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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I think you've mentioned that you don't have an XP Disc. Is there any chance of getting one? If you can get a hold of one, I'd try a Repair Install. This should allow you to repair windows without losing any data. Tutorial:
  2. You could report this to PIRT:
  3. If you install Linux, you will also likely install GRUB (or something similar) which will allow you to select which OS to boot to.
  4. I have a black LCD Acer AL1914, and it is quite nice but I couldn't find it currently listed on Newegg or Amazon. However, Acer is a very good brand. It may not be the cheapest, but it's good.
  5. May 14th is the official deadline for cable modem companies, DSL providers, broadband over powerline, satellite internet companies and some universities to finish wiring up their networks with FBI-friendly surveillance gear, to comply with the FCC's expanded interpretation of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.
  6. I'd just like to add that all of our Linux Staff do have the ability to edit posts if needed. Staffers and members, use your discretion. Things may have been carried away a bit, but we trust your judgments. Edit: shanenin: actually, there was some stuff that went beyond 'girls in swim suits'
  7. Thanks everyone, I'll pass on your comments
  8. Hah! He's supposed to be 'looking astonished' We got an A.
  9. My digital media class spent a week and produced a short commercial for Lays Stax. It's about 35 seconds long (even though it took us 5 days to make!). I'm not acting in it, but I directed and edited it. I know it's nothing to brag too much about, but I thought I'd share it with you all: Matt
  10. 1 bit = a single digit, either 1 or 0 8 bits = 1 byte, a combination of 1's and 0's 1024 Bytes = 1 KB (kilobyte) 1024 Kilobytes = 1 MB (megabyte) 1024 Megabytes = 1 GB (gigabyte) However, in commercial products (such as storage devices, MP3 players, etc.) they will often round down; thus advertising 1 Gigabyte, when in reality they are selling you something that is only 1000 Megabytes (as opposed to 1024).
  11. Matt

    Hi Guys!

    Welcome to Besttechie! I'll be moving this to the Open Chat section.
  12. It is spring.. school is getting hectic, and sometimes someone special enters your life... I still try to be here daily.
  13. Moving to the Programming Forum....
  14. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  15. Your log is clean, are you still experiencing any problems?
  16. Will tell you the geographic location of the closest hub for a given IP.
  17. Alright, let's try this again. Please make sure Prevx is completely disabled before begining the fix! Then, Scan with HJT and place a check next to the following item: O2 - BHO: VPNS System - {9FA1AA9E-7ECF-4f3b-AC23-7F09E01298E4} - C:\WINDOWS\dxdiag.dll Then, make sure all browser windows and other applications are closed, and click the Fix Checked button. Next, please boot into Safe Mode. Next, change your settings to show hidden files and folders: * Click Start. * Open My Computer. * Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options. * Select the View tab. * Under the Hidden files and
  18. The bug seems to be fixed, and the updated tool should now be up
  19. Hey mikex, before we continue, I have a few questions: Did you disable Prevx before the fix? Did you execute the HJT instructions? Is you latest log being posted from Safe Mode or Normal Mode? Matt
  20. Hi mikex, I just replied to your hjt log.
  21. Hi mikex, sorry for the delay. First, we need to disable Prevx. It is a good tool, but could interfere with our fix. 1. Right click on the Prevx icon in your system tray at the bottom-right corner of your screen and choose Show Management Console.. 2. On the Management Console click the Protection Level drop-down menu. You will see three levels: Maximum Off User Defined 3. To disable all protection set the level to Off. You will receive a prompt asking "You are about to change your security settings. Do you wish to continue?" Click Yes. 4. Click the X
  22. Oh sweet lord we're all gonna die! Haha, cool homecheese! I don't have my own car, but my family's got 3 so I use a Nissan Sentra. Nothing special, but it drives.
  23. Last night an American mastermind of literature, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. died at the age of 84. The NY Times is reporting that his death occured as a result of a brain injury he suffered from due to a fall a few weeks ago. He will be missed. For those that don't know who Vonnegut is, head over to a library and pick up anyone of his books. I'm willing to bet you'd be hooked after the first one. He often took very political stances in his books, and illustrated his opinions through dark humor and narcissism. Anyone who has read Slaughter House Five, Cat's Cradle, or Mother Night (those are just s
  24. I believe I've heared that song Bubba. While reading through this thread, the song Time and Time Again by Chronic Future kept coming to my mind: To me, this is a very motivating song about living your life to the fullest, because you only live once.