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Everything posted by iccaros

  1. iccaros


    "it says the resources are low not sure wgat that means. my hdd is 4.8. and ive just installed another 128 of ram which gives me 200mgs of ram." That could also include bus bandwidth. if its a PII system you are limited on howmuch data can go over the bus system. that is not counted in a windows resource but it is in a linux system "would i be able to keep in touch with you linux people on my progress . and of course ile need your help." Yep
  2. I got it to compile after I was told that the user addition on a harddrive partition is hte same as noexec so I had to add exec to my fstab. as for you rproblem , I don't know why it will not open I imported all my adat HD24 wav files. and started mixing.. I need some plugins. I need a compresser at least. I can't figure out hwo to adjust effect yet but have only spen 5 min on it. your jackd problem I had but a pkill jackd fixed it. I think a script to start jackd then ardour then kill jackd after ardour is done woudl be best and I'll post it after I write it.
  3. iccaros


    ok I think I know what is going on. you boot the cd adn it startes the cd and says searching for atapi cdrom (or in english not BIOS speek looking for ide cdrom) are you booing this from a usb cdrom, if not is this cd rom the master drive on ide channel 2? does it give you a mandrake boot... in other words does it say something like mandrake 10.1 boot a lot of other stuff then boot: if not you may have a bad cd. (not drive but bad cd) if it boots to the boot: options after anouncing mandrake before launching the GUI then you may have two things .. it may be acpi (ACPI - Advanced Configurat
  4. iccaros


    what do you mean by "it dosent detect my cdrom" did the cdrom not boot, did you install but now see no cdrom any information would help
  5. if you are running mandrake the ardour site talks about a site with the rpms I could not get the source code to compile on my system. but I run gentoo so I just added hte package to my package.keywords. for the naem in portage and emerged ardour. It needs jack with is a sound server made for audio recodring. so before you can start the program you have to run jackd -d alsa then start the program. as for the other it comes with a binnary that gentoo can not run. (or my kernel can't run). but chech out the boards.. people running mandrake and suse have said it runs by adding some directorys. I c
  6. Ardour ---- is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to record, edit and mix multi-track audio. Produce your own CD's. Mix video soundtracks. Experiment with new ideas about music and sound. Generate sound installations for 12 speaker gallery shows. Have Fun. http://ardour.org/ This in is for tictoc5150 , I have been looking for this also as I have 2 adat hd24 trackrecoders and I need a mixdow base. http://www.skale.org/ another linux muti-track audio program. both of the above run on winders and linux with the first also being ported to Mac.
  7. iccaros

    Sshd Help

    Dec 8 02:35:38 [sshd] Failed password for illegal user test from port 4040 ssh2 Dec 8 02:35:43 [sshd] Failed password for illegal user guest from port 4111 ssh2 Dec 8 02:35:47 [sshd] Failed password for illegal user admin from port 4207 ssh2 Dec 8 02:35:51 [sshd] Failed password for illegal user admin from port 4310 ssh2 Dec 8 02:35:56 [sshd] Failed password for illegal user user from port 4401 ssh2 Dec 8 02:36:01 [sshd] Failed password for root from port 4512 ssh2 Dec 8 02:36:05 [sshd] Failed password f
  8. man will get you instructions on almost all commands (try man man) df -k will show you all mounted partitions find search tool grep find tool | or called pipe lets you redirect a command to another > redirect output to >> redirect output and append to cfdisk partition tool which shows path of a command emerge - Gentoo update and program install too apt advance package manager for debian and ported to Red Hat systems. echo put to aout put what ever follows cat show contence to standard output date show date and time and set date and time calander shows a calander yum package manag
  9. Kaffeine - MS media player replacement NVU - frontpage replacement wineX to play MS games crossover office to use things like quicktime and macromedia MX/Flash/swish and to add windows browser pluging to your linux web browser. VMware - instaed of dual booting, or you what to play with diffrent linux and solaris systems with out rebooting. Kdevelop insted of bloodshed or a windows programing ide Qcad for 2d cad work evolution email insted of outlook professional version the evolution connector is now opensource so you can use it with windows exchange servers K3B insted of any windows cd burni
  10. You're right of course iccaros I forgot initially where I was posting...........my bad:-) i don't really care. Its I knew people would be confused, even though I think 99% also run winders and the information is good for them to have. I would have posted it in both with the tag line in the linux forum , for all you cheeting windows using still stuck on outlook should be using linux people.. but that is me.. I don't have many friends... who use winders. ... anyways.
  11. iccaros


    Linspire contributed nearly a half million dollars to CodeWeavers, other 3rd-party developers, and our own in-house engineers to help get Microsoft Office to run on Linux with WINE. 100% of all the code we developed, as well as any code we've paid to have developed and continue to develop, was contributed back to the open source WINE tree. this is spine . they bought Crossover licenses and Codeweavers had MS office running before Linspire ever exsisted. and the lat part "100% of all the code we developed, as well as any code we've paid to have developed and continue to develop, was contribute
  12. iccaros


    AFAIK Lindows provides financial support to various projects. I've seen WINE, Mozilla, and Reiser4 mentioned specifically. Ah, here. yes after they got help with legal troubles from Microsoft. they inturn helped. as for the developors of wine they bought crossover for there OS. I don't see that as support as much as wanting good MS office compatability. I dislike Lindows will all I have in me. I don't like that they charge you for updates to free software. Even Red Hat the updates are free it the managment that cost you money. the RPM are relased on the cvs server. (I think they are source
  13. iccaros


    I can't get the link to download, I woudl recomend staying away from any "linux" distrobution that only has a pay version. first almost all linux distro have the same software and all linux distros have the same ability to run the same equipment. what right do they have in making it pay only when they did noting but put some software together that is free and come up with artwork.. they are not "open source" they are propitary in there ethics, and unless its the only choice for the job pick open. examples of how this could be done. red hat has fedora it gives away and if you need a enterpris
  14. " I got thunerbird on windows!" the point is not that you have it on widows, its good to have it on winders.. its that this is a linux board . my wife uses it on linux and windoers.. but it only only replaces outlook on winders.. we need some more topics,
  15. hitest, I think the quseten on poting this to a linux board is who is running outlook on linux? no twho is running thunderbird, I like thuderbird on winders inplace of outlook but unless someone is running crossover or wine thuderbird would not be a replacement for outlook on linux correct?
  16. I do at work under crossover office but its connected to exchange servers at work and thuderbird will not work. but this should go to the winders page.
  17. iccaros


    Thanks tictoc5150, tictoc5150 I'm trying to get it now, also I not blowing you off (tictoc51500 about the Cd I have finals at school and I have so much fixing from hitest adn other suggestions that I decided to setup a ftp server (really a sftp) and I'll send you a ipaddress and a key to put in your /home/user/.ssh folder to let you login. I have to finish these test and then test the server /firewall setting and then you'll havve access and add changes to any art if you like.
  18. iccaros


    can you point me to where you got a donwload with out paying for it? thanks
  19. iccaros


    I'll try it in vmware tonight to see what I can about its install process.
  20. iccaros


    took me 18 hours on my amdk6 300 mhz with 128 megs ram... slackware is really easy .though, put in the disk and say install all, then pick the kernel it has highlighted and yoru good to go.. the hardest part is making and formatting partitions, slackware is missing any of the partitioning stuff
  21. iccaros


    for a P2 your best bet is probaly slackware, gentoo or LFS but non are "easy" to install in a windows way. but all are easy to upkeep.
  22. iccaros

    Sshd Help

    I'm getting confused and need some help. I have a mythtv server setup in a diffrent state. This is for preperation for my move to germany so I can get the TV shows I watch and sftp them to me. I use mythweb to control what is recorded. I use ssh for all other work like transcoding video to mpeg 4 for transfer and system administration. that all works great. my problem. every day at about 20:00 someone tries to hack my ssh login. they are going in in the wrong dirrection now and every time I block the incomming address on my firewall down there but I belive they are ip spoofing as at 20:0
  23. iccaros

    Hp Or Ibm?

    as long as the HP site says "HP recomends Windows XP" even in there HP-UNIX boxes I would stick with IBM.
  24. if you think its annoying now try it on dual monitors..
  25. iccaros


    Linux still doesn't have write support for NTFS though. If you just need to access the partition(s) it's fine, otherwise FAT32 is your best bet. you can enable write support in the kernel .. but it may break it.. NTFS is a poor excuse for a FS.. I had a driver for winders that allowed it to read ext2,3 and reiserfs.. its beyond me why MS has decided not to support other filesystem. Its not liek they can't find out how they work like NTFS .