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Everything posted by bozodog

  1. Set 'em up folks.... I'm scheduled for surgery on my wrist the 31st... Gotta quit smoking for 10 weeks or so and I will be in a cast for 7. Bleh! Don'cha know I'm gonna get fatter? *lubes the fridge door and removes all sharp objects from the house...... Sweet Brit is quiting with me. Akkkkk!
  2. Not true Dan72. A hard shutdown can and will cause problems on your hard drive. When you shut down properly the HDD "parks" the head. If you just cut the power the head stops "wherever" and can cause damage to that sector of the plates.
  3. New Rule #1: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you didn't like them 25 years ago! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn. New Rule #2: There's no such thing as flavoured water. Flavoured water is a soft drink. You want flavoured water? Pour some scotch over ice and let it melt. That's real flavoured water. New Rule #3: Competitive eating isn't a sport. It's one of the seven deadly sins. ESPN recently televised the US Open of Competitive Eating, because watc
  4. Ok, folks. My paw doctor has decided I need surgery to fix my wrist. the BAD thing is he want's me to quit smoking for at least 10 weeks or so. If you catch me in here stuffing my face..... chase me over to the bar please? So I can drown my nicotine fits instead of burying them in calories.
  5. A priest, a Pentecostal preacher and a Rabbi all served as chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would get together two or three times a week for coffee and to talk shop. One day, someone made the comment that preaching to people isn't really all that hard. A real challenge would be to preach to a bear. One thing led to another and they decided to do an experiment. They would all go out into the woods, find a bear, preach to it, and attempt to convert it. Seven days later, they're all together to discuss the experience. Father Flannery, who
  6. Set 'em up! Doubles all around. Lets get Mac outta his funk! *fills the r00m with cheetos just for Mac..... *hangs streamers... fires up the disco lights and strobes.... PARTY TIME!
  7. Mac!!!!! You must remember. You are NOT alone! And you are NOT so different! Just stop this thinking and get on with this glorious thing we call life. You can't tell me, if you sat down and made a list, that you couldn't find many things that made your day. You entertain all of us here in the cafe and you are great with your cartoons and videos. What the hell is the problem? We all have our days, problems, "down-n-outs", but we go on.... I like to think a day is successful if I can make just one persons day better. With a smile, a thank you, a joke, or a helping hand. If I do that while earn
  8. One question..... Does it list the offence? Could be your neighbor was just busted for approching a prostitute.... ~Busted~!
  9. bozodog


    Yeah, we lost 10 min too.. Was the football game running late.
  10. prevex nagged me to death! And so did winPatrol. Although I liked the little doggie. :-) I'm not so sure either is needed if you have the standard arsenal of protection, like SpyBot, SpywareGuard....a good AV.... etc....
  11. Did you know that in the human body there is a nerve that connects the eyeball to the anus? It's called the Anal Optic Nerve, and it is responsible for giving People a shitty outlook on life. If you don't believe it, try to pull a hair from your ass and see if it doesn't bring a tear to your eye.
  12. bozodog


    Recorded the 2 hours last nite and we plan to watch all 4 tonite!! Gooo Jack!
  13. Liz, know what you mean. Ya gotta HATE the color commentary using up valuable viewing time. Wait until the Olympics... talk about *fluff*
  14. Halon is still being used and recomended for boats and in racecars. It's best property is that it's heavier than air. So it floods a closed compartment from the bottom up and tends to stay put.
  15. Dell? AOL? Heh Earthlink was the same. Everytime I ventured into new territory, Earthlink was there....
  16. TV Guide. endless possibilities.......
  17. Wow! And people believe we're alone out here? Dunno bout that... Warning, it took almost a minute to load on 3meg cable.
  18. There is always some "drop off" with long cables. Noise from interference, depending on the quality of the cable could be a problem. I'd try one or two songs for quality. And move one (computer) or the other (turntable) to get the best copy you can.
  19. See my other post. From what I can find ALL cable modems are stand alone boxes. Dial-up modems are internal via the PCI slot.
  20. I can't seem to find an "internal" cable modem. This site shows all the certified boxes out... All look like stand alones.
  21. Mac, sorry you're having problems coping. The best medicine is keeping busy. Not just in your shop, because that will become a "chore" you'll soon want to avoid. Keep that as a hobby. A job, any-dang-kinda job will do. I know you are qualified for many jobs, even over qualified. But you know those can be high pressure to perform. How about something kewl? Like driving a taxi? Delivering pizzas... a menial, mindless factory job. What about taking a "basket weaving" class? I mean something that interests you but worldly. Landscaping maybe? Bird watching.. bonzi trees... Hell, maybe you can teac
  22. Mmmmm, hot nuts. Many taverns around here have a machine that keeps cashews, redskins, and spanish nuts hot for serving. De-e-elisch. Spaeking of peanuts.... We grow them here, why are they so dang expensive? Cripe! I can get a good cut of meat for the same price as a pound of nuts.... My hubby says he won't buy them, because in the UK they are less than half the price as here. What's up with that? *subsidies? Hmmmm?* Like I grow 2000 acres of peanuts and can't make a living for my family... Bleh. (but I can own/owe millions of $$ of equiptment) I'll have a diet coke to go please, off to wo
  23. Hahahaha! That is too very funny. Sending it off to all my horsie freinds.