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Everything posted by Matt

  1. This is a very good article by Steve Jobs, discussing DRM, the music industry, and the future:
  3. some other cool stuff with telnet:
  4. I'm not in Boston, but in the same time zone. It's 8:15 PM Thursday Feb. 1
  5. As you may have noticed, a new tool has been added to the bottom of BestTechie forums. You can now easily bookmark any thread or page on the forums with the click of a button! If you ever find a thread that you want to save, or post to a social bookmarking site, simply click the button your preferred site (, Digg, Google Bookmarks, Reddit, or Slashdot), enter any tag information or summary, and you're done! Your link will be added for you (or perhaps others) to return to! Enjoy! Matt
  6. Matt

    Oh My God!

    Gotta remember.. 90% of those 'problems' are just going to be benign cookies Usually...
  7. Merging with
  8. Are they files or folders? I have folders with odd names like that, and they are related to MS. That also looks like BHO Strings..
  9. Thanks everyone! And thank you Jeff for giving me this opportunity!
  10. I'm a little late but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  11. Matt


    I wouldn't switch for quite a while now. Let 'em work out the initial bugs for a while
  12. Clear index.dat files manually in Windows XP Even if you regularly clear your Internet History, Temp files, and cookies to keep ordinary snoops at bay, you're overlooking a very important detail: index.dat files. These hidden files contain information about your IE surfing history and your Outlook activity. Index.dat files aren't only hidden, they're system files. Even if you select to show hidden files in your folder options, they remain unseen. To track down index.dat files, you need to know where to look. File names and locations depend on which version of Internet Explorer you have. Assumi
  13. One-click shutdown If you have Clean Sweep Deluxe, it is advised that you disable it before proceeding. Follow these directions to create a one-click shutdown shortcut: 1. Navigate to your desktop. 2. On the desktop, right-click and go to New, then to Shortcut (in other words, create a new shortcut). 3. You should now see a pop-up window instructing you to enter a command line path. 4. Enter one of these as the path: * Use this path if your operating system is Windows 95, 98, or Me: C:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows * Use this path if your o
  14. Here's a tip on how to free up some space on your hard drive. Often times, this will clear up even Gigabytes of space! Navigate to: C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Local Settings\Temp\ This is a hidden temp folder that doesn't get dumped when you go through disk cleanup. This folder contains nothing more than .tmps and .baks. Clearing out the folder could free up a lot of space on your machine; my personal experiences freed 17.1 GBs! Many of the files may give you the error of "access denied" or ".. is in use" when you try to delete them. You can use this program to fix that: ht
  15. My personal favorite of Will Ferrell's is Anchorman. I've never been able to find anyone much older than me to like it very much though..
  16. How to change your blog's theme. Within BT Blogs, there are a few themes you can choose from to give your blog its unique feel. To pick a theme, first login to your account. Once logged in and at your Dashboard, select the Presentation tab. You will immediately be taken to your Theme Selection screen. It will display your current theme, and bleow you can select from other themes. To pick a new theme, simply click on the one you'd like. You will see a notice telling you that the theme was activated. And you're done! Your blog will now have your newly selected theme!
  17. No. If you send a link while still logged in, the receiver will not be logged in as you if they click it.
  18. Hiya Pat and everyone else. If you are still getting notices that your PMs are not going through, it is because the recipient accidentally has you blocked, regardless if you have unblocked them To disable this go to your profile, click Settings. Look for Notification Options. There, you can choose whether or not to be email alerted for certain things.As for you being logged out, that seems very strange to me. I'm not an Admin, so I don't know how the cookies are set on the forums, but are you sure that was an issue on the site's end? I doubt the login cookies would have a setting to ex
  19. For anyone still having trouble with PMs, it is most likely due to people being inadvertently added to your 'block list' For help, see this topic:
  20. I thought it was ok, not Will Ferrell's best however.
  21. It looks to me that it took all of my PM 'Address book entries' , rather than people from my 'Friends list' and added those to the block list. I'm removing them now. Is this fixable from your end Jeff, or will each person have to go through (if they realize this) and fix it?
  22. Matt

    24 Tonight

    A very good start to the season! I think last season had a better start but this looks to be another good run. Another 2 hours tonight!
  23. For Christmas, I got a gift certificate to, which was quite handy. That same day, I log onto amazon, and place an order for a cd. I've ordered cds through them before, and usually have them shipped within a week. This time, they tell me it won't be at my house until January 10th. I assumed this was due to the huge post-holidays traffic they'd be getting. Well, the 10th came and went, and still no cd. So, I logged into my account, and it says it should be delivered by the 14th. Well, yesterday came and went without a cd. Finally this morning, I wake up and check my email, and
  24. Matt

    24 Tonight

    For those of you who are fans of the TV show 24, don't forget the season starts tonight. There's a 2-hour special tonight and a 2-hour special tomorrow night! Check your times on Fox! Can't wait.