mhz on the board, is like setting the FSB to 400mhz(double data rate). By any chance are the settings on you board giving in increments like 166mhz and 200mhz, that would mean your borad supports 333 mhz and 400 mhz.
  11. sure xp may freak out if you change the motherboard, but FSB speeds between duron and xps are quite different. I don't think durons run faster then 200mhz FSB, while the athlon xps run between 266 -400.
  12. I could not find the specs for that board, but I got the impression it does not support lower FSB speeds. accoding to this remark so it looks like you will get stuck buying a better cpu. Since you have a board that supports it, that is a nice fairly cheap upgrade.
  13. why is that. It is all about prioritys, maybe he would rather spend his free time doing something other then learning html. I have to build a websight soon, in all honesty I do not want to learn html, although it will probably happen. I would much rather spend my time playing with python code.
  14. wow, that seems really extreme. You would not think it would be so buggy on your system.
  15. have you checked the case. usually there is a COA(sticker), that has the key on it
  16. oxymoron above :-) cool, I never used the info command before. I fond this 6.3.2 Is this Shell Interactive? -------------------------------- To determine within a startup script whether or not Bash is running interactively, test the value of the `-' special parameter. It contains `i' when the shell is interactive. For example: case "$-" in *i*) echo This shell is interactive;; *) echo This shell is not interactive;; esac it just is
  17. shane@mainbox ~ $ echo $- himBH make no sence to me
  18. what does this line do if [[ $- = *i* ]] shane@mainbox ~ $ echo $- himBH
  19. if you read the top of the file it says that will break scp
  20. I am not sure where to put it one my gentoo system. If I use /etc/profile, it does not seemed to get sourced the first time I open a shell, when I first open an xterm fortune does not run. But if I change to user of root using '-' , like su - shane, then fortune runs. I hardly use scp, so maybe I will just leave it in my .bashrc
  21. what is the proper way to run fortune. I currently have the fortune command at the bottom of my .bashrc file. It seems to work well, but I read this warning in my .bashrc # /etc/skel/.bashrc: # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/skel/.bashrc,v 1.8 2003/02/28 15:45:35 azarah Exp $ # This file is sourced by all *interactive* bash shells on startup. This # file *should generate no output* or it will break the scp and rcp commands. so i am guessing since fortune produces output, this could cause problems. I know slackware uses forture, I wonder what method that distro uses.
  22. that sounds like a good idea, resizing a partition is a risky maneuver.
  23. that just backs up my theory. I think adreneline causes a release of endorphins. I noticed when you inject a large quantiy(300 - 500 miligrams) of methamphetamine. You would get an intense relaxed and euphoric feeling, almost sleepy(this was just temporary). methamphetamine casues a mass release of adrenaline, which the body then releases endorphins(my gut feeling) to counter the effects of the adrenaline. In a normal flight of fight response your body needs to kill all pain, so you are able to run or fight, so it releases the best pain killer around, endorphins :-)
  24. that may work just fine :-) your question was about not being able to use the search feature in safemode. So I suggested searching first in regular mode, to find it. Then with the information of its location, then delete in safemode.