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Everything posted by blim

  1. JDoors, stop wishing for more snow right NOW, young man! Shovelled yet *again* this afternoon and since it snowed some MORE afterwards, it looks like I'll be shovelling MORE tomorrow. Stop that wishing! We have enough snow, thank-you-very-much!!! The snowbanks alongside the driveway are as tall as I am--if it snows anymore, I'm too short to throw the junk to the top of the pile!! /end rant.....come on Spring! Or at least 32F+ temps??? Pool?? Oh, I'm the worlds worst pool player.....simply pathetic... Liz
  2. And here all along, I thought you were a "kid", Joe!!! Well, just concentrate on living long enough to be an Old Fart! (and don't worry, you will still be a kid as far as I'm concerned! Fool me once, I'm fooled forever....) Liz
  3. :D Oh yeah, I know that helpless feeling!! A whole different can o' worms, eh?? Read this, particularly the second chunk down by iccarros as far as reassuring me about an AV and recommending one that is Mac compatible because I'm such a worrywart. So far, Daughter likes her new toy and she's figuring things out--she proudly showed me her "perks" on her new Macbook. She discovered she likes iwork's word processor just as well as MSWord, she learned that if there is an automatic update, an icon at the bottom of the screen bounces up and down so you notice it, she did sadly discover her *
  4. Fantastic deal on the smoking, Jsky!!! I'm quitting using Chantix and that stuff is $128 a month (of course, our insurance won't pay for it!), so free is just wonderful!! 28 days under my belt and I haven't killed anyone yet.... Liz
  5. Happy 50th Jsky! Hope you have a wonderful day and start preparing for a weekly Aarp advertisement Liz
  6. Welcome to Besttechie's, Option! And yup, last weekend she announced she finally found Safari (thanks to her Leopard for Dummies book!) Her Geekyfriend was supposed to play with *ahem*, I mean "set up" her new laptop as he's a Mac guy and he mentioned changing Safari to something else--I'll suggest Camino if he hasn't already installed it. Thank you! Haven't gotten any frantic phonecalls or emails so I'm assuming she's figuring things out....well, at least I'm assuming she hasn't broken the thing yet....*knockwood* Liz
  7. blim


    Ohhhh, my Parents sure coulda used that last line! Liz
  8. Warm thoughts going out to Terrorist--the news just said Fulton NY had 3' snow fall and another foot on the way.... Just stay inside and call a plow, dear!! Liz
  9. Need I say more?? At least it's been too cold to snow....much...gotta shovel about 8inches when it gets above 10 degrees. Liz
  10. Happy Birthday Shanenin! Hope you have a wonderful day! Liz
  11. I have a sister who forwards junk--just today I got the Obama one from her. If I see "FW" in the message, it just gets deleted.......I've tried and realize the best thing to do is just make sure it doesn't go any further from my end. Liz
  12. Happy Birthday Echobay!! Hope you have a terrific day Liz
  13. Or they'll just start calling you Calvin Liz
  14. She bought it online from Apple...that'll be great if its all updated! Good to know she has enough Ram (again, not being familiar with the OS had me scratching my head) and really good to know about OWC--I've been successful in giving old Ram to good homes so it stays out of the landfill but another way to get rid of it is always appreciated!!! Liz
  15. You put my mind at ease, Iccaro, and thanks! As far as the ram, she doesn't do anything "computerheavy", like "videoediting or such", but has been known to have a half dozen windows open at a time when chatting on aim and surfing--so I guess we'll just see how she does with the ram. Her current PC has only 256gigawhats so 1G should seem speedy to her! And yay with Crucial! I know there are cheaper places to buy Ram, but Crucial does such a good service matching the correct Ram with one's computer, I'd rather spend a couple extra bucks to throw them the business. My lil' way of saying "tha
  16. Laptop with Leopard installed. Due to be delivered this week. Ummmm, what I can remember: Intel dual processor 2something??? 1 G Ram 80 gigawatt hard drive (will be plenty big enough for her) And......even though she's used Macs at College and I bought her a Leopard for Dummies book, *I* haven't read it, I graduated College, so I have questions First of all, Hitest, thank you for the questions about the airport thing as I had no idea what it was when she ordered her laptop--*I* thought it was something that enabled one to use the laptop on an airplane! And isteve, thank YOU for explaini
  17. I have always loved Calvin's snowmen!!!! Thanks for the read--great collection! Liz
  18. Windows98Se? I had Windows98 on my Possessed Gateway. DO try what Marty suggested with msconfig as I know that worked on the Possessed Gateway. There is a timing thing with pressing F8 that I never could figure out.....Marty's way is MUCH more reliable. Start/Run/type in msconfig (short for Microsoft Configuration, I think--at any rate, knowing that is easier to remember msconfig) Once there, on the right hand side if I remember right, is "startup options" Click that and choose "restart in safe mode", or something like that--pretty foolproof. When you restart the computer, it *should
  19. Dustbunnies is also something I am going to have her (OK, her brother or her GeekPet) check, as the idiotbox is in a carpeted bedroom which likely hasn't been vacuumed since August But....when we replaced the memory in my old-now Son's computer, there was virturally NO dust inside (I was shocked, but pleasantly shocked)--and that computer is 3 years older than Kate's. But Kate, as sweet as she is, she is a slob...... Liz
  20. Thanks, Shanenin, that is cheaper than I expected and a rebate to boot! Now, as far as replacing complicated? I looked at the photo with all those cables and plugs and went a little pale. Liz
  21. Daughter's idiotbox has been "randomly shutting itself off" according to her. Her GeekPet reinstalled Windows so I don't think its a cootie--thinking that if I remember right, that is a symptom of a failing power supply, right?? Last time she had it home, the case made a little buzzing sound, too. Anyways.....I did some Googling so I could see what a power supply looks like and one quote was, "If you've ever changed a memory card, you can change your power supply" Is this right??? I know the Geeks here change power supplies all the time, but remember, I'm no Geek! And, how does one go ab
  22. Oh, that is SO spot-on, Marty! Liz
  23. Happy Birthday, Marsh! Hope you have a wonderful day Liz
  24. blim

    Happy New Year!

    Wishing the Besttechie Family a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! Please drive carefully. Liz
  25. blim

    My Project

    Cars! Hubby gets a Year End bonus each December and we call it "the car check" as every single stinkin' year we have at least one broken car around Christmas (well, ONE year in the past 25 we had a "pass". ONE stinkin' year! ) At least this year we had a little bonus at the end of the car far....still considered the Holiday Season for a few more days....*knockwood* Hope it isn't too expensive, Jdoors. I hate cars. Liz