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Everything posted by lefty1953

  1. Boy marty sounds like a horror story. I would just reformat and go. But you might check out Kelly's Corner for some of that. I think there is a Disable for the run as command on their. As for getting pass the Password stuff you can just get rid of all the passwords by getting rid of the administrators. Or you might create a new user with administrators access without a password and then go in and fix the other stuff. Have you tried Safe Mode? http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm Might try this for the password. http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/
  2. Sounds like you uninstalled or deleted a program and the launcher is still trying to open it. What did you delete? When you uninstall a program you should always use either it's uninstaller or from Control Panel Add/Remove programs. So if you install it again and then uninstall it the correct way your problem will go away.
  3. What do you mean Normal? Must be a setting in Options if you need to change something.
  4. Have you deleted any files lately? If you can do a System Restore to a date before this happened you might get it back that way.
  5. Him and that guy that made the Lego PC really need to get a life. When you start looking for Yard sale items to convert into a PC you need help, serious help. LOL. Oh, I don't know. I can think of a lot wosre ways of spending your time. Yea like help others fix their PC's and not get paid for it. We must be insane!
  6. Him and that guy that made the Lego PC really need to get a life. When you start looking for Yard sale items to convert into a PC you need help, serious help.
  7. Not sure what your doing but, I use Map Quest when looking any address up. MapQuest.com
  8. I would guess if the new or extra features are something you need it would be worth the upgrade. But if you just copy disks and create your own you might just stick with what your using. Unless the new version copies more copy righted disks it isn't worth it. You would have to have a pretty good reason to copy copy righted disks in the first place. When new software comes out all the time it's better to just buy new than to have a copy of an old disk.
  9. Thanx Bar5 ! Looks like what I'm experiencing. I'll check into my extensions and so on. Right now it's just a nuisance.... though I've pounded the keys a bit hard a few times I'll keep Besttechie on IE6 for now and keep my Firefox tabs on less important 'stuff' until resolved. works fine for me. Haven't tried or .3
  10. Looks like you have a failing memory chip. Try going to Memtest86.com and downloading their tester, run it over night and see if you get errors.
  11. So did you do something at that site to get you kicked off? Try e-mailing the web site administrator and see.
  12. Not being clamped down it will come loose and then you will have problems. Heat sink and fans are pretty cheap.
  13. Perhaps you need to be sure your Disk is clean before installing. Might be a problem with the disk you are installing and it gets to a point that is dirty when it is detecting the Network card. Have you asked the ISP if they had an answer? Might try there web site for an updated version of the software.
  14. Expired or not I would think it would search for updates.
  15. ip=Internet Provider Are you trying to say your XP Pro was Illegal copy?
  16. F1, F2, Del, F12, F10 or Ctrl and one of those.
  17. Here is my experience with one I tried. Downloaded it ran it, looked like it was going to do some real cleanup, so I ran the cleaner. Right after that my Win updates would not work. Did A RESTORE POINT AND FIXED THAT. so I thought maybe I better look at those entries and pick the ones that look safe. Ran it again and deleted about half the entries. Same thing messed up my Win Updates. So I did another restore and deleted the Reg cleaner. So if you run one, be ware of what it can or can't do for you.
  18. Do you have yours set for automatic downloads, or for notification only? http://www.windowsbbs.com/showthread.php?t=63121 http://www.google.com/search?q=KB929338+&a...tart=0&sa=N Hi Sultan, I have it set to auto update. It downloads and installs without me telling it which I want.
  19. Looks like it installed 3 days ago on my system and no problems with it. Fingers crossed!!
  20. If the Card game was new to you using it, I would think it was the game that caused the problem. How long were you using it before the crash? Might not have been the first time you used it but later after a second time it would most likely access the registry entry it made and then caused the crash. I have several games I let the grandkids play and after there done I remove them from my system. One reason is there is tons of ad ware and spy ware on them. Yes new software is sold with that trash on it.
  21. I have Wild Blue Satellite service and my limit now is set at 1200 MB which is really a lot. The first month I downloaded like a mad man and hit my limit. 50GB on your service should never be a problem as long as you don't download like a maniac! If you think your even close, which I doubt you can do call your service and ask them where your at. Or ask them to provide you with a Bandwidth Meter. Wild Blue has one I check once a week.
  22. I would like another said, just buy External USB HDD's. I have a MY BOOK 160GB drive that was less than $100. If you buy a PC with say 6 USB ports that should SERVE you nicely? No Pun intended. Just assign each drive letter to each person in the family.
  23. I never noticed it until you pointed it out. I always just use Reply and it turns out to be fast reply when I do. never had a problem with it though.
  24. I have the same problem if my Anti Virus is running and mine runs at 8am every morning. That might be your problem.