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Everything posted by blim

  1. Funny but also how true! Our local place gets my business. They have saved me bigbucks because they've caught things that were leaking/broken and told me to go to the mechanic before I get stranded! Liz
  2. beautiful shot, Mandy. And voted.... Liz
  3. Also had a couple burps with the "we're offline" pages but the last couple times I came here, all was OK. Probably something to do with Charter..... Thank you, Jeff Liz
  4. blim

    Cut My Hair

    Congratulations, Hondaboy and thank you for donating your hair! I did the same thing a couple years ago when my hair got down to my be-hind. Couldn't stand it being in my face after getting it cut (beauty of long hair is that you can tie it back!) so I'm back to growing it again. Figure when I get enough, I'll chop and donate again. Liz
  5. We use Office because Dyslexic Daughter prefers it and when it comes to writin' and readin', we do what she prefers! Thanks, Peaches! Emailing this to myself, just in case.... Liz
  6. blim


    Well, certainly hoping the pill/diet/exercise does the trick, Marty!! And glad to hear you aren't having any invasive treatment. Now, do what the Doc tells you, Young Man Liz
  7. Alt+F4, Jdoors, not Ctrl+F4. And that's mighty nifty that you have a magic button on your keyboard!! Glad I triggered that memory, likely quicker than punching two buttons!! Now burn that button in your memory for when panic mode rears its ugly head! And yeah, Firefox.....I haven't jumped to it yet and still using IE6-something (I know, I know, bad Liz!). Son says he's gonna install it on my idiotbox and teach me how to use it. I'm so old fashioned that I just don't like the looks of "tabbed browsing", but Son says since I never have more than two windows open at a time that I won't have
  8. Sounds like something that happened to Son on Facebook. Wasn't a cootie because it happened on three different computers while on his Facebook account and only then. Was tracked down to an "Add-on" he had on Facebook that just didn't play nice with IE. He liked this "add-on" and wanted to keep it (it was some dumb game), he switched to Firefox and hasn't had the quirk since. Oh, while reading about the latest Antivirus Cooties (even if you click close it can install the cootie) Alt+F4 is supposed to shut programs down. When in a panic mode, Ctrl-Alt-Delete doesn't always come quickly. Alt
  9. Thoughts and Prayers for Marty, my friend! Hoping you get through the checkup with flying colors and if you do need "an extra part", hoping its a stent. SIL has a couple of 'em and its a simple procedure Liz
  10. Makes sense to me.....when websites or internet or IE is acting buggy, I check to see if Google comes up....."the test site"! Liz
  11. Looks GREAT, good job, guys and thank you Liz
  12. blim


    Oh, that's cute, Marty!!! I have twin sisters and we always referred to them as "the wombmates".... Liz
  13. Being part ScotsIrish, I LOVE this time of year if only "fer da jokes" Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside with only a pet dog for company. One day the dog died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked, 'Father, me dog is dead. Could ya' be saying' a mass for the poor creature?' Father Patrick replied, 'I'm afraid not; we cannot have services for an animal in the church. But there are some Baptists down the lane, and there's no tellin' what they believe. Maybe they'll do something for the creature.' Muldoon said, 'I'll go right away Father. Do ya' tink $5,000 is enough to don
  14. Thanks, Brian, because those ads are pretty compelling and yes, I bet there are shoppers going to CC! Read some chatter on our local tv site about CC. Their "deals" are no deals. They have a liquidation company running the sale and marked the prices UP before applying the "discount". This information came from an employee who said, "Whats worst thing thata gonna happen to me if I let this out, I'll lose my job??" NOT surprised they put damaged goods out on the shelves, they did that BEFORE they went belly-up. Just last October I bought Son one of those Video Game Guitars to discover the pa
  15. Happy Birthday, Pat and Rmurphy! Hope you both have a wonderful day Liz
  16. Well, today it was "is the dog still alive?" She was sick last night. She is "back to normal", by the way and vet appointment this afternoon. But usually.........."Ughhhh, coffee, coffee, coffee" Liz
  17. Kids have Facebook, copy, paste and emailing this to them, thanks, Peaches Liz
  18. Quick and dirty recap: Trojan is invisibly downloaded into computer and sits there harmlessly--until the user logs on to his banking site. Trojan is then activated to steal information like passwords and account numbers Details here,;provider=top Thankful I walk into the bank! Liz
  19. Welcome to Besttechie's, Global! Graphic Design for me means getting out the pencil and paper but you designers just amaze me with what you can do. I sure enjoy looking! Liz
  20. Welcome to Besttechie's, Mark! Hope to hear a lot more from you Liz
  21. Guessing with some help from my XP for Dummies book Try right clicking, if anything happens, click properties and choose "classic". No idea if it will work as it is a tip for desktop themes and start menus.... Liz
  22. First of all, Pete, Honda and Peaches, wow, wow, wow!!!! I love you and thank you so much for all you do! But, OK, now....because I'm a Noob and therefore thinking of the Noobs, this list could be really overwhelming for my Fellow Noobs. Maybe catagorizing the different links into sections where one can click a section (with a good simple description of said section) to get all the links might be less overwhelming for a Noob? Meaning if a Noob is looking for a specific thing, they can click the catagory and get the necessary links without their eyes glazing over at such a big list. (yea
  23. I'm laughing at the husky-looking dog. It looks like he's laughing and saying, "are you looking at this?" Funny pic! Liz
  24. Congratulations and welcome, you old dog!! After a lonnnng time using a Charter address, I went with a Hotmail address and a Yahoo address for things like Walgreens Rebates that might send me spam. One bright spot is that if your idiotbox ever goes bellyup or if you change internet providers or if you travel, a web address is key to keeping those emails! Isnt there an option to NOT have replies emailed to you in that forum? Should be somewhere.... Liz
  25. That list is a terrific resource and glad to see it being "gardened". I've shared links from that list to many, many other people! In fact, the last time I clicked on the list I noticed there wasn't a link to Malwarebytes. That needs to be added! And of course, Spywareblaster is a keeper Thank you experts for all you do Liz