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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hi All!

    Well all day we dealt with the Possessed Gateway and it sure was true to form! Did the "nice" thing and ran Spyware Stuff--found 296 "bugs" (is that a record??....) and it is now an expensive gaming machine--no internet! We did everything "right", even googling the baddies before deletion, but hoo boy we really broke it this time--made another post on Windows Support with the "short story" Send over the missles, Macmarauder, Holy Water ain't gonna cure it <_< !

    My brain hurts!!! Too much time decifering Tech Language (why, oh why can't geeks write instructions in simple English?) and arguing with Son on the best method to try to fix the thing, which between the two of us, we made situations worse, I'm sure. It'll be worse yet when the kids start fighting over the Dell which still has internet :blink: . I already warned Son that he will just have to take turns. It'll be like when they were little with a favored toy--I'll have to set the kitchen timer for turns :)

    And tomorrow I take my 80 year old "Nut with a walker" (HER phrase not mine!) out shopping all day. Her mind is just starting to go, so that's a pretty good description of her. At the end of her day I'm totally exhausted! Oi Vey, I think I need a martini if only I liked the stuff.....

    And how was your day?!?!? :P


  2. Hi All!

    Well, we did the "kind" thing and ran Adaware and Spybot S&D on the Possessed Gateway and really broke it :blink: --illegal operation boxes on lots of stuff and no internet explorer, no internet, which is mainly what we use it for now.

    To make a long story short, is reinstalling Windows a "take it to Best Buy repairman thing" or can a kindergarten techy do this?? We have the Window98 CD, Gateway Restoration CD, the CD that Word came on and a CD for our Cable Internet (others too, but these seem the most important). This computer is our "back up" now because it hasn't worked right from its 1 month birthday and used only for internet access, Word (which we copy to floppy since the printer is connected to the Dell now), and the occasional game. I just want a fresh "factory settings" start and if it is beyond me, I'd gladly pay a Repairman!

    Another thing, it only has a 10 Gigawatt Hard Drive (which we were told 5 1/2 years ago, "you'll NEVER fill this up" Ha!) I think it has 2746 mbs left--is this enough space to reinstall windows or should I get a new hard drive too? There is a lot of "Gateway installed junk" and games that are already on CDs that we can remove (if the dang thing lets us!). Microsoft's Site Instructions made no sense and I trust you folks a lot more than the Best Buy salesmen!

    If you want to hear the "long story", I can post it but its ugly! :)

    Just in case: Pentium 2 350mhz

    10 GB Hard Drive

    256 GB Ram

    Win98 Fat 32

    Floppy Drive, DVD Drive and CD Burner Drive

    Thanks, Liz

  3. Thanks Sidekickcat!!

    Read a couple of links till my eyes glazed over and realized it would be a real mess to delete those files! Thanks for the heads up on Mcafee! Wrote Son a note in case he runs the scans (he dives into more adventurous things on the web than I do--never porn though!--and is in the habit now of scanning afterwards if he runs into something suspicious) Think it may be a good idea to google what we don't recognize, too.


  4. I just want to thank you all for an eye opener!! Backweb Lite SOUNDS like a spyware thing--and if I had Sidekickcat's equipment, being new to the spyware battles, I would have deleted them without a second thought. I was just wondering if there was a list somewhere for other manufacturers (like Dell and Gateway? :):huh::) ) or maybe even perhaps start a pinned list on the spyware forum of things to ignore, so others don't wonk out their machines?


  5. Liz, keep trying all the secondhand stores for the kirby part. Was that a soft kind of pliable plastic medium brown round thing with plastic "teeth"? I have one for my Rainbow, either it's theirs, or else I added Kirby one to my Rainbow tools and don't remember??? Just checked my Kirby booklet (I told you folks I have trouble throwing stuff away, besides I need the booklet to remember how to set up the shampooer part which is all I use it for nowadays), and it is called a "massage cup" believe it or not.

    God bless everyone.

    Sidekickcat, that is exactly the gadget!!! And if my memory is right on vacuums, Rainbow parts are brown, Kirby are black, so that tells me both manufacturers make them , which doubles my chances at Goodwill Hunting!!! Glad for the info--and now that I know what it is called, perhaps the Vac Center can order just that part (and for the rest of you, try to get your hands on one, it really does work)

    As for the mailman---ewwwwyuck! Maybe poke around Google to see if you can contact your Postmaster General, I think he or she's called? I wonder if you can threaten to call the BBB? Being a Government Facility they may be exempt, though. I'd say to insist on a PO Box (for FREE till he's Gone!), but going to the post office to pick up your mail could be a pain in the patoot unless you live in a tiny town like I do.

    I hope you all know that I am not the least bit prejudiced in any way, but this will sound prejudiced anyway I put it--sigh--but with him having a disability, it will be tougher to get him fired. The disability laws are GREAT for those who DESERVE a job, but seem to protect those who don't really want a job or those with no work ethics--that's a lousy "catch 22" and this guy obviously doesn't deserve his job. Like Tenmm said, perhaps if you all 'band together' he will at least get moved??


  6. I'm glad you folks posted--TicToc, I loved reading the Baby Page!! *Are you sure its a boy?? Did you get an amniosent....bah...however its spelled or just judging on the ultrasound? On one hand, the mom is usually right about these things, but technicans can be wrong! Boy or girl, you'll love that little Seamonkey :)

    Keep us posted!! Liz

  7. As a former Cat's Pet human, so true! Hopefully the cat will escape outside and present it's captors with a baby bunny head in the lap. Ugh.

    My dog was raised with cats (we got her at 4 years old) and she does the wrap around the leg thing, purrs, and refuses to go through a door unless its opened far enough for a horse to go through....We have a catdog.

    Copy, paste and email to my cat-captor friends! :) Liz

  8. RV56, don't you know about the winter jinx????? :) That's why I wait till after tree pollen season for all that stuff, especially the windows--yes, my snowshovel is still on the front porch! Wait, thought of the jetstream, that stuff is coming my way and its already only in the 40s! Noooooooooooooo! Liz

  9. I found this great gadget at a yard sale! Actually a kirby part--it looks like a cylinder with 1/8 inch "teeth" attached to the end, kinda like a round comb--I basically "scrub" with it attached to the vacuum hose and it works GREAT!! Didn't quite fit on the end of my Eureka hose but I taped up the inside enough for it to fit (masking tape is my friend...). Only problem is that about half the teeth are gone after 10 years and our Vacuum Cleaner Center doesn't sell kirby attachments great on sand, too-- :) And those tail hairs do need to get picked out sometimes....Liz

  10. Found this on MSNBC, look how cute is that?? Everybody say "awwww" :)

    A Zonkey

    Friday Night Pizza Buffet!

    Thanks, Mac for preparing the Holly Water and Missles! When you hear my screams all the way in Colorado, send 'em over--If I'm hollering at kids my yelling can only be heard as far west as Wisconsin.

    Vacuumed the car today--first time since Fall--and anyone who has a long haired dog who likes to go "bye bye" knows that is a job!!


  11. Thanks, Marty!!

    Thats an added relief--I already have the prompt and block cookies...."thing"! I know "most" cookies are supposed to be good, but I figure, why have the added junk on the computer? Might as well block 'em. Liz

  12. I am probably totally wrong, but I think I remember a Screen Savers Show where Patrick attached good 'ol tin foil to the routers antenna to make a stronger connection??? Didn't pay much attention because we don't have wireless at my house but I do remember laughing at the idea, especially because it worked!! Don't try this until someone who remembers the episode chimes in......Liz

  13. Wish we lived closer--I'd be GLAD to clean your house if you cleaned up my idiot boxes--especially my possessed Gateway!! :D It would be a great trade--well until you saw my Gateway! Since the Dell is "clean and updated", I plan on diving into the "evil machine" next, which started giving me fits a month after we got it in 1999 (folks who help on the "windows forums", be afraid, be very afraid!). Combination of Gateway Support not knowing poop and the owners not knowing poop (like no firewall for the first year, no spyware stuff installed--hoo boy!) Wonder what the record is for the most spyware on a machine?

    And with handwriting--that's why the typewriter and keyboard were invented--my Son has horrible handwriting, his teachers have told him to "please type". I do calligraphy ("fancy writing") but he evidently didn't inherit anything from me!
