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Everything posted by robroy

  1. will I'm 56 and my waist is still only 36, so I don't feel bad. My youngest is 17 and although he sits in front of the computer/tv for 3 or 4 hours a day he walks, skateboards , and generally excersises regularly and has a 30" waist so I think a lot of it is to do with diet, too much fast food and junk food is what causes the problems. I have friends whose kids eat fast food 2 or 3 times a week, and they seem to have the weight problems, those who don't give their kids fast food more than once a week don't seem to have the same problems
  2. Hey Jas, glad you still around here once in a while
  3. That mountain light is great Mac, I also liked #3 of the first attempt Keep going with it
  4. The emergency floppy start disk you made may work. Turn the PG (possessed gateway ) off, put the floppy disk in the drive, then turn PG back on. The PG should boot up. Try this and let us know what happens
  5. I'm still using 1.0 because every newer version has given me trouble on windows. On the linux side everything works fine with the latest version Guess it's something between windows anf ff causing the problem
  6. My mother told me there would be days like that . The problem is that she didn't tell me that almost every day would be that way. Some days I think I would be further ahead if I stayed in bed all day Just never get caught up, too many interruptions Mac, did you miss Liz's computer with the bomb because mine keeps rebooting itself
  7. Fresh coffee and donuts everyone Sounds like you are having lots of fun Liz. I posted a reply to you about the gateway. Just keep with it and we'll get you back up and running
  8. From the sound of things Liz, you need to do a clean install. This means that you will have to reformat the drive, First thing to do is to format a floppy as a boot disk Format floppy Then you will need to format the hard drive Format Hard Drive After this put the Win98 cd in the drive and follow the step by step instructions.. Make sure you have the code ready to enter when asked, it should be on the win 98 cd case We will talk you through if you feel up to trying this
  9. robroy


    As a parent and grandparent, also expectant gradfather, I have to agree wholeheartedly with tenmm about it being a healthy baby. That is absolutely the only thing I have ever said "It has to be healthy" don't care if its a girl or boy as long as it has good health. We were lucky with ours and my grandson. They were all healthy. Hope yours is too
  10. 7, 3 working ........................... also my boss must be like yours, he has the same problems what is your favorite software?
  11. Hey thesidekickcat I feel for you. Our mailcarrier is great, she arrives at the same time every morning, always has a smile and hello. The problem is whenever she is off the stand ins always seem to mess it up. Three times in two moths he left the neighbors mail at our house
  12. Oh no, Mac is a mod, now we'll be invaded by the robot mice. Overrun by apple mice, nooooooooooooooo Congratulations Mac
  13. When I was a teenager (many years ago) we had a cat that brought home a pet snake. The only problem was that it was a viper, the only poisonous snake in Britain .
  14. Feel for you rv. Washed my car and it rained overnite I know you can barbeque in winter but its much more fun in good weather Mac i have to clean the carpets same way that you do, keep saying no more dogs, but no one listens
  15. different times different feelings. Mac gets me feeling Just kiddin Mac
  16. I installed Iccaros linux on my second hard drive and it took care of setting up the dual boot menu. Works great
  17. Question what are you wearing Answer Volcano