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Everything posted by sultan_emerr

  1. "A new report from the nonpartisan (but now largely populated by Democrats) Congressional Budget Office. The CBO analysis indicates that, in the long haul, both the House and Senate versions of the “stimulus” bill would result in such an increase in government debt that private investment would be “crowd(ed) out.” “[Our] basic assumption is that, in the long run, each dollar of additional debt crowds out about a third of a dollar’s worth of private domestic capital,” the CBO analysts wrote. This would lead to a lower Gross Domestic Product during the next decade than if the government had d
  2. I agree with you that it would be best to have a final solution to the jewish problem in the Middle East. I see that the authorities are now looking into that situation, in spite of attempts by certain groups to divert attention by beating up on old straw-dogs like Tarek Hussein Farid = "International Criminal Court to consider Gaza investigation. The Palestinian Authority and others want the court to investigate alleged war crimes committed during the recent battle with Israel." =,6059347.story
  3. I wonder how the buyer can tell for sure that they are really genitals from an albino, and not some fake deal, like buying a replica Rolex watch?
  4. Is this a goverment conspiracy to wipe out the weak, infirm and unproductive in sociery, in order to save tax money? =
  5. And it seems like some will spin anything to favor Bush and/or look bad on Obama. I'm just adding my opinions to the discussion I hope that they change the constitution so that Obama can stay president for life. I have emailed congress and suggested that on 20Feb they hold a huge tourchlight parade in Washinton to comemerate the first monthly aniversery of his rising to power.
  6. I think that there should be a cap of $50,000 a year on what webmasters can earn.
  7. Is that the Official White House portrait?
  8. Thank you very much, my friends. I had a very nice day. For the first day in weeks, it was a nice clear, sunny and fairly warm day. I had a heartwaming get together with family and friends.
  9. Since I am now in a tax bracket that has to pay no Federal taxes, I am going to support all tax increases, and opose all tax cuts. I have contacted both of my senators, and urged them to not only support the stimulas bill, but to try to at leat triple the amount of money in it, since it is just borrowed money that won't have to be paid back for 20 or 30 years, and I won't be around that long, so I won't have to worry about it.
  10. Can't the same thing be said for prostitution?
  11. Will B. H. Obama be the last President of the USA? =
  12. "Police in Tanzania have recently arrested almost 100 people suspected of murdering albinos and/or selling their body parts to witchdoctors. Apparently the limbs, hair, and even genitals are used in some folk medicine. The government has responded by pulling the healers' licenses to practice. The healers are reportedly ignoring the ban." =
  13. That sounds like hate speach to me. Isn't talk like that now against the law, according the the Obama administration's new interpertation of the hate crime laws?
  14. Such as? If I can list at least 85, do I win a prize?
  15. An efficiency expert concluded his lecture with a note of caution. "Don't try these techniques at home." "Why not?" asked somebody from the audience. "I watched my wife's routine at breakfast for years," the expert explained. "She made lots of trips between the fridge, stove, table and cabinets, often carrying a single item at a time. One day I told her, "You're wasting too much time. Why don't you try carrying several things at once?" "Did it save time?" the guy in the audience asked. "Actually, yes," replied the expert. "It used to take her 20 minutes to make breakfast. Now I do it in te
  16. "Microsoft Lost Nearly $500 Million On The Web Last Quarter" =