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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hello All,

    Raked today at Parent's house--The snowbirds are due in a week after 6 months in Fort Myers, FL (lucky ducks!) They only have a couple of pear trees but the lot next door has huge oak trees and with Michigans wind.....Tomorrow I start spiffing up their house--no dead mice this year, yea!--Hubby and Son are especially glad since I make them go over to "dispose" of them, I won't touch them. I can change poopy diapers, clean the worst mess, but dead mice, forget it!

    Thought of Macmarauder today--a link on Einstein-- Didn't understand most of it, but bet you will!

    Taco Salad Tonight (made with ground turkey and chili beans for extra protein) --forgot to take something out of the freezer.

    Oooh, SuperNanny's on..."you've been very naughty!" I get a sadistic kick out of that show.


  2. Hi Matt,

    Thanks for posting this!! I have heard all about the "new show", but would rather read a summary than listen to the Podcast--a little scared of that "new fangled thing"-- and sometimes don't want any extra noise around here--life with teenagers, you know :lol: Good way for me to feel in the loop. Thanks again, Liz

  3. After thinking up Borough, Block Party and Funny Farm, I came across Robroy's suggestion---Neighborhood--I like that!

    And you can bet this place gets a lot of lurkers--I was one since its inception. On a sidenote, in regards to the folks who join but don't post right away, perhaps a PM welcome note??, something that could be simply cut and pasted? Liz

  4. Hi Marty,

    Thanks for the good read! When I was shopping for my first idiot box, I really wanted an Apple because it was easier to use than Windows. But at the time, many applications were formatted for Windows only, so I went with Windows and slowly am getting accustomed to it :blink:

    I agree with you concerning Firefox--if a Firefox user politely suggests it as an alternative to Windows Bugginess to HELP someone, great! But so many trolls see Firefox as the only system to use, no matter what (like your modem problem). And to a tech noobie, Firefox is not user friendly!

    The problem I see with folks "poking holes" in Firefox is simply human nature. A curious person starts messing around with a system to see what its capable of and finds a flaw. So many people are using Firefox now that a lot of folks are doing this. I figure hopefully a better product will come out of these experiments, whether it be Windows, Apple, Firefox or whatever. Aggravating to the user, but thats how improvements and new inventions come about. Man will always try to build a better mousetrap! :) Liz

  5. a blaster is a line of code sent to your computer with the purpose of disconnecting you and sometimes meant to do so by crashing your system. mostly used in hacker duels or by system administration when they catch you in the act. blockers are just code placed on individual files or ports and such meant to temporarily lock direct access, even to the administrator sometimes. they hate it when your using their own password to get in. a tracer is well a tracer code. it runs down your connection.

    People can DO that???? Wow!! *jaw drops, eyes bulge and shakes head* Makes spyware and viruses sound almost harmless. When Son plays "dirty" on online games, I always tell him to play nice because he may be playing against a hacker--and he laughs at me--I'll have to show him this thread!

    Which reminds me, Son has an indoor soccer game tonight, so menu's out early--Macmarauder's Leftover Turkey with Gravy served on a thick slice of Whole Wheat Bread (glad Mac's such a good baker) and Carrots.

    Well I know its spring--the ladybug invasion has started. Someone imported Asian Ladybugs to our area. Guess they eridicate the bugs as well as ordinary ladybugs but they can't take our winter so find nooks and crannies inside to hibernate and they love my back porch--got a few now but there will be hundreds in a few days. Propped a screen loose so they can get out, which will make Hubby bellyache about houseflies getting inside.... but men love flyswatting so he'll have an activity!

    On a bright note, the hyacinths are blooming nicer than they ever have before, and they smell so good. Makes up for the stunted crocuses :)

  6. Wow! I sure am learning alot here! When Son gets home, we'll have to check out Spywareguard, too. I've learned to download this stuff with him--I usually know what to do but don't know the Tech Language--he does (I remember the kids laughing hysterically when I thought to boot a machine meant to reprogram it--why don't they just say "press the power button"? Thank God for the Dummies Book Glossary :P ). Liz

  7. Hi Macmarauder,

    I probably should post this somewhere else, but I have no idea where---what in the world are blaster, blocker and tracer attacks??? They sound like something that come out of a bomber airplane.

    And even though you own control of lightning bolts, they couldn't possibly be your fault--I know you're harmless :) (oops gave away your secret...sorry!) Liz

  8. All these desktops are awesome! I'm an artist but the only way I could do what you folks do is to draw something and tape it to the computer :P

    I so want to add teletubbies to the Windows "green grass hill" desktop!

    Thanks for posting them and keep them coming--I have had a great time looking. Liz

  9. Another question---from what I've read, multiple firewalls and virusscanners are not good, but multiple spyware scanners are fine, right? Can there be too many?

    All these choices got me thinking...especially the Hijacker thing Barb mentioned (Daughter somehow got JClose on the idiot box once--luckily Son knew how to get rid of the thing!)

    And Sidekickcat, Spyware Blaster was by far the easiest download out of the Spyware Scanners we put on the idiot box--or my mind was numb after installing the first two :) I remember asking Son, "That's it, are you sure??" And just updated it--and when I say it's simple, it must be simple! (besides...its magic! :P )


  10. Hi Sidekickcat,

    Ewww, trojans, they're the really nasty ones aren't they? The first time we ran a spyware scanner, it came up with WildTangent (which may...or may bad--folks disagree on that one) Well, the next time we scanned, it came up with W.T again. I said out loud, "what the heck, we just got rid of this one!?!" Son came in to see what I was bellyaching about and guess what??? He was playing a game on Nickelodeon which required installation of Wild Tangent to play!!! Well, needless to say he doesn't play there anymore. The sad part, Nickelodeon is supposed to be for kids and the kids are installing this suspicious stuff--thinking if it came from Nickelodeon, it surely must be safe. *thinks Mac oughta hand me a mug and back away slowly, too* :)

    Tonight's Special, Barbequed Chicken, Baked Potatoes and Green Beans!


  11. Hi JSKY,

    I love projects, Hubby hates 'em, so I usually end up doing them by myself until I need his muscles--luckily, when I'm making a construction mess, he willingly cooks and does laundry! So it's a nice change of pace for me. Besides, I'm picky and he has a "good enough" attitude so we don't work well together! Oh, I get him so mad every time I ask "is it level?" :blink:

    Your project does sound like a big one!! And vines ARE a pain in the patoot, aren't they? I have English Ivy but its so pretty I won't give it up--and its supposed to be nearly impossible to kill. The arches sound beautiful!! And a waterfall? I love the sound of water as long as its supposed to be there and not a leak! Sounds like pretty soon your yard is going to look like a photo in a magazine. Just remember it has to look ugly before it looks gorgeous :)

    Post some photos when you get the time. Liz

  12. Ok, I think I'm figuring this out!! :) These answers make sense--ahhh the old thing, the more you learn about something, the more questions you conger up.

    Never thought about it making changes in the Registry---that area along with Systems and opening up my computer I avoid at all costs!! Thanks! Liz

  13. Hi All,

    As some of you know, I'm new to the spyware battles. Recently downloaded Spyware Blaster (and Adaware and Spybot S&D), thanks to you folks, but have a question and googling didn't answer it.

    According to the Spyware Blaster Website, it "doesn't run in the background" sooo, how does it block the baddies??? And if it does run across something unscrupulous, does it just block the thing, or give me a pop up box such as "this bad thing is trying to access your idiot box", like Mcafee does? I'm careful on the net, but the kids and their friends aren't. I know Spyware Blaster works, or it wouldn't be so highly recommended--really just curious--and saying, "its magic" is an acceptable answer :) Thanks, Liz

  14. Sure sounds like Michigan (although no snow this April...yet :) ) I came up with my own little theory (all on my own, mind you!) --any month with an "R" in it will be cold, starting with Septembrrrr thru Aprrrril. Then there's May, which means it May Rain, it May Snow, it May Sizzle, it May Blow Us All Away....who knows?

    Friday Night---Pizza Buffet (move the doughnuts over, Macmarauder!)

    Thinking of warmer weather, what do all of you like to do in Summer? I Beach, the best part of living in MI--I'm 5 minutes away from Lake Michigan. Liz

  15. Thank You! *blushes* Although anyone can help cook. Tonights Special is Sloppy Joes, made with ground turkey (its so much better for you) on whole wheat buns with tomato soup!

    Hey Macmarauder, did you get the blizzard in your area? I felt very sorry for "Coloradoans" when I heard about that.


  16. Hi Marty,

    I went to CNN's site and searched, but couldn't find the story. My kids have blogs and read their friend's blogs. This news is really sad!! Is this "baddie" something that the blog writer puts into the blog or is it part of a blog service?

    Thanks for always being so quick to post these warnings--you always seem to be a couple of days ahead of everyone else's news and I sure do appreciate it!!! :) Liz

  17. Hi Pomp,

    I am sorry to hear about your Grandmother, but speaking as a mom, I KNOW she wouldn't want you to skip this opportunity--she would want you to go and have a great time--and not worry about her!!. Moms and Grandmothers are like that. When she does go, you'll just need to know that she is in a much better place where she is young and healthy---and keeping watch over you always. Liz