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Liz mentioned the MT St Helens 25th anniversary of blowing it's top, so thought I'd give you some websites for articles and videos of news coverage this week.

Ch 2 Mt St Helens anniversary coverage

Eruption Boom not heard in Portland but was heard further away and why.

Statistics except wrong one onColumbia River depth reduced to 14 not 41 feet

Small plane view of explosion and then survival flight out of harm's way

Resuers needing to be rescued

Desperate Campers Take Shelter From Devil's Snow

A Scientific Expedition to the Heart of Danger

This last one is what I was looking for in the first place for the Oregonian Special on Mount St Helens, has lots of stories etc. The online Oregonian is a hard thing to search, even with the paper in your hand with titles, dates, and authors. Sigh.

Oreognian Special on Mount St Helens

So hopefully these links will be of interest to some of you folks.

God bless everyone.

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Wow, Sidekickcat, it sounds like you had some pretty wild weather! Couple of years ago, we had "straight line winds" in May and November--150-200mph--(did they reach that far East, Bozodog?) and first time I brought the folkdancers to KY in 1996, the town got hit by a tornado. My God, what an awful sound wind can make, not to mention the horrific damage. I now hate wind warnings!!

Are (or were?!) your Rhodies blooming? Mine are still budded, hope the rain didn't knock all the petals off of yours. Rhodes are probably my favorite shrub. I've been doing the "death check" on my plants. Looks like quite a few didn't make it through the hard winter. Pretty sure I lost the Sweet William, a pink/blue hydrangea, one rose, the pincushion flowers and I think the hibiscus so far (they're lazy to poke out of the ground, but pretty sure its gone, its not suited for my zone during a mild winter!) More room to plant new things, I guess!! :)

We've had some "fun" with our town's tornado siren--it went off 3 times in a week during clear, calm weather (we never get tornadoes anyway due to Lake Michigan). The "experts" figured out that someone's radio signals in Wisconsin were travelling across Lake Michigan setting it off--and they couldn't turn it off, it kept "reactivating"--once it went on-off-on-off for 45 minutes. Someone hacked our tornado siren?!? Ok, who's the smartypants in Wisconsin?

Going to look at Sidekickcat's links now!


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Mac, you been visiting Wisconsin?

If it wasn't Mac then it was probably a friend of mine, Tommy Tipup. He's called that because he builds tilt wall buildings. He live just north of Green Bay. would that be in the right location to start the siren.

I'll email him ask if he did it.

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Good morning everyone..... :D

A fine morning it is here.....sunny and warm with no wind. Might head up to the lake today.

I got fresh coffee on and ready to make another omlet on toast....have a seat and enjoy.... :)

Have a good day.....take care. B)

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Went to the movies this morning about 1015 to see the new Star Wars, and OMG there was so many people waiting in line for the first showing. It sucks sometimes when you think you have a good idea of getting there early and finding out that you are late just like everyone else. But it wasn't to bad, and the movie was good... Enjoy the remainder of the weekend, Back to work i go (tomorrow), high-ho high-ho

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Mac, you been visiting Wisconsin?

If it wasn't Mac then it was probably a friend of mine, Tommy Tipup. He's called that because he builds tilt wall buildings. He live just north of Green Bay. would that be in the right location to start the siren.

I'll email him ask if he did it.

heh,heh, I thought of Mac, too, only he would use laser beams or wormholes instead of simple radio waves :P

Spent a beautiful weekend inside altering a "adopted teenager's" dress for graduation and today I'm taking my 80 year old friend to her hip doctor. All I want to do is go outside and play in the dirt! Gardens are sandboxes for grownups :)

Vile, I'll have to let the kids know the movie is good. I haven't watched any of the new ones but they have (in fact its been forever since I've been to the theatre, I just wait till they're on tv...).

Sidekickcat, still working on those links, they're amazing! Sure hope St. Helens stays calm and happy for a while.


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Hi everyone,

I sure would like a mug of hot coffee, thanks.

Nice to have some decent weather, and it is to continue for next week or two. Yeaaaaa!! Sure rained hard yesterday afternoon though, and Portland weather radar still doing it's off again, on again tricks. Probably will be ok now the good weather is back and no one needs to know what is going on storm-wise, but sure would have been handy to check out what was hitting us yesterday afternoon.

Hubby mowed and edged, and I pruned lower sucker growth off the professionally (?) badly pruned (a year ago) flowering plums at the neighbors. I hate it when trees are beheaded (topped), and all that is left is a badly shaped tree that will never recover it's former glory. If people want short trees, they should plant bushes instead!!! Sorry for the rant, but those trees used to be beautiful, and now are just growing pieces of junk.

So much work over there that hubby and I didn't get to any of our yard yet. He said he's to tired now to tackle ours, me too! I think we are getting to old for all this yard work, especially when it gets ahead of us due to all the rains.

Had the car down at the neighborhood garage, been worrying about intermittant oil and antifreeze leaks, so the expensive answer is tear engine apart (or take it out???) I guess, to fix the main bearing (crankcase???) gasket, and put in a new fuel pump (yikes! I should have said WATER pump and replace its bad current gasket), plus the cost of renting a car for the time the car is in the shop. At least I think that is what the mechanic/owner of shop and my hubby told me was wrong. Being a 1990 Subaru Justy, it is a tight fit for everything, so nothing is ever simple in repairing it, or cheap for parts and labor. Our long time mechanic friend says it would be cheaper to just keep adding oil and antifreeze, until it gets worse, then go ahead and bite the bullet to buy that new Subaru we have talked about for several years now, rather than pour alot of money into such an old car. Especially if he found other things wrong once he got into the job. So the end is in site for our little gas saver (35+mpg). Let's see, it is 15 years old with about 130,000 miles (I think) on it, has been "totaled" by insurance company after someone rear-ended it a few years back, still efficient at gas use and passes DEQ easily, and due to its being a "totaled" car the insurance is half what a new car's insurance will cost, and best of all it's paid for. So back to original plan drive it til it dies! Sigh!!! A new car will dent the savings account for sure.

Liz, could the tornado warning be on same frequency as some ship on the lake? I think you said you are near Lake Michigan, so got to thinking maybe some of the cargo ships could have new equipment on same frequency. Or even a train signal gone haywire? Here in the Portland area, they are shuffling train engines and switching box cars without any engineer in the cab, all electronically controlled... that is if someone is actually at the computer controlling it instead of letting them wander down the tracks, and across roads, with no one controlling it..., as has already happened and no one even knew it was traveling on its own. So maybe something like that is on same frequency as your tornado warning signal? They had better find out what it is, or change the frequency of signal, before it calls wolf to many times as my hubby said when I told him about it.

Gee I am glad you like the links to the Mount St Helens stuff. Maybe I should have posted them as a seperate thread??? Oh well, I guess people will just have to come visit the cafe' to get them!

As for the rhodies, most are ok except the old-fashioned huge bush with huge pink flowers is ruined, it was full bloom when those heavy rains and hail hit. And because it was so massed with flowers, they just turned into a huge rotted brown mess, including side growth for next years shoots. Was planning to prune it back about a third anyhow after it was done blooming, but had hoped to enjoy the blooms first. Wont get many next year that's for sure. The yellow roses were hard hit again, but Joseph's coat ones not as bad as last time. My white old-fashioned climbing roses were protected from rain and hail by eaves, but then hubby washed windows yesterday so those bushes are drooping, but should spring back with sunny weather I hope, as they are just starting to bloom.

The only thing I came close to losing this winter due to that one snow/ice weekend was my Jackamani clematis, it only has one or two shoots on it and only a couple of inches high so far. First year it has had any trouble, probably due to mild winter weather and early growth, then ice/snow hit it plus some frosty nights this spring.

So that's about all the news that is news from this neck of the woods.

Did some corrective editing on car stuff...sorry for errors!

God bless everyone.

Edited by thesidekickcat
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Sidekickcat, what a good neighbor you and Hubby are!!! Especially putting the neighbor's yard before your own.

For the Subaru, I agree, drive it till it dies, except for the coolant thing, you might want to investigate that since I think coolant's corrosive and could spring a major leak and strand you--BUT, the car experts (Mac, Vile,Pierce and others have had quite the cartalk "on the web") could really set you straight. Son's Saturn burns a qt of oil a week (because it's a Saturn!) and we just check it every Friday--the gas mileage offsets the 2 bucks for oil!

The city decided to turn off our "possessed tornado siren" for 2 weeks to try to fix it--luckily we live in a tornado-rare area, but I feel sorry for the folks who raced down to their basements when it was going off, instead of checking for warnings on the television--most of all the Senior Citizens who could break a hip managing the stairs! The boat idea is a good idea, we get big freighters on Lake MI, it sure could happen--wonder if the "experts" thought of it?

Come to think of it, I think I lost my clematis, too, didn't notice it growing, although it's only 2 years old and struggled last year with no blooms--did "everything by the book" when I planted it, but it didn't like my yard, I guess!! I try to plant one "experiment" every year and the clematis was one.

*!!!!!!* Speaking of "by the book", every gardener should check out "365 Days of Gardening" by Christine Allison, and anything by Ruth Stout--hopefully they're at your library. They both are very informative and written in an "Erma Bombeck Style", so easy to read on those rainy days!

Hey RV and Bozodog, how were your lakeside weekends? Where did you go? Right now we don't dare leave for a weekend--teenagers with an empty house?? Are you kidding??? I love 'em, but don't trust 'em, as we had "Harday Partays" when my folks left overnight, but someday they'll be gone...... ;)


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Hi Liz.....

For us the kids are gone now (2 daughters)....just the two of us home alone....hahaha. We call it dating again not the empty nest syndrome ( altough we did go through it some)....a little more on the wife's side. So yes it's quiet alright, but I do miss the loud stereo's, waiting in line for showers, waiting up late nights, late night phone calls....I need the car....etc. etc. It all went to fast...heh.

So robroy and Liz....take it all in while you

We also celebrated our 28yr. anniversary on Sat. So it was a special weekend.

Weekend was great at the lake. Met up with friends at their cottage (well to me it looks more like a home). Water is still pretty cool but had a nice warm sunny day which made sitting at the beach tolerable (add a few sips of wine... :rolleyes: )

Us guys thought we would cook dinner which was chicken (soaked in wine... :rolleyes: )

A good hearty salad (which I'm still thinking my co cook added had a funny but good taste to it...hmmm :unsure: ) And some kind of potato something (we kinda maybe screwed something up on the recipe )...but it was ok.

All went well...had a lot of laughs and a good time.

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For the Subaru, I agree, drive it till it dies, except for the coolant thing, you might want to investigate that since I think coolant's corrosive and could spring a major leak and strand you--BUT, the car experts (Mac, Vile,Pierce and others have had quite the cartalk "on the web") could really set you straight.

i'm no repair expert, i'm just really really good at breaking them, so i'm always fixing em' all the time. ;):D

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Right there with MAC, although i am no expert, i have crashed lots of engines and rebuilt serveral more. I have also lots of experience with building turbo systems and supercharger installs and everything from 3 cyclinder Geo's to V-12 Mercedes, you would be surprised the are my passion, but computers are my is a hard balance...but i love to talk about both of them...

With your Saturn LIZ, just your filter for a leak, it is just a matter of looking under the hood or under the car at the filter and checking (of course when the engine is cold) the seal on it. If it has a crusted burnt feel it is the filter. It is doesn't, it could be a line (oil line) to chambers in the it a heavily driven car, meaning...does he drive the shizzzle out of it? I would have to double check, but if the Sparkplugs are easily accessible, pop one out and see if there is any type of oil or fuel build up...that would lead to excessive burning of both...

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With your Saturn LIZ, just your filter for a leak, it is just a matter of looking under the hood or under the car at the filter and checking (of course when the engine is cold) the seal on it.  If it has a crusted burnt feel it is the filter.  It is doesn't, it could be a line (oil line) to chambers in the it a heavily driven car, meaning...does he drive the shizzzle out of it?  I would have to double check, but if the Sparkplugs are easily accessible, pop one out and see if there is any type of oil or fuel build up...that would lead to excessive burning of both...

Hi Vile,

From what I have read and been told (even from the dealership mechanic!), the oil thing is a glitch with the "early model Saturns", which has since been fixed in the later models--and adding to that yes, he does drive the shizzle out of it and it has 190,000 miles on it! Bought it in 2001 for $2500 as a "grocery getter" for me, then sold it to Son (we're Mean Old Parents who don't buy their kids new cars when they start driving!!)---I'm surprised the car has lasted this long--I AM going to have the boys check that stuff, though!! For some reason, Son's friends happily do any "chore" I ask them--it must be because I feed them ;) Thanks!

RV, glad you had a great weekend and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Maybe the Potato Something got screwed up because someone added wine to it?? ;) To quote Julia Childs, "More Sherry!!" With the kids, I think all that noise is the main reason I don't mind having "the gang" at the house--I do love it,.... most of the time!


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If you knew me and my friends...we would rebuild your house and your cars if you were to feed is almost like a disease...LOL

Of all the things that taste the best with could create the most delicate taste. Italian people got that write with the pasta's and bread...soak a little bit in wine and cook to mouth is watering, gotta hit the lunchbox now...LOL

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Hi folks,

Maybe Chappy and Beluga need to start a special car section for all of us?

Oh before I forget it, I went back and edited some mistakes in car part of my post yesterday. It should have said Water pump not fuel pump. I'm hoping everyone knew that's what I meant to say when I said antifreeze leak. Actually hubby says mechanic said it was the gasket for water pump going bad.

Yes I am more concerned about that then the oil leak. But softie me, more worried about an animal getting into the antifreeze that leaks on the pavement where we park, then of the pump failing completely. Antifreeze is so deadly, yet tastes sweet to an animal I've been told. Seems they could make it taste bad, sort of like the gas company adding a bad sulfur smell to natural gas/propane. Anyhow that is my worry...the neighborhood animals. So hubby says he will watch it closely and clean it up. As for adding oil, he says it isn't bad yet, about half a can or so for the nearly 350 miles a week. Sometimes quite a bit more, sometimes less, as it is intermittant leak.

Happy Anniversary to RV and his wife. Sounds like a nice weekend celebration.

Liz, now you mention it, I can hear Julia Child saying add a little more sherry! What a great personality she had and what a career, from being a WWW2 spy, to chef, to cooking show personality on tv. A life well lived.

My favorite tip from her, was from one of her early columns in McCalls magazine.

How to degas beans. Most people don't know you can take most of the gaseous qualities out of dried beans before you cook them. Here's how.

Use a large kettle, put in your measured amount of dried beans, add lots of water, bring to a boil on stove, let boil ten minutes, pour off water, rinse, put beans back in kettle, add lots of water, bring to a boil. Turn off burner, let soak for hours even overnight. Drain and rinse. Proceed to cook for your normal recipe except the cooking time will be a bit shorter. I also will do several batches ahead of time and freeze them to use when I don't want to do the whole process. People who can't normally eat beans because of the gas problems, should be ok if they do them this way. I only heard Julia mention it once, besides the McCalls column. Such a wonderful solution should have gotten more publicity.

Ruth Stout, was she from Vermont? Can't quite remember if she is half of the couple I'm thinking of that did so many books on back to the land organic gardening in the 70's. The name rings a bell though. I should go in and check my bookshelves to see if I have any of them in my gardening collection. Trouble is, it is so hard to get to those bookshelves, due to all the boxes in front of them filled with Mother Earth News, nearly all 30+ years of them though some early ones are reprints, and Organic Gardening when mag was small size, some even dating to 40's. I keep nagging at hubby to help me get them ready to take over to Powell's book store to sell, but he isn't to cooperative. I am sure I could sell them but would rather do a trade. Haven't been there in years but they used to have a trade system (not 1 for 1 but better than selling them and buying new to me stuff. Powell's is world famous, even a Portland tourist attraction, as the nation's biggest (I think) privately owned gigantic used/new bookstore, and they also sell books online.

So one of these days I will get him to finally take me and the magazines over there.

I think he is afraid I'll spend the day there as I've done so many other times when I have said just give me an hour, and then later said well how about another hour or two, and then it ends up an all day deal!!! ooooops! The place is so huge you need a map, and is bigger than most libraries. Back in the day when I was able to do the bus thing, I'd go down and spend hours at a tiny bookstore, then hike many blocks over to Powell's then when my stomach let me know it was late, I'd call home and say I'm on my way. Had a luggage type bag on wheels for all my book bargains. Sure would be stuffed and heavy to cart on and off the buses. I'd be dead tired, and sore, when I got home, but so happy with my new treasures. Hubby would just glare, and say where are you going to put anymore books? Ah yes, but who thinks of that when they find so many good book bargains? I not only need more book shelves, I need a bigger house!!! :rolleyes:

Guess I'd better start thinking about what to cook for dinner. I don't mind cooking, even enjoy it at times, but hate trying to figure out what to have using whatever is on hand!!! :rolleyes:

God bless everyone.

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Hi Sidekickcat,

I'm positive that Ruth Stout was from Vermont, or New England anyways!. I'd check, but I lent my book to a friend over a year ago--she must really like it :) She was one of the "pioneer mulchers". One of her best tips was to bury kitchen garbage (no meat!) between the plants in the vegetable garden, for folks who didn't have room or the desire for a compost pile. In my 365 Days book, she's quoted (I have it bookmarked for a Calligraphy piece I'm going to of these days!)

"No poet I've heard of has written an ode to a load of manure. Somebody should, and I'm not trying to be funny." Ruth Stout

Aint that the truth!

Powell's sure sounds like a fantastic place!! I try to make it a point to stay away from bookstores, or I would never get anything done around here. I love to read, especially gardening and home improvement stuff. And the small OG magazines were a lot better than the "modern versions", weren't they??

Which reminds me, has anyone read "The DiVinci Code"? My mom borrowed a copy from the library and brought it over for me to read--she said I would love it because of the Art History (my college minor--Leonardo and Michelangelo are my heroes) and said she couldn't put it down. She is a devout Christian, but said that even though it is fiction, a lot of points brought up in the book made sense. Can't remember the last time I read a book that wasn't a "manual" :lol:


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Hi folks,

Maybe Chappy and Beluga need to start a special car section for all of us?

0oooo! another section that Vile and i can have almost all to ourselves. he he :D

you know now that i think of it i've got two sections now that i'm pretty much the only one in. any suggestions of what i can do with all that extra space in BestTechie. so far it's just storage but maybe a library would be a good idea.

blim i haven't read the DiVinci Code but i have a friend that has and he said that he couldn't put it down.

happy anniversary to RV and his wife.

Edited by macmarauder
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Talking about Cars is almost as consistent as talking about computers...a everyday task...Speaking of both, my brother is introducing the linux kernel to his car computer for diagnostic checks and sensor monitoring....He drives a EvoRS (the evo-8 but not the looks) and with these check's he'll be able to adjust boost pressure and his wastegate with simple keys on his laptop in the car instead of paying $200 or more for regulators and controllers...i can't wait until he is done.

You guys are talking about the Di'Vinci Code as if it is something of a diary. I have heard of it, but never known anyone that has read it or had it in their possession...can you give me just a rough sketch of what the book is about? I am interested in knowing if i should order it on the internet or not...

Also MAC i have some more information about the, quote, Active Directory, unquote, inside of the MAC OS soon as i get back to my home office, i'll post it in the forum (if nothing else should

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Hi Vile,

First of all, don't buy the book, get it from the library for free (wasn't sure which method of ordering on the internet you were talking about--I know some library systems let you order on the net)

From what I understand, (but haven't read it yet!) the DaVinci Code has to do with hidden symbols in Renaissance works of art (like the person to the right of Jesus Christ in Davinci's Last Supper that is "supposed" to be John, but sure looks like a girl--perhaps Mary Magdeline--I ALWAYS thought it was Mary M, to the dismay of my professors.) and the Holy Grail. We have always known the Holy Grail as a cup that held Christ's Blood (and a great Monty Python movie!) but the author suggests that it is actually Christ's and Mary M.'s bloodline--that they were married and had children (which in those days, marriage was expected, it would have been unheard of for a 33 year old Jewish man to be single--so it does make some sense)

The thing that is to be stressed is that DaVinci Code is a FICTIONAL book--not proven! But I guess the theories are pretty interesting. The Bible has been translated so many times and interpreted in so many ways--we got into some hum-dinger discussions in the Middle/High School Sunday School Class that I taught!! Guess that's why it's still the best selling Book in the world and still the topic of debate and wonder!


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Thanks for the updated information LIZ. I usually do all my shopping online for everything except food...because i feel it is easier that way, unless i need some new clothes...

I'll hit up my local library and see what they have on the Di'Vinci code, sounds interesting. Anything that has a obscurity from the obvious i am always up for. I kinda have a few theories, although i don't think i could get anyone to believe me or even understand what i am saying, but I still write them down in my journals just to see what it would say a year from now, or even longer down the road.

Any one seen the breakfast cart...i think i miss place my bag of goodies...i need a replacement...

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Fresh Doughnuts!!! Yum Yum!!!

May I have a sugar doughnut, and a mug of coffee, please? Thanks!!

Sitting in front of an air conditioner this afternoon, as temperatures climb to the low to mid 90's today, same predicted for tomorrow. I am not even acclimatized (is that a word?) to the high 70's yet, let alone the 90's. after all the cold rainy days we've had. I think that is why I was so groggy yesterday as this heat wave started, "only" 84 yesterday.

The high temperatures in the desert SW are sure moving up to the NW. Luckily the high should break down and let some marine air come in off the ocean by the weekend to bring temps down to normal 70's.

Stay cool folks.

God bless everyone.

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Takes a jelly filled one, "thanks Mac"

Today made it to 70 here, first day this week without rain, calling for more rain every day through next Thursday. Sounds like we have the north west area weather here in the Mid Atlantic. You are welcome to have it back

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Today made it to 70 here, first day this week without rain, calling for more rain every day through next Thursday. Sounds like we have the north west area weather here in the Mid Atlantic. You are welcome to have it back

Same here in Virginia. Rain and temps way below normal, just 70 today. Tomorrow may get to 75-80. I'll believe it when I see it. I haven't had my sweatshirt off yet, too cool. It should be about 80 by now. It has been around 50 to 60 degrees all month.

Enjoy cold weather when it's suppose to be, but enough already. It's almost June.

Barb :rolleyes:

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