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Everything posted by Pete_C

  1. Yep the crash recovery / crash isolation in IE8 is one of its best features. In theory it can crash a single tab and not take the whole browser down. Regarding Mcafee; if you have issues with shutdown or startup look at McAfee (specifically the automatic updater) first. It has a history of starting , logging into the server and hanging. It then refuses to let anything close the connection thus giving shut down problems and having issues where it does not download the update but sits waiting so boot up does not proceed or at best does so after a delay.
  2. What you'r thirty? That means you can't be trusted by the younger generation any more.
  3. I think Nancy is asking where the Pictures folder is located and if it is different than the My Pictures in XP. Basically all of these will be in the user account documents folder. The big difference is if it is a 64Bit version of vista where you will have (as on Jdoors machine) both a program files and a program files (x86) one for 32 bit one for 64 bit applications. Yes, as you surmised Nancy; they dropped the "My" from the name but location and purpose remain the same. They also made it easier to browse to by putting it to the
  4. Locally Microcenter has a three day offer of the window 7 home premium upgrade for $39 if you reserve and pay for your copy now.
  5. Well maybe they need to make them mandatory if you connect to the internet to keep these unpatched machines from spreading viruses and becomming members of botnets.
  6. The advantage of a codec pack is that one player can generally play everything; rather than having to install a DVD player, a DivX player, a quicktime player , a real media player... etc. It lets whichever player you prefer (even WMP) play most formats without installing all those other programs.
  7. Took me a double take to realize there were two in the second pic.
  8. Well That sounds like something Razor at G4 would advocate. He is really into space optomization; once got really irage that Mcafee site advisor had increased the height of their icon by a pixel or two. Personally I really don't care that much about it; probably should so I could use bigger fonts now that I am getting old; but the old 19 inch CRT has served me well for some time and I really haven't been motivated to replace it. I would have to rebuild my desk and move things around to get enough room and then there would be a gap above and below or I would have to get one that was really lar
  9. Happy Birthday Tyme. Don't let it make you feel old that these things seem to get closer and closer.
  10. I do not watch anime and neither does the person whos computer I was setting up. Mainly wanted to install something so I did not get a call down the line that they couldn't watch divX or DVD or something basic and normal like that.
  11. That is why I am sure she is part Ridgeback. Not to mention that other than lacking the ridge (she had one as a pup) she could be the twin sister of the purebred AKC ridgeback which lives the next block over. It was the SPCA that insisted (and labled) her as a Pit. Of course they thought the Jindo ( a Korean short haired Chow sort of) was a German Shepherd mix, and told me the Sable Shepherd was a full grown terrier mix and two years old when she weighed 25 pounds (now weighs 85-90 and I learned she was not two years old and fixed when she went into heat at six months after I got her). I t
  12. That reminds me that I need to install K-Lite codec pack to be sure on the one I am setting up. Yeah I wish Microsoft would just keep things in the same place so you can find them and change them. One of the first things I do is change everything to classic view and disable themes so I can find things and change the settings.
  13. Yep that is her she is a mix. Forground Ridgback/pitt ; East German Shepherd ; Lab Rott Mix Background Jindo: Sharpei Chow : Another Lab Rott Here is one of a purebred Pinknose Staffordshire American Pit Bull we fostered He weighed 55 Lbs full grown and she weighs 95lbs.
  14. Some are more compliant than others and some not at all (generally older ones). Some older ones offer Bios flash updates which will fix compatability issues to allow vista to install and run. Generally my recommendation has always been that you buy a board and components designed to use the OS you plan on installing. If you have a five year old computer , stick with the five year old OS it came with and if you want the new OS , go buy a machine designed to run it. Even amongst those designed to run it; sometimes changes in the OS (windows update patches) can cause problems which must be addres
  15. Zone Alarm, AVG => Unable to connect to internet or get it fixed. Why do I not find this surprising???? Why would this eliminate AVG? If anything it would make me more suspicious it was the cause. It also has a bad habit of leaving bho and filter entries behind when uninstalled. Did you try any browsers other than IE? Such as Firefox? Did you try email or IM? Anything else that uses internet connection? Did you bother to power off and wait between all these switches in configuration? You are supposed to. If you just disconnect, move, and reconnect cables you will not be able to connect
  16. This thread came in handy today along with the one on G4 I configured a new vista machine and wanted to make sure I did not forget anything Glad to see that even low end machines now tend to come with adequate RAM.
  17. Basically if it is a computer from that far back (ten plus years running win98 which is no longer supported by most software authors) it really is not worth the cost of maintaining it and using the failed power supply as an excuse to replace it is logical. Besides which; assuming he did in fact find a compatible power supply there is no guaranty that there was not more severe internal damage (motherboard, processor, ram....) that will have to be fixed too.. Might as well just view this as an excuse to buy a new system and put the old drive in an external enclosure or installed as a slave to re
  18. Well, whenever you say unlimited you get into the need to pay for the bandwidth and storage space you will be taking up. Most 'free access" and even "advertising supported" have limits and want you to upgrade to a paid account when you get to the point that their income does not meet the cost of having you around. So you could make your own site, get a host and pay for your space and bandwidth and do all the setup and design; or you can pay someone who has already done this to host your stuff.
  19. No, as with all hotfixes it means that some people experience a problem which is known to exist but not common. The hotfix is supplied so that they can correct the problem but is not pushed on windows update since most people do not need it. It could be because it is unique to certain motherboards and chipsets; or to certain software configurations where a specific dll file has been modified or replaced.
  20. Hi Casper. Let me add a greeting; and note that strange fonts and such are hard for us older folks to read. Whenever someone insists on using them all I get is a blur. Yes I know that the board software supports them and they are there and tempting; but use with caution and for emphasis only!!! Posting in all caps or all bold is considered shouting in public and viewed as rude and selfish (bad Nettiquette ) There are a lot of good folks here who love to share what they know and help each other and strangers.
  21. A PinkNose Looks a lot like my Ridgeback Pit mix. How large? Coarse hair or that magnificent velvety soft coat?
  22. Not what my OL had to say about it. I did not see anything that sparked my interest in either book so I guess I will just make a standard Yankee Pot Roast today. (Was at an Albertsons and they had chuck and round roasts marked down to 99 cents a pound so I bought several. ) Got out my meat grinder and ground up about five pounds of mixed chuck / round for taco meat (made that last night) and spaghetti sauce (tomorrow ) and left out the best chuck roast for pot roast today (leftovers become stew on Monday). Remember the Geeks in The Kitchen? Lookey here Nothing th
  23. I hate waiting in lines; but that is probably because I am not a real people person. When you are waiting in line with a bunch of strangers you are in a sense a community with at least one thing in common; an interest in whatever you are waiting in line for. So you have something to talk about. Definitely hate it when they fail to organize things and make it clear where you belong so you wait in the wrong line for who knows how long only to find out you should have been somewhere else.
  24. Well tomorrow is first day of summer. While it is a bit late I suspect that the summer high is settling in and we will see triple digits soon and no more rain until September. Not a guaranty , but Texas in the summer tends to be hot and dry especially once the central high gets established. They have had trains of thunderstorms along the Texas New Mexico border for a couple days now ; but they all move south to north with no indication that they can dislodge the high pressure dome and move to the east. From what is in stores it looks like the Texas Peach crop is abundant , large , and tasty