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Everything posted by IEatHardDrives

  1. That systems great it will fly that system could also do some light gaming if she ever starts playing games.
  2. Guys i've had This case for my computer I need to know how to gt the front cover off so I can find the plugs for the 4 front LED's the case come with very little info.
  3. I was only able to get 45min of play with my 360 with a fan blowing on top of it. was so hot it burned my hand, with the 360 getting that hot it will burn up in 6 months thats why I took mine back I hate to be a sony fan boy but sony is working the bugs out of the ps3 so its going be alot better than the 360.
  4. When they say "FREE" that for the software but you might onle get months till you have to resubcride.
  5. My other computer I have a dell dimension 8200 that the CD-DVD, and DVD-R, and floopy drive stopped working I tried a new IDE cable changing the master and slave settings updating drivers nothing worked. So this morning I called dell to tell them i need to send my dell in to get worked on I told her my problem she said "ok let me forward you to the tech support guys" so I get put on hold for 30 min ok the tech support guy wanted to know what the problem was I told him he said "ok lets me forward you to someone" get put on hold for 45 min I talked to anther tech guy he asked me the same questio
  6. AOE3 will run it fine my other computer has geforce 4 Ti 4200 and it plays it fine.
  7. I clean my computers out every 6 months I also keep filters over the intakes.
  8. That cards fine for cs, and css dont plan on playing doom 3 or fear on anything but low settings.
  9. That cards fine if he is not a hard core gamer.
  10. Unlike APG that has a maximum transfer rate of 2GB/s or PCI Express that has a maximum transfer rate of 8GB/s.
  11. It will be slow that a AGP card since its only PCI. PCI only has a transferr rate of like 50MB/sec
  12. or the 9800 at walmats for $200 when u can get a x800 for that lol.
  13. You might get a few extra fps with that card nothing huge maybe 10-20 it will take the load off your cpu.
  14. I cleaned a computer for an old lady it had like 5 zillion roaches in it.
  15. Everything looks great I take it that you have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
  16. Sony,Samsung, and Acer makes good monitors I have a acer 17'' monitor its nice I can watch movies with it play games.
  17. The backlight cost more than the LCD most of the time if you take it to be worked on the will give you the "yeah we changed the backlight we had to change another part we had to clean it $350" is the monitor under warrenty? gateway might fix it.
  18. A cup of black coffee so strong its almost like tar 5 scoops of sugar.
  19. That stuff is just alcohol and water a 50/50 mix.
  20. IEatHardDrives

    75 Bands

    B-52's, whitesnake, smashing pupkins,the eagles,the beach boys thats all
  21. LCD or CRT windex will screw an LCD monitor but I use windex on my CRT, to clean a LCD monitor use a alcohol and water mix 50/50.
  22. Try this put the CD in that came with the card goto My Computer + Control Panel +Add Hardware and it will search for the card if that does not work take the card out and try installing it again.