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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hi TG1911,

    Well, that seems pretty easy (Look Sidekickcat!!!) Thank you! I especially appreciate the pictures--Being an artist, I am definitely a visual learner and being a dummy, I like seeing what to expect. :) Also nice knowing that I don't have to get a "gadget" to unzip files, that its included in XP, I remember on our evil Gateway, my nephew downloaded an unzipper for it (it is W98)

    Thanks again,


  2. Well, Son and I installed SP2 today and so far it worked!! No glitches, no errors, no blue screens, very ordinary installation. After dealing with our evil, possessed Gateway, I find that absolutely amazing and am still a bit skeptical (due to that evil possessed Gateway), I guess I'll find out in a day or two if SP2 really worked ;)

    Just wanted to thank all of you for your support, help, guidance and wonderful answers to my dumb, paranoid questions. The information I received in preparation of installing this monster is the key to its successful installation. I'm sure glad I got such a good education beforehand!

    Now my questions will probably be "what's this new fangled thing?", as I discover the "powers of SP2" :blink: Just to give you a "heads up".

    Thanks again,


  3. Boy, Vile_Dr, that's a hard question!!! My most valuable rule is to tell my kids that I love them every day, but some days I don't see them long enough to tell them that, its always a bedtime phrase ("Goodnight, I love you") and if they are gone when I go to bed, and I haven't told them earlier in the day, sometimes that message gets missed. Not quite the answer to your question, but again, that's a tough one!!

    Ok, an easy question---what's your favorite color?

  4. Hi Kasey,

    Welcome to the forums!!!! Have a look around, we have a real fun bunch here and plenty of people your age to keep you company. Just watch out for us old folks-we move kinda slow sometimes :D and be sure to check out the arcade! Look forward to hearing a lot more from you.

    There are many very smart technical experts here--me, I'm the village idiot :) . But we like to mix fun in with the information sharing which makes this a great place to hang out.

    Maine----I think Kasey has outranked us snow and cold weather bellyachers (we've been quite busy bellyaching)!! Well maybe except for RV56 (RV's in Canada, Kasey....) Anyway, I have heard Maine is beautiful.

    Again, make yourself at home!


    PS: I screw up the close tags thing too---alot! ;)

  5. ***folks, double check this so I'm giving her the right info please***

    Hi Sidekickcat,

    First of all I think this was referring to things downloaded off the web, like games, (not updates), where a "File Download Box" will pop up---it says something like this:

    "What would you like to do with this file?"

    and below it gives 2 options,

    1.Run this program from its current location or open

    2. Save this program to disk or harddrive

    Now, I'm looking at my Internet for Dummies book and consulting with Son, who knows how to do this :) ****So don't try this till someone of knowledge confirms this info!!!****

    After you click the option to "Save" another box will pop up asking where you want the thing saved. There is a drop down menu--easiest option would be to save it to Desktop, where it can be easily found and click ok or finish. After it downloads, you should be able to right click the icon created on your desktop and should give an option to scan for viruses, but OldTimer's post makes it sound like the AV would automatically kick in before it opens(?). Double click the icon to open it, no unzipping required unless it says .zip at the end of the file. The very first box you see on a download should also say .zip at the end if its a zip file. Most files will say .exe at the end.

    In my opinion, zippers are for coats---never zipped or unzipped anything on the computer. (and if a file does say .zip, I figure I don't need it that badly!:) )

    Did this make sense at all? :blink:


  6. Well the parents arrived---but at 11pm last night!! They were supposed to stay the night in Indiana, but Dad got ancy. They saw a few things last night, knew something was "amiss" but saw everything this morning.

    And NO cuss words!!!! Mom said they were laughing too hard to cuss!! So I guess I lose the pool :P

    They amused themselves today watching people walk by their house. Some gawked but most grinned and laughed. Dad was funny--I visited today and he would say, "Oh look, here comes someone walking down the sidewalk---watch and see what he does" He never left his windowside rocker!

    One thing I bought was a bulldog head with welcome underneath it to hang on their door. Dad says he is keeping that. To quote Mom, "Oh HOWWWWARD!!" :D Now we have to watch our yards to make sure they don't retaliate!

    Took a slew of pictures--still need to fill up the roll but will post them when developed :)

    Vile_Dr, Transformers TALK now???? Geez, that's lame. Last year Son was sick and bored and watched the Teenaged Mutant Ninga Turtle movie---he didn't know how much humor went over his head when he was little. It was like a whole new movie to him!

    Scalloped Potatoes and Ham tonight!


  7. Hi Shanenin,

    Congrats for 5 sober years!!! It's truly God's blessing, isn't it?. Fortunately, I never dabbled in that stuff but know folks who have and it is such a struggle for them to stay clean sometimes. Keep the faith, God is truly a Higher Power--and He sends friends and fellow recoverers to help.

    And as for talking to yourself, I agree with Murtu, I would never have survived this long without it!! :) I blame being an eccentric artist, you can always blame Grampa! (Murtu, just wait till you're a parent--it's a necessity for survival!) Liz

  8. Ok, folks, you all probably know this but it certainly was new to me--we've been doing it wrong for 5 years--and maybe new to someone else--Also not sure if I posted this in the right place, feel free to move.

    Stolen post from OldTimer at Tom Coyote Forums (a topic I kinda understood!)

    "As for opening files from a download, I would highly recommend not doing that. You should never use the Open option when downloading. You are not allowing your anti-virus applicaiton to do a scan prior to your opening the file. You should always use the Save option and then open the file from the saved location."


  9. Oh, Robroy,

    You can read me like a book :P . (I was laughing at your post and had to tell Son why....he "says" he knows how to do that, we'll see) Plan on taking some pics tomorrow morning (waiting to see if anyone else contributes) but have 21 pictures left on the camera--might be a while, but will do. One sister already took some pics, will see which roll of film gets developed first--I already told her I want a print :)

    The real test will see how many swear words will come out of my Dad's mouth when he pulls into the driveway!! The more cussing, the better we did. Mom will give us the curse count, I'm sure. We sure are evil, aren't we???

    And Vile_Dr---transformers are worth money now??? I'll have to dig through Son's toybox to see if any are left or if they all dissapeared into the depths of the long gone sandbox. (20 years old but still has his toybox....oi vey) Guess they are "More than meets the eye" Besides, the original transformers were MUCH better than the "modern" transformers! Wonder about Power Rangers?


  10. :lol: Aint that the truth??? The author forgot to add Ziploc Bags are uncooperative, stubborn and impossible to work with--although that's maybe not all men, just husbands ;) ! (I hate Ziplocs, especially shredded cheese packages--scissors and a bread tie method for me!) Liz
  11. Hi Tenmm,

    Aww, you disabled the link?? I feel really bad about that :( The truth is I don't really remember exactly what happened when I clicked the link and was about to try it again.

    But seems to me that the idiot box slowed way down and there was a pop-up box or two, which usually doesn't happen on the Dell---oh, and there was a clicking noise in the speakers like a mouse click but I wasn't using the mouse--but it may have been something wonky on this machine or most likely my internet connection. No blue screens or freezes anything major, (a little wonky not really wonky!) so re-enable that link so more may be helped! (then I'll try it again, too and I'll let you know if it does anything weird :) )


  12. Last year we turned their bedroom into a Bordello (complete with red light bulbs in the lamps and a red bra for mom and thongs for dad)

    Heh heh heh, the fun thing is when you take into the fact that they are 72 and 74 years old :P

    Sister and I went to add a couple more items to the Parent's yard today, and guess what? PEOPLE ARE ADDING STUFF!!! There was an addition of a wooden green rabbit and a ceramic Blue Boy to the yard! Have no idea who the "adder" is, probably a neighbor, but isn't that hysterical?


  13. Hi Nancy,

    Welcome to the Forums!!! Hope you will like it here and hope to hear more from you. And regarding your post, I suppose maybe that's the reason why the experts recommend more than one spyware program, hopefully one will catch what another won't. Thank you for the info--I learn something every day here. Liz

  14. Hi Sidekickcat,

    I saw the results of your weather on television (well, Northern California, so kinda your neck of the woods) Downed telephone poles and lots of destruction! Looked nasty. Assuming you didn't get any major damage??

    Hi Robroy,

    The Virgin Mobile phones came to our area just recently! Of Course! I figure when they lose or break their tracfones, I'll look into those. Or maybe have daughter replace hers--son rarely uses his phone but you know daughters......It may be worth it for her to switch! And flurries??? Ugh, I DO feel your pain!

    Every year when my folks come up to MI from FLA, 2 sisters and I plan a prank. Last year we turned their bedroom into a Bordello (complete with red light bulbs in the lamps and a red bra for mom and thongs for dad) Today, we filled their yard with the ugliest, tackiest yard art that we could find (thank goodness for Fall Clearance Sales at the Dollar Store)--we have a "bending over bloomer lady" and a "bending over man with a plumbers crack" (we made those). There's sunflower spinny things, pink flamingos, gnomes, wooden tulips and a windchime made out of beer cans! Gad, their front yard looks horrible :D *Heeheeheehee....*Just hope it all doesn't blow away by Monday night!!