Congrats To Me!

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Hey Everyone,

I don't think I made this a public announcement (though some of you know about it), but I figured I'd let you all know...

For the past few weeks I've been campaigning - I've been running for school president. On Wednesday, the speeches were made I went last (how much better does that get, for once my last name pays off - it starts with W :lol: ) Anyway, they announced my name the place literally went crazy, everyone was screaming "Jeff!!!!"

"Vote Jeff!!!!" so I felt pretty confident going up there. I started off a little shaky but towards the middle I got into my flow and I was awesome.

Little background details ... I got a bunch of my friends to run with me and we started our own party called the Goat Party (of course the goat is our party animal) and we all briefly plugged each other in our speeches and at the end of our speeches would say 'Vote Goat!' we even put out flyer's on people's desks. Long story short, the goat party swept the election and now we're all in office and are going to work together to get things done unlike other student governments where no one really likes each other or don't get along, we will.

So yeah, some of the students actually came up to me and told me that my speech was the best - that made me smile. So here I stand. Mr. President of my school! :D


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Congratulations Jeff on the start of your brand new long career in politics!!!

From small beginnings come big things!!!

As for the 'goat party', if necessary in order to get things accomplished remember you can butt heads with those who stubbornly want to do nothing to change the status quo.

Have fun too.


God bless everyone

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congrats mr president

next step

the white house

wished i lived there ide vote for you

i always new you were heading for the big time

i hope you used some of the phrases we send to

the board in your speach ha ha ha

again congrats


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congratulations mr. president!!!

(walks in to the school and plomps down in the principals chair and tosses dirty feet ontop the desk while getting a weird look from the secretary)

it's ok i know the president, he's my buddy :D

(calls up Jeff on from the principals desk)

hey Jeff! your the kind of president that can do pardons, right? well i made a few little big mistakes and i might need 1 of those. :D :D :D :D

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