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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. HEY HEY HEY!!! HAPPY B-BAY Laxman! Hope you have a good one.
  2. Good Luck with the move. I believe everything will go easier then you think.
  3. Congratulations Mike I'm happy for the two of you.... I'm with robroy. I have 28 years under my belt to.... Or should I say under the wifes thumb.....LOL No just kidding.. Lifes been great for me. So I hope when you get the other 35 years behind you, You are able to treasure every minute of it.
  4. From what I gathered searching your question. It appears that only the first 10 are locked in. Anything over 10 your can change. Maybe move or hide the first ten and then set 11 on up to run what you want. Maybe that will work. But in the meantime you got me going so now I will have to dig into this more. One thing I have kinda found. But havent played with is user control over Audit Object Access. Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policy > Audit Object Access. Seems everything in the Local Policy section is by default, set to deny any changes t
  5. You might find what your looking for here. How- To - Geek This looks like the place I was thinking about. But I'm not sure. I'll keep looking.
  6. I'm still looking... Been playing with Vista and going through the Beta stages with it. And have read hundreds of articals on how to do things. Not finding where I found the info. But I know there was something on how to do what you want some time back.
  7. Busy at work right now... But I remember something about this a while back. Give me untill tonight and I'll see if I can track it down. Will be at work untill around 5 pm MST. Then I'll see what I can find. If that's not to late.
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY young man. Hope you have a great day!!!!
  9. COOL!!! Congrats on the new toy. I know your going to just love having it....But be carefull with it... Don't want to see you get a scratch on it.
  10. Kicking off a new one. Out with the old. The secret password is NEW
  11. AVG would only block outgoing mail if it detects something wrong with e-mails outbound, such as a virus, or trying to send multiple e-mails as if a worm were acting on the system. Do you have the most recent build of Thumderbird installed? Maybe try reinstalling Thunderbird and see if that helps. Did you disable Outlook Express? The two e-mail programs might be causing a conflict. You might have to manually disable Outlook, not just make Thunderbird the default client. And as stated, recheck your outbound settings in options. You would be surprised how many times I have made a mistake and k
  12. TK!!! Good to here from you... Glad to hear all the good news! Congrats all the way around my friend.
  13. Good going Brian. I think your one lucky person. I am glad you got into such a great place. And it sounds like one hell of a nice spot you have. Good going with the new pad. James
  14. WOW Handplane Just read your postings. Glad everything went OK for you. I am hoping for the best for you and I hope all ends up going in your direction. I'll keep looking for updates and wishing you the best. Your Friend James
  15. Configure User Account Control (UAC) UAC should never be turned off. Follow these suggestions for changing UAC settings. This will cut down on alerts, but still keep you safe. The following procedures step you through the tasks of disabling Admin Approval Mode, disabling UAC from prompting for credentials to install applications, and changing the elevation prompt behavior. Disable Admin Approval Mode Use the following procedure to disable Admin Approval Mode. To perform the following procedure, you must be logged into a client computer as a local administrator. To disable Admin Approval Mode
  16. Happy Birthday Marc57 Hope your day is a fine one!
  17. I found a Control Panel (free and paid versions) That allows you more control over Vista's Firewall. It set rules as you go. Like the Learning Mode in other firewall programs. Asking if you want to allow this or that, also how much control. And for both incoming and outgoing rules. So far it's working like a charm for me, and is easy to understand. I like deciding for myself what to allow and what to block. Sphinx Software - Vista Firewall Control Stay Safe out there.
  18. Here is a tweak setting for Dual Core Processors I ran across. For those with multi-CPU core systems. Open Start->Run->msconfig. Oh, you will not have a "Run" option from the "Start" menu, unless you switch to Windows classic view. Aero and the standard Vista GUI do not have "Run" as an option. However, you can still reach the "Run" menu option by pressing the "Windows key + R" on the keyboard. (There is an easy way to put "Run" onto your start menu). In msconfig, select the "Boot" tab. Press the "Advanced" options button. Check the "Number of processors" option and select the count from
  19. JSKY

    Happy Birthday Kat

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kat!!!! Hope you have a great day today....(and a better time tonight )