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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. I'm getting tired of resetting my old 801.11b Netgear router 20 times a day. Any suggestions for a wired/ wireless router? Should I get g or n. My laptop is b, but I know that's compatible with g. Are the ones that claim twice the range worth it? I like to take my laptop out on the patio. I just set up a Netgear WGR614v6 for a friend and it seemed OK. I read some negative reviews though. Thanks, Joe
  2. That's a great smiley Dan72. Mind if I borrow it?
  3. "Why...when I was your age I used to.......(insert incoherant ramblings here) " ............Walk 20 miles in five feet of snow to milk the cow at 3 in the morning and then deliver the milk to 50 customers spread out over 100 miles all before breakfast. Then I would get back home and grind some flour from the grain that I harvested last year, churn some butter and make pancakes on a wood stove that I stoked with a few logs that I culled from the two thousand acres of hardwood that I cut down and split by hand with a dull axe. While the stove was heating up I would hook up the dog sled and find
  4. Cape (Cod).........God how I miss it.
  5. Sir Authur Sullivan (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame) Symphony in E Major "The Irish"
  6. That's great. Now all they have to do is supply intellegent content.........or people can watch Jerry Springer, Geraldo, and Oprah on their T-Shirt.
  7. Deliverence..........sorry, thought we were getting into a Georgia woods hootenanny.
  8. Thanks for the refresher course. I did this several times before, but you know how the brain cells diminish daily.......... I'm about to clean house with my laptop and reinstall. Changing the locations of docs and such will be something that I do. Joe
  9. Dolly Parton upper body profile
  10. I just bought a new netgear router for a friends new Dell laptop today. I had some problems downloading the Vista drivers, but finally got one that worked. I noticed that I did not have to include http:// in the address to access the router (like I did in my old router) Ah.....things are always changing. One of these days I'll understand it all................... And then I'll be dead.
  11. sometimes functional (that is , until you've met mine)
  12. You should include HTTP:// before the address. Also, the adress might be if the first one doesn't work. I know this because I've been resetting my Netgear router now about 40 times in the last month. I'm ready to get the sledge hammer out. Joe
  13. Have you tried Anapod? It lets you move data from the ipod to a PC.
  14. holy days of obligation (Catholic)