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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Yeah Nerelda you also were right in your comments lol JD
  2. Got to agree with Nic, it's B's forums and his decision when and how to select the winner(s). Maybe he will just pick one out himself, so fine his forum his choice JD
  3. I used a silicon based lubricant, doesn't conduct electricity so if you overspray it won't hurt anything JD
  4. Its not just kazaa lite, the problem can be what you d/l using it. I think some people blame k litr for crap they get from files they download JD
  5. Thanks for that link Nerelda Marty I have had that happen on a couple of occasions. Dirty mouse was the cause, never happened since I went to optical mouse JD
  6. You really need to put hijack this into it's own folder otherwise you'll litter the desktop with the logs. Iam not an expert but I do remember the experts all advising to run hjt from a folder not from the desktop JD
  7. wow! thats really good! Got to agree that is real good JD
  8. Maybe also spy sweeper even though you can't update the free version. You can always delete and d/l latest version. I also use BHO demon. It helps you check on browser helpers quicker and easier than running HJT to find them JD
  9. Normally if you only have 1 stick you should put it in the first slot (nearest the processor) Saves fraction of a second each time. Things that can destroy mem sticks include static and power surges, dust and heat JD
  10. I only went there a few times, never felt comfortable like I do here. This is definitely the best forum I have been on. Everyone is helpful, friendly and polite. And of course we have the class clown to keep us all laughing. Keep up the good work Mac JD
  11. Good find flatiron Thanks JD
  12. robroy

    Spaceship One

    I see the prize has been awarded here JD
  13. robroy


    Good one Handplane JD
  14. (strolls on up behind tenmm while pealing carrot like it was a banana) "get'm, get'm real good. come on doc what you waiting for? go in after him. wait you'll need this, (begins handing tammn boxes of dynamite) and this and this, some of these, one those, couple of them, and one more for god luck. there you go doc, go get'm. (walks away and lights fuse) BOOM and for all those in Washington State I hope this is the only one you have to hear JD
  15. robroy


    Trolls act before they think. So they will pobably try again JD
  16. you can see some of the story Here and in the links from that page JD
  17. Hope you have better luck than Elmer Fudd You may want to read this first JD
  18. robroy

    Mount St. Helens

    yeah, I meant to this board JD
  19. robroy

    Mount St. Helens

    So when is he coming over here JD
  20. Glad I'm on the East Coast away from the quakes and volcanoes. Thought we had a tornado touch down about 7 miles from the house last week JD
  21. Nice tip Jsky Thanks JD
  22. Hey Mac you better be careful with system overloads and booms JD