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Everything posted by hitest

  1. My first thoughts.......this morning "What day is it?! Thank GAWD it is Saturday" Working on my third cup of java. All is well:-)
  2. I'm curious:) Did Yellow Dog work on your dual 867?
  3. A very happy birthday, Pat and Rmurphy:-)
  4. Yeah, especially when I log-in to ebay or my wife goes shopping at amazon.com.
  5. Very cool, man! Tech forums have saved my butt on numerous occasions as well. The power of a community is a wonderful thing!
  6. Hi MARK! Welcome to besttechie.net, the best site on the Internet:-) hitest
  7. Hey, my friend, sorry I'm late to your birthday. I hope your day was grand. I echo what Liz says, we miss you, buddy:)
  8. I also do tech support at the school where I work. I'm an elementary school teacher. I can talk to one or two people about tech as they're part of the school district IT team, but, I never talk tech with my co-workers. Like you said t0c, isteve if I mention things I'm excited about like Linux, FOSS I get the inevitable glassy-eyed stare, deer_in_the_headlights look. I don't really blame them for not being interested as I know my obsession with this stuff is a bit odd. I met our new IT Administrator the other day and he knows everything: I thoroughly enjoyed chatting to him about Linux, n
  9. In the area of Linux/Unix I've compiled a list of resources, links that I use. My Linux Stuff may be useful to some users. My Linux Stuff
  10. On a related note. Grim times for US auto makers:( Linkage
  11. My wife runs Debian 5.0 on her PC, it is very stable. Debian 5.0 released!! http://www.debian.org/
  12. Agreed. Then the US will know who they're dealing with.
  13. He has as much influence as the Grand Ayatollah gives him. You raise an interesting point, jcl. However, Ahmadinijad is the face of the government that the US will negotiate with. I suspect if Ahmadinijad is in favour he will be given a longer leash.
  14. Granted the Dems take some of the hit with this mess. The buck still stops with the President, he can change the economic course if things are going awry. The GOP policy of letting the market find its own way was flawed, even Greenspan admitted as much. Predatory lending helped to fuel the collapse. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/24/business...24panel.html?hp Also, spending 8-9 billion every month on Iraq doesn't help a lagging economy. The US has spent almost 600 billion on Iraq to date. http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar_home
  15. Yep, Yellow Dog is still around:-) Looks cool. I'll give it a try some time at work if I can find an old mac. http://us.fixstars.com/products/ydl/
  16. A very happy birthday to you, iccaros:) Enjoy yourself!!
  17. Call it by any name you wish (de-regulation, increased demand). The bottom line is this could have been avoided if stiffer criteria for lending was in place. This happened on Bush's watch. More oversight could have prevented this lending nightmare.
  18. That would be awesome:) In addition however, I do think that some money needs to be spent on upgrading infrastructure, highways.
  19. "A new report from the nonpartisan (but now largely populated by Democrats) Congressional Budget Office. The CBO analysis indicates that, in the long haul, both the House and Senate versions of the “stimulus†bill would result in such an increase in government debt that private investment would be “crowd(ed) out.†“[Our] basic assumption is that, in the long run, each dollar of additional debt crowds out about a third of a dollar’s worth of private domestic capital,†the CBO analysts wrote. This would lead to a lower Gross Domestic Product during the next decade than if the gover
  20. That is my fear as well. I guess the rationale is that a good kick start to the economy will start to move things in a positive direction generating capital as businesses gain more confidence, and the credit market opens up. Alternatively, can Obama afford to sit around and do nothing as things spiral lower? This is a tough spot for the President.
  21. Hasn't some of the pork been cut away from the package? I think that is how Obama is now close to a deal with the bill due to moderate senators cutting away some of the fat. I think the package is now lower than a trillion. Anyway whatever the size of the package it looks like this is the way forward. On an unrelated note I like the tone that VP Biden is setting with Europe and Russia. I am hopeful that Obama's reset button will work in establishing meaningful relationships with oversea partners. Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq will be huge challenges for the new President. Interesting times