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Everything posted by robroy

  2. robroy


    welcome back Chappy and congratulations on the promotion. That takes a bunch of work, I have several friends in the local FD and know what it takes to get that. Great job
  3. robroy

    Very nice work there Pierce, trying to get my wife to join, she has to lose 30 -35 pounds, doctors orders
  4. goodbye Drew, you are missed
  5. we had one blow through here several days ago. It was awesome, one strike sounded like it hit next door but it hit a water tower 200 yards away. We seem to get between 7 and 10 vicious storms like that every year. It was on us so suddenly I didn't even have time to turn the computer off, the lights flickered brighter but my surge protection strip held up. Got to pay for a good one, I had used a cheap one two years ago and lost my modem, network and sound cards. Great picture
  6. I listened to Pagans Mind, nice music. May have to go looking for that
  7. Maybe they have a set limit of 100 in the firmware, just a guess
  8. Congratulations Tyme to both of you. Happy things are going good for you