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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Good point!! This is what was recomended by Pete C. If you are clean (and I think many won't have to worry). I really do not see any reason why you can't just check them to be ignored.
  2. JSKY


    Just google "Spyware Beaters" CGM3. It's been on google for months already. Just thought you'ed like to know.
  3. Try setting it as "Cable Select". Then unplug your other drives and just connect to new one up(set your pc to boot off of your CD or floppy) then boot with your setup disk in and see if it lets you format the new drive.
  4. TymeKyller brought this up on another Forum. I thought it was of importance. The ignore list in spybot contains several entries by default. They are: SideStep New.net LSP.New.net MySearch A responce was asked from Tom Coyotes: These are specific infestations which it is not safe to remove with spybot, or most other automatic removal tools. If you have tampered with this list, it is probably safest to uninstall spybot, remove its folders and clean install and update it. Of course, if you are clean and you immunize, you should be entirely safe , since they cannot infect you in the first place.
  5. JSKY

    To Dknoppix

    You both have very good websites, just hope Maddoktor2 finds them ok. I never had a forum up when I got added to the list. just a fair website. And I have since closed the links to my forum. No real time to to spend on setting up a good one or maintaining it. Somedays I run short on time to spend anywhere online. much less on my own forum. But I do want to thank both of you for stopping in and at least looking around. I hope both of yours takes off. I have joined both and plan to stop in them from time to time to say Hi. And lend a hand.
  6. fool..........at least now days anyways
  7. I tried to give some to our troops and got a reply back saying they had more then they needed, but thanked me for the offer. One thing I use my account for is subing to different post on message boards. one is a couple of update threads, and have some for help threads, like here. When someone post in Windows support, It will send the new post to my mailbox at gmail. and any responses. It helps build up my knowladge base I use to help others with. Just another use for the account.
  8. JSKY

    To Dknoppix

    Yes I seen you made it awhile back. It's good to see more techies fighting back.
  9. JSKY

    To Dknoppix

    Hey!!! Welcome to ASAP. I see you made it in. Welcome aboard!!! Good to have you on the Team.
  10. First I heard of it, but from what I seen. It looks good. Never seen the price you'll have to pay for it. but yes. It sounds good to me. Any defense against the outside world nowadays is always a plus.
  11. Now this is a site worth bookmarking. Thanks for bringing it to us.
  12. JSKY

    Big Downloads..

    Got it, now for the Firefox 8.6.0132 alpha download to finish.
  13. It's one of the lost mysteries of Windows....................(or not yet found)....LOL On thing nice about using USB ports, is an optic mouse. No ball to clean, and they work on any surface, (well, just about).
  14. My condolences to you and your family also. Shadow. I know your grief. My prayers are with you and your family.
  15. What Happens if you try to boot off the install disk? (running XP I take it) If it will boot, it should load default drivers before it comes to the install/repair section. Are you talking the main power to the PC? Or the keyboard plug?
  16. unicycle.......the one wheel wonder.....LOL
  17. Moved to HighjackThis Log Section
  18. Hey It's your Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
  19. No it doesn't matter using the 98 boot disk. It's just a good utilities to use to clean a hard drive. after you delete the partition. using your restore disk should be fine.
  20. Download a win98 bootdisk frombootdisk.com. Then put it on a floppy( or cd if you don't have a floppy drive). Boot off the floppy, at the A:\> prompt, type "fdisk", deleate all the partitions except the last one. It will be small. . This should wipe your HHD clean. Then run your restore disk again.
  21. I have used the same fix for win98 and 2000 and it has worked for me so far.