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Everything posted by iccaros

  1. ok what do I need to do to get this to post an image?/
  2. what ..Pay the french!!!!..... if it was for anything but linux,,,, I would....
  3. try a difffrent site.. I just donwloaded it yesterday.. so I think the site you are going to is being overran.. too many people are on it.. I live in DC and I get my best download rates from europe so the relative to your location is not that important.
  4. nope.. but thanks for the link.. if I have problems my way I'll look into it..
  5. did you have to do something special? if so please let me know and I'll fix it.. I am build the next version.. but it is probaly going to besed on gentoo. I have a booting version so far and now I am building adn removing things to get a good distro at cd size
  6. i'm taking it in collage to get my degree (yes Im the old 33 year old in class..) this has been one of the best book I have used for c++ c++ how to program I'm using the 4th addition.. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/external...=Mozilla-search great detail on why you do things.. and has you do things the long way first and then when you understand it gives you the short way and it easy to see what the short way is doing. and why you can do it.
  7. I installed xchat on the newest version.. but forgot tp put a short cut.. just open a comandline and type xchat.. I don't use IRC (at least not in 11 years..) so I am rusty on its use..
  8. nope I'm just dumb... trying to do too many things at once.. I read what he said.. and thought something diffrent..
  9. sorry confused.. long week if you build the linux version under cygwin.. you will need gtk as it gives a fail on dependacys when you do a ./config
  10. you would have to gtk for windows http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gimp-wi...up.zip?download as firefox and mozilla binarys for windows has gtk static compiled insted of dynamic
  11. yes ..you can even run kde in it.. its a little slow on some machines but its a cool factor. in anycase its always nice to hae a xserver... you can use it with ssh -X to control your remote boxes hae you seen this cd. http://xlivecd.indiana.edu/ its cygwin on a cd so you don't have to install it. just run it in windows (autorun)
  12. I don't know.. This is my first week in my c++ class.. I know bash, ASM, basic, some python so if you feel we need pointer I'll read up on it.. I am learning how C++ does arrays, when I made these things in Basic you would read data statments into a description array. so if you typed look the prigram would print $look (A,C)
  13. ya.. I also have a working vic 20, c64, c128 (with drives) also a tandy 100 (first laptop produced) and a tandy 101 adn a few diffrent trs-80 and the atari 800xl.. also for you to know, I will have a update to my linux this week.. not the 2.6 but its has a fully working gcc now on live cd.. I also added netscape as if I don't have netscape (or IE... doesent run well in linux ) my schools server takes me to an error page. I should of went to caollage when I was younger.. the 2.6 version is taking some time.. I have had a sussefull boot but then I added some SCSI modules and killed the entire
  14. sounds good.. I have been reading up on arrays.. I think I need some more study , but not much I have been also working on my linux disrtobution so its split time..
  15. I should have remembered this, but it took Groklaw to remind me.. this is a great guid for beginners to linux.. it even has training videos. http://www.tomshardware.com/howto/20040412/index.html
  16. you for got pkill to kill a process by name and add -HUP to p/kill it will kill and restart the process with the saem pid so other programs will not know it died..
  17. I think posting makes my brain work add () after clear_screen... and change if ( gradeCounter != -1 ) to if (gradeCounter != 0) I will learn this...
  18. ok .. I don't understand . I thought I would call it as a funcion.. am I missing something // This is a test program #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> void clear_screen() { #if defined WIN32 system("cls"); #elif defined UNIX system("clear"); #endif } using namespace std; int main () { int grade, total, gradeCounter; double average; total = 0; gradeCounter = 0; clear_screen; cout << "Enter Grade or -1 to finish "; cin >> grade; while ( grade != -1) { total += grade; ++gradeCounter
  19. so stupid.. my if should check gradeCounter not grade... man this language makes me feel stupid..
  20. // This is a test program #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () { int grade, total, gradeCounter; double average; total = 0; gradeCounter = 0; system ("clear"); cout << "Enter Grade or -1 to finish "; cin >> grade; while ( grade != -1) { total += grade; ++gradeCounter; cout << "Enter Grade or -1 to finish "; cin >> grade; } if ( grade != -1) { average = static_cast< double > ( total ) / gradeCounter; if ( a
  21. jcl, you said "cstdlib' contains the declaration of system()" but in my program // This is a test program #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespae std; int main () { init grade, total, gradeCounter; double average; system ("clear"); cout << "Enter Grade or -1 to finish"; cin >> grade while ( grade != -1) { total += grade; ++gradeCounter; } if ( grade != -1) { average = static_cast< double> (total) / gradeCounter; if ( average >= 60) cout << "you
  22. ok I follow.. I already have g++ foo.c -o foo so to add -DUNIX is no big deal... It bash script anyways enter program to be compiled.. exe name.. so on... I'm lazy and some time its easy to do ./compile foo.c and the bashscript does the rest.. so I could just add it to the script. I am happy I found the systme command as now my installer is makeing better progress..
  23. I have to agree.. Slackware is easy to use and isntall .. and a great distro.. so good I use it for the base of mine.. shanenin I follow the Gentoo part and the part about feeling like you were not sure you made the right choices at install.. I think distros should have at leats two diffrent installers.. Gentoo handbook is written wiht the understanding that they need to teach you and show you what to do.. Debian is written with the concept that you know what you are doing.. XP did one thing right in that they use an installer that gives the user no choices (except username,password stuff)
  24. hmm I don't follow.. XP is always standard until you install service pack what ever.. or driver what ever or program what ever then they have problem supporting.. Red hat will support all supported hardware the same as Microsoft.. In this case Dell supports Red Hat with this hardware.. I know they will not support you if you call and say .. hay I installed Gentoo and such and such does not work.... but then dell will support the hardware no matter the OS ( I have called on my laptop and I run Gentoo and once I proved to tech support it was hardware.. no problem they replaced it.) the problem