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Everything posted by robroy

  1. with 28 years of hell, I can't forget mine. J/K, actually I am fairly safe because I remember it better than she does. Congratulations Mike
  2. Happy Birthday Honda Boy
  3. Battle ......................of Marathon where 300 Spartans held the pass against the Persian army
  4. nice car Jeff My first was a 1963 Ford Anglia
  5. down on mileage down on beer, in trouble here
  6. I actually found one place here selling for $2.799 today, that is at least $0.10 cheaper than anyone else in the county, so I filled up. every pump had 2 or 3 cars waiting, which was the only downside. The woman in front of me must have never filled up using a credit card before, she put the card in the wrong way 3 times before the attendant showed her what to do.
  7. I have given up trying to listen to radio stations around here, same playlist each day, just jumble up the order and noone will notice. Then there is 5 - 6 minutes of advertising every 15 minutes. I burned a bunch of mp3 cd's to play in my car, glad JVC makes an in car mp3/ cd player. Then I can listen to the music I want to hear not what the radio station thinks I should listen to. I also agree that Imus is being thrown to the dogs for what he said but rappers can get away with much worse. I am tired of seeing the antiracism only being called in one direction. If a white calls a black person
  8. He will be missed I read all of those books you listed many years ago and along with Isaac Asimov they hooked me on Sci Fi. My collection of sci fi and fantasy now numbers over 500 books of which I have read all but about 10
  9. been $2.89 for 87 octane here all week, so I guess that in the next 2 weeks we will se $3.00 per gallon. seems like price gouging to me if it isn't the same price everywhere, but state taxes make a difference. If I drive 15 miles to Virginia I can save 15 cents per gallon but of course I use most of the extra gas I get for my money to pay for the 30 mile round trip.
  10. I listen to many type of music from classical to metal but no rap. Will Smith was ok but the majority of rap seems to be shock value sound (I won't call it music). The more outrageous the lyrics the better in most cases seems to be the idea. My son,19 years old, used to listen to it but he has realised how bad most of it is and traded a lot of his cd's with friends for alternative and rock music. Well I remember my mother complaining about the Stones and similar bands not being music when I was a teenager so I guess that it has gone a full circle.