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Everything posted by macmarauder

  1. AAHHHHHH my eyes! now i've got a headache too.
  2. i don't know exactly, i did the whole middle of no where's thing and great and used grandpas "special Medicine" and saw mine but i don't know what it is. sometimes you can see them and just not know what animal it is, or it might even be an animal that's been extinct for a millions of year. yes you can actually have a dinosaur for a spirit animal. the Chinese for example have a huge fascination with dragons and that can be their spirit animal and a dragon is very dinosaur like. so your spirit guide can even take the form of mythical creature. when i saw mine he looked like a mix between a pers
  3. sorry, but if your expecting to just spend a minute taking a survey or test or something that just won't find your spirit guide. here's an easy journey guide that i found. here's a place to help you interpret your dreams here's a good place for info on your animal
  4. what's your power animal? i'm part Cherokee Indian, not that it shows. the Indians believed in spirits in the form of animals would help guide them through life and that everyone has a special connection to a particular animal. usually based on your personality sharing similarities with that animals characteristics. usually we're supposed to go on a spiritual journey physically and mentally with the use of the elders "special medicine". i went on mine. i was just wandering if anybody here knows or thinks they know what their animal is? or just what animal you think best matches with you?
  5. psssst. why are we whispering? over and out, psssst!
  6. i came across this.
  7. (slaps forehead) (has nothing to say except) Jeeeeeff!!! the women are messing with me again! ohhhhh nooooooo. are those christmas decorations i see? just leave it to women to take over my area by decorating and filling it with pie.
  8. i'm afraid that this creep probably would just ignore it anyways.
  9. as the car guy here i guess i should finally post about it. plain and simple, she's an idiot and didn't concentrate, and drove off the road. then this crap came out, cause it couldn't be her fault . the car does not increase speed, but you can hydroplane out of control with cruise control on. there is nothing to turn off the cruise in most cars for hydroplaning. she probably slammed on her brakes when it was too late causing the brakes to lock up. and yes even with antilock brakes they can still lock up on almost any car. especially with enough water to hydroplane. the part about the car incr
  10. i'll send you some of mine, we got plenty today. now where's a box (goes to look for a box to ship it in)
  11. there you go all locked back up. just let us know if we can do anything else guys.
  12. nope it's all Matts fault, he did it all. i jsut sent the idea to him in his dreams. sure i had to cancel the commercial in his head but everything turned out nicely.
  13. oh don't thanks me, i didn't do it, Matt did. thanks Matt.
  14. (sits in the comfy chair) awwwwwww comfy, now i just have to shape it to my person. moves around in chair to shape the cushion to fit posterior.
  15. what is your favorite taste in the world? it doesn't even have to be food. pumpkin pie? apple cinnamon? what? mine is jello mix, before you put it in the fridge to cool down. seriously. it's the best thing in the world to my nose and taste buds.
  16. i'm doing some research for something. it's about internet celebrities. i don't mean celebrities on the internet but people that are becoming well known through the use of the internet. for a local example Chappy, because he was such a well respected Mod at TechTv and G4 he is pretty well known in that internet circle. or those guys that are famous for the Bush Flash animation, i forget the name but i think you know which one i mean. or that kid who pretended to be a jedi and he had his 15 minutes of fame when people added lightsaber effects for him. if anyone has any stories about such peopl
  17. geesheeyyeess what the heck is wrong with sony these days? it just keeps getting worse and i'm counting on them to continue to kick the crap out of the Xbox for me.
  18. ohhh and for those who might be worried about it. you only give out your zip code and it places you kinda in the middle of that. so no one can see your address on that site.
  19. a getting to know you section. we've got a bunch of threads for that kind of thing but they fall victims to the woas of second pagedom. i can personally think of 10 new threads of the top of my head. all of which are fun. the About U thread just isn't enough, i think. but that's just me.
  20. (tracks him down and proceeds to digitally beat the crap out of him) (censored to the kiddies) (censored to the kiddies) (censored to the kiddies) (censored to the kiddies) (body slam) (censored to the kiddies) (stuffs his head in the censored to the kiddies) (oh! OH! ouweey, that's gota hurt) (censored to the kiddies) (censored to the kiddies) . .
  21. i had the same idea a long time ago but couldn't find a place for it. thanks Matt it's perfect.
  22. i think that one that we're seeing now is her regular one, not the new one that she is trying to use.
  23. hmmm every thing seems to be working. it might be the formatting, try reformatting it, to like a jpeg for example. also i think there's a limit on file size. why don't we do this. i'll PM you my with my BestTechie Mod Email and you can send it to me. i'm pretty good at compression and formatting. or if your already hosting it with photobucket or something just post a link for me.
  24. i hate ear aches! one time when i was a kid i had a mild one and still went to school, i got in trouble for something, i don't remember what for but this teacher would grab kids by the ear and drag them to the office. when she went to grab me and take me to the office she grabbed me by the ear with the infection and it hurt so bad. hope you feel better soon thesidekickcat. so for now here's a funny looking hat to keep your ears warm. Fuzzy Hat