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Everything posted by Dan72

  1. Happy Birthday antonio I hope you are OK (he has not been on for a few months )
  2. Dan72

    25 Years!

    congrats and hope for allot more
  3. I can read it just fine am I ok?
  4. maybe the free space comes from windows erasing all the system restore files
  5. Happy Birthday baker
  6. Congrats Brian, I hope you like your new ride and it works out ok
  7. I am saving big $$ with the lower gas prices ,I went from having to draw money out of my account in the middle of the week to survive to a surplus of money at the end of the pay week now and i filled up my vehicle for the first time last week http://autos.msn.com/everyday/GasStationsBeta.aspx
  8. I walked a block or less to a catholic school gym ,they had 2 precincts there voting ,went to mine ,gone to the appropriate table ,signed a piece of paper,got the ballot ,went to a booth and voted ,the ballots was just a large piece of thick paper ,had to black out the appropriate marks and put it in a machine took about 15 min max
  9. I know about that reading off a script tech support from india ,at&t does the same crap come to find out at&t cut my dsl line
  10. Dan72


    welcome to BT
  11. congrats brian lets pray and hope for No RROD
  12. Dan72


    Congrats Matt
  13. Have fun Jeff *whistles the love boat theme*
  14. Nah.....it'll cap off at $4.99.9 Another possible scenario: The oil companies will start using the metric system (like the rest of the world already does) and sell gas for $1.95 per liter. A lot of people, being somewhat "mathematically challenged" , will think the prices dropped and then buy even bigger gas guzzlers. or they can sell it at $1.20 /QRT
  15. OH crap i hope that wont happen
  16. Dan72


    LOL snorted coke