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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Favorite Music

    wow I wish my grandma was like that!!! NFG is awesome, and I would have never expected anyone that.. uh.. elderly would like them! Cool grandma, like B said. Matt
  2. Thank's Liz. I don't know my SS number. The stock broker guy got mad at me when I tried to buy stock in Walmart and I didn't know it. I'm 15 and in the 9th grade. What you warn against, i would never do, but it is amazing at how many people I can think of who might. Thanks for the warning. About those tests... yeah, I'm gunna take the PSAT next year, have to spen the entire summer studying.. bleh Matt
  3. I saw that too.. I wasn't sure if that is actually measuring anything or not. If you look at he HTML it doesn't loook like it to me. oh well, they did say they plan to keep growing Matt
  4. Matt


    cant wait to be able to add this to the benchmark thread..
  5. I'd be glad to assist in any way I can in this. It sounds very fun. I am still in the process on learning C++, and I'm sure this project will help. When determining the rooms and such, it sounds like you want to use arrays. Do you plan to include pointers in this area,, or any other area? Matt
  6. Matt

    Good Grief...!

    The thread title says it all....
  7. yes I do. favorite website (besides this one)?
  8. Matt


    btw, the site still works for me...
  9. learner's permit .....................(for driving)
  10. nope How did you find these forums?
  11. Matt


    Happy Birthday calusamar!!!
  12. Matt


    its been dug, that's where I got it Matt
  13. Yeah, that chat is great. At least it is when I'm there, not sure about the other times... You get to know alotta people there, like those who will make you site banners, or those who will do all the WordPress problem solving for you, or the ones who like to throw poop at Matt, or those who fix all your C++ problems for you, or those who make fun of Matt, or those who give you free space on their ftp to host your blog, or those to make fun of Matt in text or via internet radio, or those who put "(insert name here)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Matt


    oops spelled the title wrong, admin or mod, can you change it for me plz? thanks Matt
  15. Matt


    Need some informatiuon, but not sure whether to use Yahoo or Google? (well no, must people will just go to google, but owrk with me..) Well, now you can save time, and search with both at the same time! Introducing Yagoohoogle, the search engine that searches both. They'll probably get sued or something, but check it out. Its nothing special, just a time saver by opening both sites with the same term... Matt
  16. Matt

    April Fools Pranks

    Hi blim - dont know about the sideways thing. But, I will be using the sink thing tomorrow! thanks!!! Matt
  17. Matt

    April Fools Pranks

    LOL!! thats great, ill have to try it. haven't done any godd pranks really.. Once I put a shortcut to Shutdown in my mom's startup folder. everytime she booted up, it shut down automatically. I got that from TTV.
  18. oh well thats stupid. what a waist of time.
  19. city do you have dialup, cable, dsl, or other (if other, then what?)