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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hi Sidekickcat,

    Cathy got married??? To Irving? Our paper discontinued it before that but replaced it with Baby Blues which is very funny. (my what an "off tangent" this has taken!) Our paper tried one "edgy" comic but the public wrote too many letters, so we have "Peanuts Classics" now in its place. Still have Marmaduke and Family Circle and Dennis the Menace, too. Can't figure out why they keep Mary Worth and Rex Morgan MD, though (no offense to those who like those two)

    14 mice?? Wow, no wonder they ate so much! Tell Hubby to keep checking that trap line! Liz

  2. Hi Sceeter!

    I was wondering the same thing. It was very quiet around here Tuesday night! Must be spring fever or the Eastersugarbuzz letdown.

    Macmarauder, stop that!!! You'll haunt my idiot box and break it!!! :P

    (he's obviously still mixing candy and nitrous oxide...)


  3. I heard Tom Green was supposed to be on Tonight's AOTS but missed it (must be my warped sense of humor, I liked the Tom Green show....). Looked on the forums to see what Tom's antics were and apparently HE somewhat behaved himself but....oh my....Won't be tuning in for the rerun. You'll have to look at the forums for yourselves if you want to know what happened. Please do not watch the rerun if you have children about.

    **And to the teens here--if you're curious, read the forums first, then decide if your parents would approve before watching the reruns. How would one of your parents react if he or she walked in at the "wrong" time? Message from a Mom, some things just aren't worth the consequences, parents have a sneaky way of finding out stuff, and maturity grows with learning to leave some things alone. One hour of TV isn't worth the trouble you might get into.

    And Macmarauder, I'd LOVE to see what kind of show you could come up with! :D "Mac's Magic Basement Hour"?


  4. Hi all,

    Well, I don't need coffee, still on an Easter sugarbuzz or sunlight, but coming to visit anyways. It reached 50 degrees today! Yea!!! (my spring tantrum is on page 2, I'll let it stay there) I depooped the half of the backyard that isn't still snowcovered (how can a 50 pound dog fill a plastic grocery bag? Perhaps because it has been snowing since October?), raked up a garbage bag full pinecones (easier to do when the ground is still frozen) and did it without my winter coat! It felt WONDERFUL! 50 Degrees and these idiots in Michigan are out in shirtsleeves.... The snowdrops and crocuses are blooming but they're only 1 inch high. Never seen them that stunted before, but....they're flowers!

    TheTerrorist75, warmth's-a-coming your way if jet stream is normal, and all who sprayed Lysol in our direction, thanks!! Liz

  5. Hi MistaMatt90,

    Nice article, nice tribute, thanks. Anyone watch the new show? According to G4Forums, it is basically a variety show and Sarah said something naughty--thats all I could glean from the immature comments on AOTS board before I said, "bah" and came here :) . Liz

  6. Hi all, (listen up, Dan6996 ;) )

    Just to let you know we found the reverse gear in this idiotbox!! Son backed up all the music files today--took 25 CD's in MP3 format--choke! Didn't know 2 kids could collect that much, glad I bought 100! Very painless (especially since Son did it--he knows how to use the CDburner, so I don't NEED to know! ;) ) and maybe took a couple of hours.

    Plan on backing up Windows Updates, Favorites or Microsoft Word Stuff tomorrow--at least one item a day until its all done. Both kids have Gmail and Hotmail accounts (the "big ones") and I thought of just sending their Word documents to their Email--that should work, right? That would be something I could do when they're at school. Even if we lose internet access on one computer, we have another one and a library with internet a couple blocks away, so all would be retrievable.

    One great thing about this is doing some housekeeping while we're at it (delete, delete, delete)

    And nothing else important lives in the computer that can't be reinstalled with a disk. I do my banking, etc. the old fashioned way with paper and filecabinet--I just don't trust the internet for that stuff.

    Thanks for giving me the confidence to get this done and making a scary job easy! And still open to suggestions and advice!!! Thanks, Liz

  7. Confession time--I'm 47 years old but love "alternative music", so I'm an embarassment to my kids but a hero to their friends--Pearl Jam, Beck, U2, Velvet Underground, Greenday, etc. Not the "screaming stuff", though. Always hated country. Liz

  8. Hubby has gotten four of them in the traps since I wrote my post. I asked him if I could wake him during the night to go down and remove dead ones, and reset traps. Oh the look husbands can give sometimes. But it sounded like a good idea to me. :unsure:

    God bless everyone.

    Hi Sidekickcat,

    I read this to my husband (he came into the room to see why I was laughing so hard) and he didn't react too well, either. The nerve!!

    He said, "what, are you afraid they'll come into the bedroom and gnaw on your face or something?"

    I answered, "Hey I SAW those rat movies in the 70's, so.... yeah!"

    Sounds like a good idea to me, too. They just don't get it. :angry: Liz

  9. Hi Robroy,

    Are Rocknrollers nice? My sister was soooo excited to meet Carlos Santana (her hubby did some guitar work for him and brought her along) and the names she called him afterwards--well, I don't say, so I KNOW I can't say them here.....guess he was really rude to her. Liz

  10. Hi Sidekickcat,

    The Mouse Candy I get might work for you "under the right conditions" It's called Talon-G and available only at Exterminator Office/stores. What it does is makes the mice really thirsty and they are supposed to go outside to find a water source and die outside from overhydration. And supposably, if they can't find a way outside and die in the wall, they are so dehydrated that they "dry out too quickly to smell".

    The "condition" part is NOT having ANY water supply in your house to force the critters outside to drink. Your "condition" is that cats and mice are noctural, so it depends on if you can empty their water dishes for the night, how active your cats are at night, and if their water dishes are in a place that you can keep an eye on them during the day, just in case. And depends on if your cats go in the basement or outside(I know some roam all over) I wedged some folded up posterboard on the bottom of our basement door to keep the critters from coming upstairs--but mainly because my retriever mix is---afraid of mice!!! Yep, that's my dog.

    I do know there is a warning on the package to "keep away from children and pets"--but if you can isolate the mice away from the cats, it might work.

    Funny how the mice didn't touch the white flour--guess they know what's good for them!! Maybe bait the traps with dried plums???? :lol: Liz

  11. Waaaay back before most of you were born, I got to know John Getz, then the US Ambassador of Malta (....Malta???) and his fledgling actor son, also John Getz, who went on to "Another World" later "B" and Lifetime,etc movies (ok, so he wasn't that talented....still a kick to see him on the screen). Riches beyond my imagination, but the nicest, down to earth folks one would ever want to meet!!

    I'm related to a bunch of famous people, though, John Alden (think Miles Standish + Prisilla love triangle story from the Mayflower), in fact they named their firstborn "Elizabeth with no middle name" and it has been passed down every generation to me. Also related to 2 Adams presidents, Henry W. Longfellow, abolitionist John Brown, Cassius Marcellus Clay (the abolitionist statesman, not the boxer!) and *cough*danquayle*cough* That's what happens when a branch of the family has been in US so long. Liz

  12. Hi LJM,

    Your reply sent me to Google and my Internet Explorer for Dummies book to translate, but because of your reply, I discovered the Restricted Sites box--I got a new toy to play with!!! So far those two nasties are hopefully living there (hmmmm, maybe add a few online games son is addicted to?? ;) sooo tempting, sooo tempting...) Thank you very much, Liz