Bubba Bob

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Everything posted by Bubba Bob

  1. I was up in Dallas this weekend, where was my Invite Pete? I got back home today. Neighboor otld me we got 2 inches of snow... in Texas... in April. Amazing. Sounds like yall had some good food. I bet your neighboors like being near you. hehe
  2. Hey Pat, thank you for those links! Im goin through them right now. Thanks Liz, I joined a local chapter of Freecycle, but the problem with this stuff is most of it is pure scrap. Most of these cases are missing parts, most of the internal components probably dont work. These old servers work, but they suck up way too much electricty by today's standards for the amount of processing power they have. These monitors will probably go fairly fast atleast. Followed by the PSUs. My local waste control has no way of handling this type of stuff, *that I know of*. Ill probably give them a call just
  3. Hey guys, Ive got around 40 or so computer cases I need to get rid of. These computers have various items inside (ex, motherboards, PCI cards, PSUs, etc) I also have a coupe large servers, monitors, some power back ups, and various other items I need gone. Ive contacted metal recyclers, but most won't take these items. Ive come across no recylcers in this area that will take them. ANy suggestions on what I can do with this pile? Thanks
  4. I hope you can find another job soon. Where was this your working at now?
  5. Well duh. I wasn't thinkin. I remember I used to live on an FM road but my mailign address was a route number. Apparently the person that gave me the Route number wasnt thinking either. What do they have up in Oklahoma I wonder... County Roads? Thanks guys
  6. Yes, the physical locations are generally off. Usually they get my close though. The address im looking up is in a diff. state altogether and I cant even find this so called "Rural Route". In Texas they call em county roads or just "Route". This address is in Oklahoma... So im not too familar. So, drop the numbers, how do I even enter the Road? Haha
  7. Hey guys, how do i correctly enter the following address into a mapping program? (im using MS Street and Trips) Rural Route xxx, Box/House xxx, City, ST I cnat seem to get MS S&T to find it. Thank Yall
  8. He came back to see us w/o needin help. Hehehe Congrats on the 3rd un. Kid that is. Congrats on the wife to. I hope yall are able to grow old (and out) together. Not having to kill any tyme now huh?
  9. http://www.google.com/tisp/ I hope it comes around here.
  10. Have to make things complicated dont you? I have no clue...
  11. Seems to be a common problem... Quick, find the guy and get his head out of his @$$ before he suffocates.
  12. http://www.abstractfonts.com/font/5648
  13. Hey Bozo, Ill have to give some of that stuff a try. Whats there to lose? heh For now she's goin to my mechanic on Friday for a new oil pump and to check the bearing clearences. I hope she passes and the oil pump was the problem
  14. Dcut tape? No doubt about it, you're from Tennessee! Just remember, he's trading for some reason also... You may or may not know that reason. Just something to think about. I hope it works out for ya.
  15. Glad to hear Handplane... Go rest and light a match or two.
  16. Is this it? http://www.diamondheavyhaul.com/Super%20Du...Transporter.htm
  17. This is an interesting story... A 330,000 pount trailer is stuck at a Washington State weigh station because its 13K pounds over weight. Plus the weight is not distributed amoung the axles corecctly enough to please em. Heh, a 330,000 trailer is 13,000 pounds over weight. Its like being chased down for going 3 cents over on the gas pump and not going back in to pay up. Im no expert, but Im pretty sure Uhaul would consider this abuse of equipment. Maybe Ryder? http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/loca...ebbridge24.html http://www.krem.com/topstories/stories/KRE...ge.df5b8b9.html
  18. Wait. You had to put a disc in for your "Web Browser"? Is this an ISP(internet service provider) supplied disc? What type of internet do you have? Ex Cable, DSL, Dial Up...
  19. Did you take that yourself?
  20. HAHA! Good find Bozo! Most quite true...
  21. Very Nice! Congrats on the new "pad". Looking forward to those pictures
  22. 3 months. I just need this engine to last me 3 months. So, for now Im just going to give it a bandaid This engine still pulls strong, and doesn't knock so Im not really too consirned. 200K miles on a clutch is pretty durn good. But im sure it was just a fluke