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Everything posted by Dan72

  1. Rest in peace TT_75(whiskeyman) , I knew him from the techtv, here, g4 ad causehead boards , he was always helpful
  2. I forgot to post here on my 10th Member Since 12 Nov 2004
  3. Dan72


    Those spammers make multiple accounts . At g4 forums me and some of the moderators watch for new accounts and if they came from India or China we would pre ban them before they got a chance to spam
  4. And a Happy 10th to those who joined the first fay
  5. Dan72

    Spam posters

    Most of them at g4 came from India and China
  6. WOOOOT 10 year anniversary tomorrow , so who is going to start the party thread ? I hope we have lots of people on then
  7. Dan72

    Spam posters

    I would like to volunteer to be a spam remover , I was a moderator at the G4 forums and banned my fair share of spam I am on most of the time and check here regularly .
  8. Social media killed the forums

    1. Dan72


      and it killed the revision3 forums also

  9. I would upgrade to at least vista or 7 , Im sure you can find a cheap disk since 8 is out . But if you want to stick with XP you might find a package download for all updates but start with the service packs first I found this program while searching http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/xp_update_extender.html but use this with caution
  10. In about 5 months is besttechies 10th anniversary , hopefully there will be a great reunion for it
  11. I occasionally come here and check on things but BT looks dead , I would definitely post more if others did Because of facebook and twitter the overall forum members has been falling unless its a niche one
  12. Hey flash , congrats in the new puter , you should put linux on there to
  13. There is another petition that reached 100k so the WH has to respond to it
  14. Dan72

    Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving BTers
  15. Dan72

    Mr. President

    Have a Happy Birthday El Jeffe
  16. Dan72

    B Day

    according to his profile he has not logged in since the end of 2009 http://www.besttechie.com/forums/user/140-tymekyller/ but if you do log in Happy Birthday
  17. I decided to get a refurbed lenovo thinkpad t61 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834312603
  18. The laptop has to run flash HD videos smoothly , Hard drive size don't matter , at least 2 gb ram ,14 in. or larger On newegg they have a few refurbished laptops most of them are Dell latitudes , Does anyone have experiences with dells ? http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100006740%204017&IsNodeId=1&name=%24100%20-%20%24200
  19. Dan72


    Happy Birthday Brian
  20. Rest in peace Link to Obituary Link to his profile here
  21. This is my oldest online forum account now

  22. I am going to link to these forums also in my sig although I have not been on much here but mostly lurked but i will be on more often My name at g4 forums is Lamon BTW the forums looks nice
  23. I had a Valencia orange ,it was meh what is the sweetest orange out there?