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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. I had a '64 Khaman Ghia. Paid $400 for it from a coworker in 1974 I think. The engine blew within two weeks. But I also had a great little '69 beetle. Bought it new in 1970. The retail price at that time was $1900. Think about that for a minute and then think about today's car costs. Being young and stupid, I drove it from Connecticut to L.A. and San Francisco. Round trip. Twice. The last trip back to CT. we had 4 adults, all our luggage, and a large German Shephard in the car. Needless to say, we were not too friendly after Utah. I still can't beleive I did that. Later on, probably a
  2. . No Justice - No Peace! Power to the People! Down with The MAN! LoL Got pulled over again... Ticketed for not using the shoulder belt...!! 72' Ford Maverick. I checked fed and state laws, shoulder belt usage isn't required. Now it's just amusing... Did they even MAKE shoulder seatbelts in 1972? Maybe you should start carrying a dozen donuts in your front seat. I just found this post on Google regarding your local lawmen.
  3. I feel your pain. Incompetence is the name of the game with major tech companies. If I were you I would call them again and again until you reach a person with some authority to fix the problem. Unforetunately that is going to take a LOT of your time and patience. It would behoove to to back up your important data if you haven't already done so. Good luck
  4. Tutti Frutti Little Richard- oldie but goldie!
  5. I don't have any favorites. I like them all as long as long as they're not counterfeit, the more the merrier. Have you noticed all the junk ads in the Sunday papers lately? It takes me 5 minutes just to cull them all out. The latest atrocity is the stick on ads placed right on the front page.
  6. irregularjoe


    LOL Funny as usual Marty! Thanks for the laugh. I really needed it today. Joe
  7. OK. I guess I've been out of the loop lately. Compal it is! I think I'll check them out also. Not sure how long my Dell Inspiron 8200 is going to hold up. Thanks for the info. Joe
  8.'ll cap off at $4.99.9 Another possible scenario: The oil companies will start using the metric system (like the rest of the world already does) and sell gas for $1.95 per liter. A lot of people, being somewhat "mathematically challenged" , will think the prices dropped and then buy even bigger gas guzzlers.
  9. SHOO...(fly. There's this damn little gnat bothering me as I type this)
  10. What's the brand? The ad says "Compal Notebook. Did they misspell Compaq? Other than that it looks good. Little pricey though in my opinion. But then again I consider anything over $800 as too expensive.
  11. Thanks I'll check it out. Joe
  12. That's quite likely.Way before the internet, there was the great coffee clutch net and of course the beauty palor web ( otherwise known as BPW 3.1) Distance was no barrier. The news and rumors flew through the Ethel Ether at lightning speed. Woe is the child that got repmimanded during class! Wait til your father gets home!
  13. Lodge ( a chapter also refers to a group or that comes to mind is Ralph Kramden's Racoon Lodge )
  14. Looks interesting! As far as boredom goes, whenever me or my sister would ever tell my mother that we were bored, her reply would be : "If you're bored, pick up a rag and dust!". Naturally we then found more interesting things to do.
  15. smile (what I did when I read this.....thanks.....after awhile the tendancy is to just give up....but you are right )
  16. hopefully (but too many things can go wrong)
  17. Is the audio podcast tech related?
  18. Thanks for the replies. Guess I'll try it.
  19. Does Jeff do a regular podcast?