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Everything posted by TheLetterK

  1. How about Debian? Not exactly 'difficult', but it yeilds a system that is much easier to use than, say, Mandrake.
  2. Try deleting from ~/Library/Preferences/ you can do this through the terminal. This will, of course, delete your finder preferences.
  3. Virtual PC is really the only viable option at this time. If Virtual PC is considered a turtle, then EQMU and bochs are considered crippled snails. Emulation is a poor solution; find native programs. There are few tasks that absolutely require the use of an emulator of Macs. What are you trying to do that requires Windows so badly?
  4. Ahh the joys of overlapping independent window management... Did you try manually moving the window via keyboard? forgot the shortcut but you should be able to move it...
  5. Explain in clear detail what you want? ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) and Printer Sharing? As for what you can do... well, you can surf the web while taking a shit.
  6. mkdir ~/archive cp /mnt/cdrom/driver/linux/Intel-536ep-M.tgz ~/archive tar -xzvf ~/archive/Intel-*
  7. Balsa for mail, though I use Thunderbird because it handles newsgroups better.
  8. If your doing it manually; yes. If it's all automated; no. Not that it'll hurt the drive, it's just a waste of time to do it manually every night.
  9. Agreed. I love the eye candy in KDE. For a super fast WM I like Black Box..........but it isn't pretty. I guess KDE is it for me. Ion is sort of nice to. Simple, but very effective. Hi TheLetterK, Cool. What is lon? I haven't heard of that WM. It's a WM that uses tiling instead of overlapping windows. Linky Cool. Very minimalistic like Black Box or Enlightenment. It looks like it would be very fast and light on system resources. Thanks for the linky About 3 megs of system memory, very lightweight. Sweet! That's even faster than Black Box Very cool! I've been using it for the
  10. Agreed. I love the eye candy in KDE. For a super fast WM I like Black Box..........but it isn't pretty. I guess KDE is it for me. Ion is sort of nice to. Simple, but very effective. Hi TheLetterK, Cool. What is lon? I haven't heard of that WM. It's a WM that uses tiling instead of overlapping windows. Linky Cool. Very minimalistic like Black Box or Enlightenment. It looks like it would be very fast and light on system resources. Thanks for the linky About 3 megs of system memory, very lightweight.
  11. Agreed. I love the eye candy in KDE. For a super fast WM I like Black Box..........but it isn't pretty. I guess KDE is it for me. Ion is sort of nice to. Simple, but very effective. Hi TheLetterK, Cool. What is lon? I haven't heard of that WM. It's a WM that uses tiling instead of overlapping windows. Linky
  12. Agreed. I love the eye candy in KDE. For a super fast WM I like Black Box..........but it isn't pretty. I guess KDE is it for me. Ion is sort of nice to. Simple, but very effective.
  13. I like both GNOME and KDE; GNOME because 2.8 is very nice, and KDE because of all the eye-candy. In terms of just window managers, *box and WindowMaker are my two favorites.
  14. How did that help? Your pretty much SOL on pre-3.1 Windows support. Few people used them, and noone wrote websites providing help. Usenet would be your best choice.
  15. FWIW, I recommend that people not follow this part of the standard procedure. It almost invariable causes the files to scattered around /usr/local/, making manual deinstallation extremely difficult. Instead, I recommend using the --path option for the configure script, like so $ ./configure --path=$DIR where $DIR is the directory into which you want to install the files. If you create a new directory for each package, e.g., "/opt/emacs-21.3.1" for Emacs version 21.3.1, you can deinstall by simply deleting the directory. This also allows you maintain multiple versions of the same package (
  16. Now that I think about it, it might be installed with Fink. I haven't worked with an Os X box that doesn't have Fink installed so I'm not totally sure there.
  17. Have any of the Windows users used ClamAV?
  18. Hrmm, I think I see an applescript in this idea...
  19. You can buy distros from any of the various vendors if you'd like to support that distro and the community in general (Examples of some distributions; Fedora, Mandrake, SuSE, Linspire, Lycoris, etc. Google for their home pages if you want to buy.). Most people simply download a copy (almost all distributions have the distribution available for free, legally). What you was were probably people using the Command-Line Interface (hereafter referred to as 'CLI'). While the shell (err, command prompt in Windows-speak) is both a user interface and a scripting language, it's not really programming as
  20. If the whatis database has been built, there's always $ apropos '(1)' I've read some comments indicating that OS X doesn't ship with a whatis database. If not, you can construct one with makewhatis(1), but I don't have the details. (Read the manpage and check in /usr/libexec IIRC.) Just checked; It does have one.
  21. Well, too bad. I forget the long involved reason.
  22. Look for a FreeBSD tutorial. Above the kernel they're very similar.
  23. Crow, I never knew this before. Any idea why this is? You want the involved technical reason, or would you just like to take his word for it? It has to do with MS-DOS, and how it has really shitty support for alternate boot devices.