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Everything posted by tenmm

  1. tenmm

    New Memeber

    Welcome Sultan_emerr. Or shall we simply call you "LinkMaster"
  2. Insider information trading?? Martha repeats Happy Birthday toooooooooooo ya alllllll'ssss
  3. Is that like ..everything "ines" sight get ate??
  4. > 4. Only in America......do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. MistaMatt90 Sorry you go Adkins....
  5. It does but the rust flavored pigeon sh*t leavers a bad taste in your mouth.
  6. Resistance is futile, he will be formated and converted to fat16
  7. tenmm

    New Memeber

    I just looked Sultan Is not a member here ....yet
  8. My son has been a diabetic sence he was 8 so I understand the diet thing quite well. The kids are gone now so I can eat what I want when I want and do not look back. Old saying... Life is short, eat dessert first. You might miss it if you do'nt.
  9. G-mail = hide and seek?? Saw a post a couple of days ago about this,invites missing one minute then back the next. I know took them for a trip.
  10. Save all the files and folders to a cd. Then when you are ready you can reinstall them where ever you want. Take care and scan all the files and stuff with a AV to make sure there is no bugs in them.
  11. I'm up for seconds...........Wait, I'll go start the BBQ Hot and Spicy??
  12. (tenmm fires up chain saw) Wait...make that a "jack"hammer....duhhhh (looks around) Seconds anyone??
  13. I think thesidekickcat's recipe would work very well in a "dutchoven", then you could have blueberry upsidedown cake with coffee afterwords Good stuff!!!
  14. Wonder what kind of mileage it gets at maximum warp
  15. tenmm

    Bad Mood Day

    Looks like you could all most "smoke " a whole chicken in there. I have a question thou..where is the rotisserie
  16. I believe that the Angus diet spells this out in the users guide so I but you down as a "Angus"
  17. Wonder if they come in black or gray??
  18. Angus or Atkins yes I saw the thing on tv... Angus plan here..
  19. tenmm

    Post About Tk

    I wish TK the best in a speedy recovery. And hope the nurse remembers what end the thermometer in
  20. tenmm


    Besttechie. This is a very good idea,hope the linux users will use this forum as a place to post.
  21. I was here reading posts and had no trouble with that. But I did not reply, was that the problem??
  22. Ohh Is there a place for PM's?? Or do I need to get glasses. Uggg never mind I need glasses.
  23. You know that much coke is not good for you....... Quite right. Never mind the fact that it delutes the burbon