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Everything posted by macmarauder

  1. WOW he gets his birthday twice in one year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  2. macmarauder

    Fido Puzzle

    LOL (impression of Mr. Burns) "excellent, everything going according to plan"
  3. only one comment comes to mind right now. "I LIKE BIG BUT AND I CAN NOT LIE!" "I LIKE BIG BUT AND I CAN NOT LIE!" "I LIKE BIG BUT AND I CAN NOT LIE!" "I LIKE BIG BUT AND I CAN NOT LIE!" ok so it's fake, but she still looks hot at that size. but then again i'm a bad judge some times.
  5. loved one --------------- when your in bed sick
  6. i am a long long long time Mac user, been a Unix and Linux user for a couple of years, and i have always played around with windows to help friends when things went bust for them. my opintion has always been that all three of these were very different in a lot of ways. one of the biggest ones is that they are made for different types of people and uses. Trying to find a mix of User Friendlyness, Control over your system, Relieability, Speed, Power, Security, ect. ect. ect. you get the idea. finding a good mix is not easy. to get more of one you have to sacrafice some of another. don't listen t
  7. mirror space station ------------- yes yes yes, a space station, but can it pick up payper view?
  8. i think i've giving about 100 gmails to them and they stopped taking mine a while ago too. i'll try again though.
  9. (while under M$ mind control) the download went fine for me. you must need to run MS update. set it for MindControlProg.exe then sit and watch it for an hour.
  10. i really and truly am sorry for your loss. i've lost a lot myself. i know that there's nothing i can say to help fill the great void. i helped my to think that my loved ones where in a better place and can finally rest and relax. no more troubles and no more worries. no more working and no more IRS. no more teachers dirty looks. they can finally take the ultimate vacation and for fill thier dreams.
  11. HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. here's a silly thought. imagine if M$ bought google and infested the main gmail server with borg nanites. i could so easily see gmail becoming a giant blog of computers asimilating all technology and conqering the world. something like in Akira or the traper keeper episode of south park.
  13. i miss her too buddy. i don't know where she is or what she is doing but i hope that she is alright. not to give up on her but if she's gone for good i imagine her floating on a cloud of those smiles she loved. Hi macmarauder, That's a nice way of putting it, buddy I'd like to think that if chinawht is gone she is in peace. I know she was very ill months ago. I just wish I knew what happened. One of the mysteries of life. food for thought: just a little something that came to mind. some people believe that our loved ones can see us from above. if so than can she see us talking about
  14. (loud evil laugh) Mmmmaaahhhaaaaaaa! Mmmmaaahhhaaaaaaa! Mmmmaaahhhaaaaaaa! after enabling pop mail with my gmail, hotmail, and earthlink accounts i now have 10gigs of email space right on my desktop through a widget. Mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!
  15. i miss her too buddy. i don't know where she is or what she is doing but i hope that she is alright. not to give up on her but if she's gone for good i imagine her floating on a cloud of those smiles she loved.
  16. Ooooooo! i did not know thaaat. goodie! goodie! goodie!
  17. i've spent about 30 minutes trying to think of a joke about this while surfing around. but alas i can't find anything funny about this crap. all i can say is that i wish it wasn't true , but i've seen this kind of control from internet cults before. not quite to this extent but control non the less. it's just like manson and others they are like mind control leaches. they prey on the lonley outcasts and give them a little hope and love. then they tell them that it'll be better this way.