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Everything posted by screi

  1. perhaps a visit to samsung's website is in order..?? are there no instructions for usb device drivers in the operating manual..
  2. have you loaded the usb drivers for it...? it's been a while but i seem to remember that 98se took some specific steps to successfully load usb device drivers... also does the new cd burner support 98...??
  3. ...well no one said your question was stupid..but i did say and still believe that it's a bit silly to be so concerned about the sound a mouse click makes... ..and what amazes me is that you seem to be so obsessed with free cell..that you can't simply stop playing for the duration of a phone call...especially since you believe it might be annoying the person you are talking to.. not sure what your being a female has to do with anything...??
  4. lol..i must have read and re-read this post 10 times last night..before anyone responded..and decided to keep my initial reaction to myself...but after seeing it here and on the Worldstart board today i just had to point out that it seems a bit silly... don't you be so concerned about the sound of a mouse click..?? things are well with me and the girls...wife seems to be well on the road to recovery...and that's a good thing..thanx so much for your kind thoughts.. Hope you feel better soon... wayne
  5. ..............."And turning the speakers down doesn't help either. The click sound is still there." are you talking about the physical click sound of the mouse button..?? ..if so i think your pulling our chains here... sorry but i'm having a hard time taking this seriously..
  6. yes to the firmware update..and my burner came with nero 6.xx..which has been updated at least twice since dec 04.. i use tdk dvd+r's and cd-rs' from Costco with no problems for both data and dvd backup.. haven't tried the dual layer variety yet..and see no advantage to dvd-r disks... Good Info Here..? have fun with your burner...
  7. 29 of the operating instructions..(bottom of the small print..) "Hint...When you open the disc tray, the reading speed reverts to its default of 40x speed"
  8. Happy.... BIRTHDAY...... Sultan
  9. you probably didn't see the start of this topic on the other board "Also, you are only moving the folder, not deleting it, so its not like you are uninstalling it, leaving reg keys/values etc stranded." not sure what you mean here..??
  10. well.i'm not calling anyone ignorant..but i'd like a bit more detail on what programs you have moved in this manner..installing a program entails a lot more than just placing an .exe file on a drive..and every installed program i know of has registry keys.. the warnings about not just deleting a program file from the c:\win\program and using add/remove instead should be reason enough to discourage the cut(delete)/paste approach.. ..and my point is..there are simpler and safer ways of freeing up c drive disk space...and if a program does not present an option when it's being installed to insta
  11. ...........CUT AND PASTE.........???? i don't think so....and as discussed on the other board...some programs need to be installed on the same drive as windows...if your looking to free up some space on the c drive..consider moving your "My docs" folder or music and/or picture folders to the d drive..cut/paste a program file is not a good idea..
  12. AC97 latest sound driver...3.68 can't help with the mobo..
  13. Second off you can see if you can get anywhere with this number, although i believe it is their general support number that you have to pay to use. 1-800-936-3500 (US & Canada only) Now I can tell you that I had a similar incident when I first installed my XP a year ago and actually talked to a real person from that lovely 800 number on the activation screen. Good Luck and keep us informed yes..that's just it..the 800# on the activation screen ONLY connected me to the automated activation...there never was an option presented to talk to a live person. and after repeatedly trying to ent
  14. lol..thanx Efwis...i don't do too well in chat environments...if you knew how long it takes me to type this you'd laugh too..heh..(actually had a chat support person for a printer i bought a while back yell at me for being to slow..she suggested i pay for phone support..rather rudely i might add..) the other issue is..since this is an oem version of xp..i'm told to "call the manufacturer" who was very helpfull in the first year..but can't help me with this issue..."it's a Microsoft issue" to them.. i've seen other posters recommend calling MS for these kind of activation problems..just curious
  15. Thank you..that's what started the search for a bios update..the sis7012 driver installation(for the new version) fails with the following error: "Update Driver for Plug and Play Devices -536870397" and then quits the install.. so i'm kinda going in circles here...and i have also downloaded the MSI utility for my motherboard...but am leery because some of the driver updates it indicates are older than the ones from the driver manufacturer... btw.. eSupport refunded my 29.95 with no problem..the shame is the bios updated successfully..but doing so in-validated my product installation id# for a
  16. to address some other issues raised in this discussion esupport is apparently the Phoenix-Award bios vendor as evidenced by their website and my everlast program also uses their link in their(eSupport's) update bios link... and i certainly agree that paying for this is not what i'd like..but i'm trying to resolve a specific problem..and i have spent a considerable amount of time looking for free resolutions... unfortunately the pay path has yet to produce a satisfactory resolution... as we all know is all to often the case.. Medion's site is well known to me...their drivers are not updates an
  17. well.. i'm back..i wish i was a better typist..because i have had an interesting day with this issue...and i'd like to be as thorough as i can with what happened..i'll try to be as specific as my hunt and peck typing allows.. i decided to give the $30 download a try...backed up all my important stuff and read the instructions at least 4-5 times to be as comfortable as possible..the nice thing is the updated bios comes with a flash loader that basically allows you to back up your original bios(and reload it..if necessary) issues presented themselves during the install and the bios was flash
  18. yes..and some firefighters are caught setting fires also...(if you live in S know what i'm alluding to..) point is...this kind of stuff can be careful..
  19. ahh.. the plot thickens...thanx curling steve...just got an email this am from eSupport offering the update for $29.95 in download form.... while i agree that "if it ain't broke.." the issue is required to update the sound drivers...which i need to accomplish since adding a dvd burner..which i'm told is an issue because of the sp2 change to the plug and play support..all rather confusing..but i'm having an issue with the sound recording of my home digital video and dvd burning.. methinks i have more research to accomplish...
  20. thanx a lot bitbanger..i have found this at the micro-star site..bios i've downloaded and installed the "live update utility" and interesting enough it indicates that there is no update for my version.. although it also indicates that there are updates for my vga card that are older than the ones i have..not sure what to make of this..sigh..i guess i'm stuck with the $69.95 option. ..appreciate your interest and help..
  21. Thanx..the reason i'm trying to upgrade is the latest plug and play support(2.1) is needed to update my sound drivers..this all started when i installed a sony dvd-cd rw..the updated sound driver needs the 2.1 bios support.. i'm on a micro star ms-6701 motherboard (medion oem)..and can't decipher their site to be confident of any upgrades they might offer.. the eSupport deal might be the safest approach as they offer tech support and their program offers a bios backup utility that is supposed to be rather simple..just can't afford the 69.95 right now.. ...i'll have to keep digging..thanx for t
  22. ..ok..i ran everlast and it recommends i updaste my bios..which frankly i already knew(it's 2 years old..)..and connects me to want $69.95 for a "BIOS update package"..that seems a bit out of line to me... so my question(s) is/ that a reasonable price..?? and since i've had trouble finding good info on the Phoenix-Award BIOS v6.00PG that i'm trying to update on a Medion PC, Intel P4 2.8Ghz..with a SiS 648 rev2 Chipset..can anyone point me in the right direction..i'm a bit skiddesh about Bios i know i can mess things up rather easily.. btw..the Phoenix-Awa
  23. Hey you doin'.... wayne
  24. not sure if this still applies..but earlier versions od cws would corrupt some files ..and programs like notepad and some others would not work...not sure if this is still the case but it's a powerful program designed to fight a powerful and nasty pest...
  25. screi

    Other Board

    LMAO...!!! ..but i must say..i sure like the way pete handles these things..and DT too... the problem is..the SS kiddies have already migrated to the TS board too much already..oh well..glad B has given us a nice place to be..