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Everything posted by iccaros

  1. gentoo is a great project.. but do you want this to be a project?? Don't get me wrong.. I use lots of linux distros and my main one is gentoo but in this case fedora 3 may be your best choice fro fast install and now good support for (fedora core 1 was just Red Hat 9) and fedora 2 was very unstable.. but with 3 I think it would be a fast install.. now Back to Gentoo.. through portage it has everything .. but you must understand what hardware the laptop has in order to set it up.. a good thing to do if you are going to build gentoo is boot a knoppix CD and run lsmod to get a list of the module
  2. yes memory is a big problem.. BSD would probaly run better (I have it runing in 16 megs ) but I also have distcc for gcc. distcc woudl allow you to compile on other computers but use that one for linking and config. if you look at the thinstation.sourceforge.org site. they have boot floppies that may help. here is how distcc helps.. I have 3 xboxes running linux.. (totaly leagal as Linux is not pireted software....) it took 23 hours to compile mythfrontend on the first one.. I tried distcc. have distcc connectiong to the two other xboxs and one amd2800 xp. it took 4 hours this time to com
  3. DSL is damnsmallinux found at http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
  4. I know there was talk aout portage on linux from scratch. and portage for solaris.
  5. I have to say while linux can run well on a machine with your specs.. a easy distobution was not made with you in mind. they are made for people with new dells and stuff. slackware is easy to install just has no gui.. it has an install program but you move your curser insted of your mouse. it is compiled for 486 systems. as for an x system you would be looking at tiny X (DSL runs that ) try dsl if that does not work let us knwo And I 'll go through slackware asn see what optinos you need.
  6. ok ipv4 is what you are probaly are using now (4 octects ip address something like each number before a period is called an octect as its is made up of 8 binary numbers. like 255 is bainary 11111111 and 128 is 10000000 ... IPV6 is going to add 2 more octects to make the address look like this ... this way they will have more address. IPV6 already has the option of IPV4 over IPV6 which will make your current address of look like this on a IPV6 so it will still work. for BSD: I would like to use dummynet as it isa network flow controller
  7. I need to learn ports.. Have been doing anything but BSD for hte last year and well I now have some big uses for it.
  8. TiToc ..when are you going to start making art for my distro??? I need some good stuff. by the way you logo you created is on the CD at my site.
  9. im looking at adding one of the following to my distrobution.. of course I am deciding on a 100% rebuild and I have not decided how I am going to build the base yet (linux from scratch or Gentoo) Smart Package manager: http://zorked.net/smart/doc/README.html this woudl be really cool if some one added pass through portage support. Then if it cought on all Linux versions could use the same package manager (at least the same tool name and look and feel) SWARET http://sourceforge.net/projects/swaret or http://swaret.sourceforge.net/index.php swaret lets you keep your Slackware system up to date.
  10. I woudl stay away from front page .. more so with apache. frontpage generates non-standared HTML a nd you can not publish to apache with out adding frontpage extentions.. which are way too easy to hack.. try nvu http://www.nvu.com/ it will do what front page does plus its free.. and adhears to the W3C standard for html generation. it also includes a java command line to test any java you may use.
  11. their are a lot of problems with SP2 and the reason companys like SAIC, lockhead martin, BAE, Verizon have put put staments to not upgrade to SP2. Their is a lot of software that is broken with SP2 and some of the fixes break connections to older exchange server. It woudl be nice if everyone could afford to upgrade the hardware and software for these servers.. its just way too cost prohibative to do so this fast..
  12. it was a serious post.. It is a crime to use anothers registration number.. having a CD means nothing..you can get them from MS for $5 with no license. their is no way to change your registration number once entered in to XP that number is the base pair at which your system SID and PKI keys are generated. You have to reinstall .. their is a way using the windows tool for creating images of a install to change your sid.. its called newsid and its put out by Microsoft. This along with sysprep keeps your current information (programs installed) but clears out users and make you re-enter your se
  13. if you are going accross the internet I would use putty (a ssh for winders..) it has secure Ftp.
  14. do you have ccache installed.. with that my last install of kde took about 4 hours.. most of the kde install is recompiling the same code for diffrent exacutables... ccache sppeds this up by not recompiling the same thing.. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/hand...l?part=2&chap=3
  15. http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,3...2735094,00.html 2 points the story touches on but misses in my openion... 1) the Linux and Mac OSX boxes needed no updates to be secure.. 2) if windows is taken over in 18 then you do not even have time to install SP2 for a new system. before being taken over.. I do think MS is doing better in the secuering the OS but this is only becase of presser by compatition from linux/bsa/and Mac OSX
  16. its loads all native (ones that come with the cd) from the initrd.ing file and the only modules that would reside on root are ones you install which would not be upgraded if I had a kernel upgrade package. so you would have to upgrade them. The same things happens with Fedora.. say you go to ntfs on linux site and downlioad the RPM to install support. your reboot and you have ntfs support. you upgrade your kernel through up2date or yum your ntfs woudl stop working.. (this is diffrent since ntfs support is not part of the kernel) you would have to go get the rpm made for your new kernel. since
  17. if you are building a distro you have a boot device but you have no ideal where the user is going to put their root partition. you could write a scripts or part of the install program that changes the boot loader to point to hte installed root. but why .. this make it more simple.. IT really works well with thin clients where you have a kernel and a initrd.ing that is your root partition. this way you store these two files on a newtwork share and use DHCP to point to them .. and all systems can boot from one kernel and one initrd.ing. to upgrade you just replace the two files. and all of your
  18. if you call MS techsupport at $200 a call they will tell you to buy a new license and reinstall with that number. so save yoru self $200 and reinstall with a good number. and don't steal any more software.
  19. their are two ways of looking at it. why would a distrabution like Red Hat use it? why would you use it. the initrd.ing is stored at the same place your kernel is. it comtains al your modules.. and normaly you make everything a moduel if you use it. the advantage is you know where it is. you can load teh modules with out knowing where root is. great for live cd or install cd, or a PXE boot for thin clients. so Red Hat and gang (including me on my distro) use it because its a known location so the system can boot. the last thing that happens in a boot is the unmounting of initrd.ing and chang
  20. depends on your computer Bios.. will it boot from usb device or firewire device?? if so than yes
  21. "is this the same version I tried? Did you fully remove the harddrive installer, or just not reccomend people use it?" its almost the same .. no crossover office or MS office like the Proof of consecpt.. added some software. I hope I fixed some memory issues. The harddrive script is their and has been improved but I still don't like it.. I would sugesst people not install it on a system with windows or anything else for that matter. I don't trust my skills yet to say I know its will not mess up anything.. so why is it still their.. Well say you have vmware or a free system.. you would like
  22. try a program called prozilla.. http://prozilla.genesys.ro/ if you are using linux.. sorry I don't know any for windows.. as I don't use except for autocad and Visio
  23. right now its like Knoppix.. I am still working on the site. so if you have problems let me know. if you see typing errors also let me know.. Thanks for trying it out..
  24. "iccaros is right:-) The best way to make a computer run trouble free is to remove windows from it" I said that to a couple at compusa and the store clerk got really mad.. I told them they did not need Norton AV just put Linux on the box ..
  25. ?? their is only one .. one .iso and the other is the md5 hash so you can check to see if you have a good download.