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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. HAHAHAhahahahaha! Now that's one to remember!
  2. Yes, it would be nice to believe that is so. But I just hope it's not the case yet, and that we may still here from our friend here.
  3. You can also try winsockxpfix. ISP-Fix. See if this works for you.
  5. OK. What happens if you refresh your page? Have you changed any settings in another program that would block images? (flash or IMG type) Changed any settings in Spybot S&D to block anything different? Looks like it won't allow images to display. I'll see what I can find. Does this do it on all sites, or just a select few?
  6. Sorry Nerelda. But I don't use Yahoo mail, And your using a different Theme then I am. So looking at your screenshots, I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Any other help you can give?
  7. This should help. Open up your start menu and click on the picture by your name at the top. This will open up the "User Accounts" menu. At the top, click on 'Home". Where it asks "Pick a task", Choose "change the way users log on or off" Uncheck "Use the Welcome screen, and "Use Fast User Switching" Click on "Apply Options" Then put a check back on "Use the Welcome screen" Click on "Apply Options" and then exit. That should set it to open stright to your desktop. JSKY
  8. tin cans and string.......SDC (short distance communication)
  9. Happy B-Day x-cannon!!!
  10. This is a small yet powerful little program I came across some time back, and have have been using it ever since. Works on Win95 to XP SP2. You can change the way your clock looks. Change the text and picture on your start button. And change the taskbar color. Or even use your clock to be your start button and add an hourly chime. Also lets you change the transparency of your taskbar from 0 to 100%. Uses a small amount of system resources. You only need to Copy and Past a shortcut into your stat menus startup folder to get it to autostart with windows. TClocklite.zipfile I know how some of y
  11. If you put your "Home" link into your top box where you have "Welcome to My Picture Page" The link will work to take you back to your home page. You could make it look good by making it's own button for the link. But so far I haven't been able to get around putting a link elsewere in any other frames. Will still see what I can figure out for putting it somewhere else. But it is an option for you. Not sure if any of these links will help. But may give you ideas. HTML codetutorial HTMLgoodies HTMLprimer Introduction to HTML
  12. When you make the link, Have it point to, http://www.tictoc5150.com. It should then redirect the page to your home page.
  13. NO!!! NO!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad thing about it is, is the fact that I've seen some close to that.
  14. A Big Happy Birthday To You Sultan!!!
  15. JSKY

    Mysql Worm

    Here is some more on the MySQL Worm. Read down towards the bottom of the page for different rundowns on this new worm. MySQL Worm Sorry, link not working right. Please type MySQL Worm into the search bar to see the latest findings. Also listed on another site some facts. This is one of the reasons many providers use, to make MySQL only reachable by localhost connections. So if it comes like a virus or worm on your machine, bypassing any http-communications so to speak, you're unpleasantly confronted with yet another screw-up of your system... Windows 2000/2003 Servers have the abillity to dem
  16. Well.... we know who the new kid working for M$ is going to be......How I wish I could get that kind of a paycheck......