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Everything posted by iccaros

  1. ok I am still working on my statistics program, I have it working (I think) but I get a compiler warning.. I believe its because this is a C way of doing this.. I have slot defined as a double for the math but need to retrun a int for the place in the array (as there is no place 0.456) here is how I converted double slot to an int. return slot = (int) slot; better option for c++? Thanks
  2. Welcome to DRM.. with the new vesta Microsoft is tring to close this analog hole as they call it, so you wont be able to do this.. Thank the Music Industry, if you live in the US and this bill they are passing passes.. even this will be a crime.. http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/004261.php
  3. found the answer.. in gentoo (and most other Linux distrobutions) in ~/.mozilla/firefox/default.5tc (the .5tc may change on version numbers..) there is a file called mimeTypes.rdf I added the extention I needed. <RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:externalApplication:application/x-java-jnlp-file" NC:path="/opt/blackdown-jdk-" NC:prettyName="javaws" /> <RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:application/x-tar" NC:value="application/x-tar" NC:editable="true" NC:fileExtensions="jsp" NC:description="">
  4. Thanks.. I tried to reinstall, java works.. just not the files I had assosiated with the dialog box of save or run with..(java web start and oOo) so I will post a question to the mozillia board and see what I am doing wrong..
  5. hmm I have puppy linux running on a gnode (amd 486) with 64 megs ram.. I use evilwm with XDM.. runs ok.. or at least good enough for a file server
  6. I like openoffice 2.0 and now they have a mac install file.. you need to have x installed but once x is installed and mac fonts are installed for X it makes a great enviroment. neooffice is a little old and hopefully they update from the 2.0 source.. then you wont need X
  7. ok, I updated firefox to 1.5 but now I can not open .doc files or java web start file (could before) I did so before by clicking to open file with application and pointing it to the application. now I't gves me no chocie and says to set file helper aplication in prefrences.. problem I see no prefrence to do so in the standard edit prefrences or in about:config
  8. 1- Yes I am root ,,,what I did to act as root,,,I typed in: su ,,,,Am I right? 2- How can I check that ?do you mean ls -al ? 3- do you mean I have to change the permission for "chmod +w /mnt/hdb6/boot/grub/menu.lst" or what ever file ? 1. yes, I use su - as the - will give you root enviroment varables. 2. use the mount command huskeyw usr # mount /dev/hda3 on / type reiserfs (rw,noatime) proc on /proc type proc (rw) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw) /dev/hda4 on /home type reiserfs (rw,noatime) /dev/sda1 on /mnt/maxtor1
  9. ok "they" must be right... we have great windows experts onthe widnows board..
  10. KDE and GNOME are desktop environments. XDM, GDM, and KDM are display managers. Pedantry is fun. got me their
  11. Today I realized I can only read the files above,,,I can not modify them,,,what should I do ? are you root? is the partition mounted read only? if yes to the first but no to the second.. chmod +w <filewithpath>
  12. I service winders computers all the time.. no nee to run it..
  13. bloted is what you install.. kde base with a windows manager is not bloted at all.. if you install koffice, kgames, ktoys, kscreensavers, k what ever.. its get full by the way, you we need some correct terminolagy x11,xorg, tinyx are all examples of x servers KDE Gnome are Display managers and work with the afore mentioned. evilvm,cde,XFce are windows managers.
  14. ok i will but do you know why the function button is like locked on(ITS REALLY ANNOYING I CANT TYPE!), i think it is software....how would i uninstall it and waht would it be..? it sounds like you picked the wrong lang keyboard.. with the wrong keyboard you will not get the correct keys when you type. which disk did you use to install? full name of download.
  15. see http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/11/msg03480.html
  16. our questions.. how did you try to install java? what wireless card? how did you try to install wine.. and what programs are you going to try with it?
  17. you need to create a root passowrd if you have not done so.. sudo su passwd enter new password re-enter password use the apt-get, you can so this .. apt-get instal synaptic then you can use hte gui tool synaptic to update packages and install new ones.
  18. thanks .. It took me a few reads but I will try it ( or at least what I think you mean.. Im not that smart..) I'll report back my finding.. have coding to do.. have a 5 hour flight in three hours...
  19. what video card, how much ram, what processor? also first try a x86 cd.. .then we can see what is up the the 64bit... it may be their is no 64 bit driver for your video card,
  20. hmmm I thought that also but I have my array at 8 and slots = 7 vector<int> display (8,0); int slots = 7; I do have a problem with the width of .4 (I think that should be .3 as the base number is included in the .4 width) I tried that and its closer but I still have numbers going to the outside.. I think anything after && in the if statment needs removed.. maybe I need to sort the input, I'll try reading the file into a arrray first then parse it. here is the code so far, I know this should be simple but I am not seeing soem step, maybe I should do a funtion diagram to think
  21. your probaly right.. Thanks for your answer, and ruby looks like a quick language, but... I have a c++ class that I am bored in and (teacher is giveing assinemts that take me all of 20 min, unless I miss type something . I want to learn more.. I have a statistics class that is killing me,, so I figured I would use one(statistics with all of its formulas) to help me learn the other (c++),,, adn give my self harder homework.. well at least for me.. also a note so I can figure out why my loop is not working,, in this senerio I have 8 slots (if you did a histograph) of a .4 width, so the firs
  22. ok a follow up of the question here is the code huskeyw@huskeyw ~/projects/school/statistics $ cat prob2-10.cpp #include<iostream> #include <fstream> //file handaling #include <string> //strings, not sure if I need this #include<vector> // for c++ containers using namespace std; //-----------------------funtions protyping int check_freq(double file_data, double width , double start_scale,int slots); //------------------------------main function int main() { double file_data; vector<int> display (8,0); //vector that holds the output.. type int double
  23. ok I changed funtion to //---------function check_freq, this should be a loop not if statments that incrament the check based on width and slot amounts using min/max int check_freq (double file_data, double width , double start_scale, int slots) { for (int x = 0; x <= slots; x++) { cout << "start_scale =: " << start_scale << endl; cout << "file_data =: " << file_data << endl; if (file_data > start_scale + width ) return x; start_scale += width; } return slots; } no segfault but it does not loop the check? here is the output huskeyw@
  24. help... ok Its late.. but why is this now segfaulting? I must be overloading something.. newest version #include<iostream> #include <fstream> //file handaling #include <string> //strings, not sure if I need this #include<vector> // for c++ containers using namespace std; //-----------------------funtions protyping int check_freq(double file_data, double width , double start_scale); //------------------------------main function int main() { double file_data; vector<int> display (8,0); //vector that holds the output.. type int double width = .4; double
  25. ok thanks to jcl, I have working code (at least it parses and accumaltes) I am also reading this site (due to the suggestion) http://www.cppreference.com/cppvector/ for any one intrested here is the code to date.. to do take input on file name create the array with the size picked for output (say 3 slots or 20 slots for graphs) read data (from file) into an array (I think it will be easyer to handle this way, wrong?) as with above.. need to create a dynamic array to hold date based on data in the file find min and max data range use the size of output to get width of data, like in this exampl