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Everything posted by robroy

  1. can you send some of that rain here, my grass is starting to burn, norain to speak of in over 3 weeks. Just high 80's low 90's every day
  2. I have only made one or two posts over ther in over a year, they were both specific posts to two different people. Other than things like that I don't even go to the site any more, it isn't worth the trouble
  3. gonna give it a try this weekend
  4. third day here in the high humidity and 90's
  5. robroy

    Forum Benchmark

    yeah, we are growing
  6. R E M.......................................rapid eye movement while dreaming
  7. good luck with ubuntu Mad Mike I really prefer linux to windows but am stuck with Mr Gates product till the Department of Energy releases a nix version of software I need for work, well on my home comps anyway. Don't forsee my employer changing over any time soon.
  8. Hey Mac, hang in there, things can happen to turn your life around. At 18 I lost my fiancee in a car crash and was down and depresses for several years, but eventually I met someone else. It happened when I least expected. So don't despair, life has to go on and something good could be right around the next corner Good luck and look up not down