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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Hey Everyone, I know some people were interested in the forum subscriptions, however, with the poor economy and such it isn't on the top of your list of "must-have's". That being said, I decided I would lower price of the BestTechie Contributor subscription packages in an attempt to allow the people who wanted to become a subscriber do so for a lesser cost. The new pricing is as follows: BestTechie Contributor (Yearly): $14.95/year - save $10! BestTechie Contributor (Lifetime): $49.95/one time fee - save $15! All of the same features/functionality applies. I hope this allows more peo
  2. Just checked their website... only 90 (known) threats currently. B
  3. Interesting. I might check it out. I don't really see "true need" for myself at least as I was AV free on Windows for years, but then again, I'm not the "average user". B
  4. Awesome t0c! Glad to know it worked. Make sure you backup now - it'll save you the headache. One of the reasons I love OSX is Time Machine which literally makes backup a no-brainer. B
  5. I have an updated one (how to) here: It requires much less work and is much easier. B
  6. I've run 7 in both VM and via Boot Camp on my Mac Pro and I'm very impressed (as you can tell with my current writeup). I think it's solid and is really everything Vista should have been. We need to remember it's still beta, too. So it may not be completely optimized but it's definitely going in the right direction. I'm thinking when it's finally released I may replace my XP VM with it. Side note: the 64bit version had a few issues with Boot Camp, however, if you get the latest copy of Boot Camp drivers for x64 you should be fine. One last quick edit: I'm not a Windows Vista basher. I us
  7. I think it's a definitely what Microsoft had to do (and they did do it well). I wrote up an article here along with the video: Additionally, RAM / CPU usage is definitely much less and transferring files over a network and to/from external devices is much faster, too. B
  8. Interesting. Definitely something to keep an eye on. B
  9. It's great to see both you and tictoc back! I hope you guys are around more often now - we missed you! Happy new year! B
  10. Anyway, let's continue on with the discussion of excellent freeware. B
  11. Besttechie

    Os Wars

    Yeah, I don't think so. B
  12. Yeah, actually I was mocking you there. Sure. "Over 9000?!?" B
  13. Alright, since you want to play this game - I'll play for a little bit. By shape up I mean read and follow our terms of use - it's quite simple. If we feel you've broken it (which you have in the past numerous times) we're entitled to terminate your account. If you're able to follow the terms of use and not cause flame wars by all means stick around. As for banning you, I don't wake up in the morning and think I'm going to ban person X today. In fact, we've only banned one other member from this forum aside from you and spam bots. Just goes to show you how we don't abuse our power here.
  14. Obviously you do care, you came back. Seriously though, shape up or ship out. I'm letting you leave without being banned, if you really don't care. B
  15. Would you like a second goodbye? I meant what I said when I banned you last time. Keep it to yourself. B
  16. Nice. Those are awesome. B
  17. Well thanks, it was pretty silly. Welcome aboard! B
  18. Is there a point to posting this? Welcome... B
  19. Happy New Year! I wish everyone a great 2009! B
  20. Thanks for the recommendations isteve! I'll check that out. B
  21. Well, here is my plan: $60 for minutes (900 minutes / unlimited night and weekends + unlimited mobile to mobile) $30 for unlimited data (mandatory for the iPhone) $20 for text (unlimited text messages) ---- $110/month B