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Everything posted by Dan72

  1. wow makes me kinda scared to go swimming in lakes
  2. Dan72

    Clever Cat

    now to toilet train em
  3. Happy 3rd Birthday Besttechie
  4. Happy Birthday Dragon you and blim think alike bar.
  5. for a second there i thought it was real but i know your humor so i read through and seen the funny last line
  6. time is money brian, i would charge but keep it under the table
  7. the long bridge pic is my favorite
  8. sorry to hear about your loss and congrats on the new cat but just don't have expectations that your new cat although he looks alike will act just like figgy did We have a family cat, it was my brothers cat but he moved out , he is a 15 year old black cat
  9. Dan72


    oh but you can firefox needed
  10. TL;DR but welcome back chappy
  11. ouch i bet you wont walk around barefooted anymore, at least for the next 6 weeks
  12. happy birthday fubz im only 30 min late